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The Night Before Christmas: Naughty Christmas Nights / The Nightshift Before Christmas / 'Twas the Week Before Christmas
The Night Before Christmas: Naughty Christmas Nights / The Nightshift Before Christmas / 'Twas the Week Before Christmas
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The Night Before Christmas: Naughty Christmas Nights / The Nightshift Before Christmas / 'Twas the Week Before Christmas

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So took, she did.

She nipped at his lower lip, then soothed the flesh with her tongue. Her fingers made quick work of the knot of his tie, tossing the fabric aside so she could get to his buttons. Then, oh baby, flesh.

She whimpered a little when her hands found bare skin.

He felt so good.

She was so focused on his body, on discovering every little delicious bit of it, that she barely noticed how busy he was.

Not until cool air hit the naked skin of her thighs.

He’d unzipped her skirt, so it fell to the floor, billowing over her shoes. His hands skimmed already-familiar terrain, caressing her thighs there, just above the lacy tops of her stockings.

She shivered, even as heat gathered lower in her belly. Her thighs trembled a little, making it hard to balance on her high heels. To compensate, she wrapped one leg around the delicious hardness of Gage’s, her heel anchored below his knee. Her core pressed, tight and damp, against his thigh.

“We should...”

“Now,” she interrupted. “Here.”

Her words were barely a breath, her mind a misty fog.

She was pure sensation.

All she could feel was delight.

Sexually charged, edgy, demanding delight.

She wanted more.

She needed more.

Even though she was reluctant to leave the amazing hard warmth of his chest, her quest for more demanded she head south. Her hands slid, fast and furious, down the light trail of hair of his belly, making quick work of his belt.

She wasn’t a fashion diva for nothing, so fast did she unsnap, unzip and dispose of his slacks. His boxers went, too, everything hitting the floor with a satisfying thud.


“No,” she protested against his lips, even though she had no idea what he was going to say. She didn’t care. This was her fantasy and she was going to lap up every delicious drop.

With that in mind, and grateful for all the fabric on the floor to ease the impact on her knees, she dropped down in front of him.

“Oh my God,” he said, his words a low, guttural groan as he stared down at her.

Loving that look on his face, appreciation mixed with fascination, coated with a whole lot of lust, Hailey held his gaze with hers as she leaned forward to blow, gently, on the impressive length of his erection.

Like a lollipop, she ran her tongue from base to top.

Gage’s eyes slitted, as though he wanted to close them but couldn’t resist watching the show.

The audience adding even more heat to an already-incendiary delight, Hailey shifted higher on her knees so she could wrap her lips around the smooth, velvet head of his penis. Just the tip. She sipped, swirling her tongue in one direction, sucked, then swirled it in another.

Gage’s fingers tunneled into her hair, whether for balance or to make sure she didn’t stop, she didn’t know. She didn’t care.

Her mouth wide, she took him in. Slipped her lips down the length of his dick, then back up again. Each time, she tightened her lips, until she was sucking hard, and he was squirming.

Just when his body tensed so much she thought he was going to explode, she pulled back so she was only sipping at the tip again.

“Enough,” he growled, swooping down to lift her high, spin her around and pin her against the wall.

His hands raced over her body, slipping down her curves, then back up again. With his lower half pressing deliciously tight against her belly, his erection a tempting reminder of the incredible promise to come, he cupped her breasts in his palms.

Even through the heavy satin of her bra, Hailey could feel the heat as his fingers flexed and squeezed. Needing more, too impatient for him to get there himself, she reached around behind to unsnap her bra, letting the cups fall over his hands.

Gage grunted his thanks, flinging the bra away then grasping her soft, full flesh in his fingers again. His look was intent, laser-focused. As if he was getting as much pleasure from watching the slide of his thumb over her nipple as he was feeling it.

Even if he was, Hailey decided, it wasn’t nearly as good as she was feeling. Her head fell back against the wall, her eyes closing so she could focus every single atom of her being on the magic his fingers were working.

He pinched her aching nipple, rolling it around gently, then swiped his thumb over its hardness. Over and over, until she was ready to scream. Heat, tight and wet, pooled between her thighs.

