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Applied Regression Including Computing and Graphics – Sanford Weisberg

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A step-by-step guide to computing and graphics in regression analysis In this unique book, leading statisticians Dennis Cook and Sanford Weisberg expertly blend regression fundamentals and cutting-edge graphical techniques. They combine and up- date most of the material from their widely used earlier work, An Introduction to Regression Graphics, and Weisberg's Applied Linear Regression; incorporate the latest in statistical graphics, computing, and regression models; and wind up with a modern, fully integrated approach to one of the most important tools of data analysis. In 23 concise, easy-to-digest chapters, the authors present:? A wealth of simple 2D and 3D graphical techniques, helping visualize results through graphs * An improved version of the user-friendly Arc software, which lets readers promptly implement new ideas * Complete coverage of regression models, including logistic regression and generalized linear models * More than 300 figures, easily reproducible on the computer * Numerous examples and problems based on real data * A companion Web site featuring free software and advice, available at atics Accessible, self-contained, and fully referenced, Applied Regression Including Computing and Graphics assumes only a first course in basic statistical methods and provides a bona fide user manual for the Arc software. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning how to analyze regression problems with confidence and depth.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470317785

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