When she squirmed, he shifted. But not, damn him, harder against her aching core. No, he slid down.

His mouth took one nipple in, sucking gently, laving his tongue over and around the aching bud. His hand continued to work the other. Pinching, teasing.

Driving her crazy.

Hailey’s fingers slipped through the silk of his hair, holding his head in place as her other hand skimmed over his chest, giving his nipple the same treatment.

He growled.

As soon as he shifted, she did, too, wrapping her leg around him again, this time closer to his waist.

Taking a hint—bless him for being so perceptive—he released her breast, his hand speeding down her body to cup the hot curls between her thighs.

Welcome back, she thought.

Right at home, his fingers slid along her clitoris in teasing little pinches before plunging into her core.

Hailey exploded.

The power of her orgasm made her whimper at first, then as it built, she cried out, both hands fisted in his hair.

“More,” she demanded, greedy and needy.

“Oh, yeah.” His words were somewhere between a pant and a growl against her breast.

For just a second, Gage let her go, moved away. Before she could ask, she heard the rip of foil, felt him move away just enough to sheathe himself.

She wanted to help, but by the time she pried her eyes open, he was back in position, his hands on her hips.

Using his support, she lifted one leg up to anchor her foot behind his back. Then the other. There was something wildly erotic about trusting him so much, in believing that he’d keep her from landing on her ass.

His mouth took hers in a voracious, biting kiss.

Hailey’s body started the tight spiral toward climax once again with just the touch of his tongue.

He plunged.

She shattered in another miniorgasm.

Her back slammed against the wall at the impact.

Hailey wrapped her legs tighter, no longer worrying that the sharp heel of her stiletto might be cutting into his body.

She needed him to move harder.


And he did.


In and out.

Hard and fast.

Her breath came in gasps.

Her mind swirled in a rainbow of desire, thoughts decimated beneath the power of their passion.

His moves grew jerky. Short. He plunged hard. Paused. Plunged again.

She reached low, gripping the small of his back in her hands, her feet tight against his butt, as she tried to pull him in tighter.

“Baby,” he growled, plunging again.

“Do it,” she demanded.

As if he’d been waiting for permission, Gage exploded. His jerky thrust sent Hailey spiraling yet again, her body splintering into a million tiny pieces of heaven.

She thought she heard him cry out. She wasn’t sure, though, because her mind shut down with the power of her orgasm.

It might have been five minutes, it might have been fifty, before she settled back into her body.

It was still trembling, held against the wall by the hard power of Gage’s. Tiny orgasmic quakes still trembled through her.

His breath still came, fast and furious, against her throat.

“Wow,” she whispered.

“I think you took advantage of me,” he finally said, his words still breathless.

Her head cuddled against his chest now, Hailey smiled.

“Ooh, poor big, tough guy,” she teased, her fingers swirling through the hairs on his chest. Finally, she pulled her head back to gaze up at him. “Should I apologize?”

He looked as though he was contemplating that. Then he shook his head.

“Nah. I’ll take advantage of you now. Then we’ll be even.”

Her giggle was cut off to a squeak when he swept her into his arms. Grinning, Hailey wrapped her hands around his neck and crossed her feet at the ankle, loving the view of her stockings and sexy shoes from up here in his arms.


“Down the hall and to the left.”

In swift, sure strides, he went that way.

She loved a man who knew how to follow directions.

Now to see what other instructions he might like to follow.

* * *

HAILEY WOKE SLOWLY, her body a melting pot of sensations. It was morning, wasn’t it? From the patches of light dancing over her closed eyes, it must be. She wanted to stretch, but at the same time didn’t want to move because everything felt so good.

But what might feel better was a hot, tasty breakfast of French toast and fruit. A quick mental inventory assured her that she had the ingredients to make Gage a delicious morning-after treat. Then they could come back to bed and enjoy another sort of treat. The naked sort.

And then, riding on a wave of passion and delight, they’d be able to amiably settle this whole silly competition thing. They were two intelligent, clever adults. She was sure they could figure out a way to keep that contract from being an issue. Or, more important, from keeping them off each other’s naked bodies.

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