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Sex, Lies and Valentines
Sex, Lies and Valentines
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Sex, Lies and Valentines

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Sex, Lies and Valentines
Tawny Weber

My naughty valentine…Con artist Gabriel Black just got busted. By a babe. Drool-worthy (and clearly sneaky) FBI agent Danita Cruz is forcing Gabriel to choose between hard time and scamming his own family for an undercover sting. Now he has to present Danita to his family as his girlfriend. And it’s the perfect opportunity to get wickedly even with her….But Danita has some tricks of her own, and Gabriel’s control begins slipping away as raw sexual energy takes over. Their sham relationship starts feeling a lot like…well, the real deal. The Big Question is, will overwhelming desire be enough to make a liar go legit?

Look what people are saying about this talented author …

“Just for the Night is a witty, sensual contemporary romance that will have you quickly turning the pages to see what happens next.” —Romance Junkies

“Just for the Night is a terrific character-driven romance, well worth a spot on your ‘must read’ list.” —Eye On Romance

“Tawny Weber’s newest release, Breaking the Rules, is a thrilling story that will have readers laughing out loud at the surprising situations that arise throughout the story.” —Romance Junkies

“If you’re looking for a great read that will warm you

up on a cold night look no further!”

—Night Owl Reviews on Breaking the Rules

“A Babe in Toyland delivers a stunning performance that completely satisfies.” —Noveltalk

“A Babe in Toyland is absolutely hysterical sexy fun! … I was giggling the whole time.” —Joyfully Reviewed

“Great characters, an excellent story and heat enough to

ignite the senses makes Riding the Waves an excellent read to lead us into September. Another fantastic tale from Tawny Weber!” —CataRomance

Dear Reader,

I have to admit, I’m pretty much in love with my hero, Gabriel Black. He’s a charming bad boy with a few questionable habits (well, he is a con man) but he has a heart of gold and a penchant for rescuing people—especially damsels in distress. But if there is ever a woman who can take care of herself, it’s FBI Special Agent Danita Cruz. These were such fun characters to put together, because they are both so vulnerable, yet so good at hiding it—even from themselves. I hope you enjoy reading about their sensual adventures as much as I loved writing them.

This book featured a special guest, too—Pippi the cat, who lives at the Furry Friends Animal Shelter. You can check out Pippi, and all the other Blaze Authors Pet Project pets, on the Blaze Authors blog— Please, come by and say hi! And if you’re on the web, be sure to drop by my website at

Happy reading!

Tawny Weber

About the Author

TAWNY WEBER is usually found dreaming up stories in her California home, surrounded by dogs, cats and kids. When she’s not writing hot, spicy stories for the Blaze

line, she’s shopping for the perfect pair of shoes or drooling over Johnny Depp pictures (when her husband isn’t looking, of course). Come by and visit her on the web at or on Facebook at

Sex, Lies

and Valentines

Tawny Weber (

To Jeanne Adams, as a thank you for answering my

plea for help. Over, and over and over. You rock!!


“YOU’RE PUSHING your luck. If you’re not careful, you’ll lose everything you’ve worked for, including your freedom.”

Contemplating that, Tobias Black leaned back in his leather chair, looking out the window at his kingdom—otherwise known as the small town of Black Oak. Then he sighed and glanced toward his speaker phone.

“Some things are worth the risk, my friend. Having my family back is one of them.”

“Have you ever considered simply calling your son, asking him to come home and help you?” Exasperation rang through the phone like a bell. “You’re under investigation for multiple criminal activities. The man who was attacked in your own motorcycle shop not three weeks ago has accused you not only of the act, but as being the leader of a new crime conglomerate forming in Northern California. And instead of focusing on clearing your name, you’re plotting to con your own son.”

“Not con,” Tobias corrected meticulously. “I don’t do cons anymore, remember? I’ve reformed and made restitution for everything I stole over the years.”

“That won’t stop you from being convicted if you don’t clear your name. Is it worth the risk to play such an elaborate game?”

Tobias considered that question. Two months ago, he’d dealt this hand and won in spades. Not only had he pulled the strings to bring his oldest son, Caleb, home, the boy was now town sheriff and getting married.

A month ago, counting on his daughter Maya’s determination to save him from himself, he’d dealt the next hand. That one had been a winner, too. But barely, considering Maya had brought her very own FBI agent home with her. The game had gotten dicey there for a while. But that only added to the pleasure of winning. And winning in that case meant Maya was moving back to town, and engaged to be married.

Now he had to deal with Gabriel.

Of his three children, Gabriel was the one who was most like Tobias himself. This would be his biggest challenge. Tobias felt his stomach clench. Nerves? He’d once conned a former U.S. President into supporting a fraudulent charity and had only felt glee. But facing his family, initiating this last stage of the game … Big winged moths were battling in his belly.

“It’s worth the risk,” he repeated as if he wasn’t worried. “Even if I begged, Gabriel wouldn’t come home. This is the only way to get him here. We need someone on the inside. Someone with a reputation that will convince the criminals that he’s one of them. But more importantly, someone with a vested interest in clearing my name.”

“And you truly believe the criminal contingent meeting there in town will let him in?”

“Thanks to Caleb’s research, we know three of the crime bosses’ names. I’ve made arrangements with someone whose computer skills I trust.”

That someone being his daughter, who was gifted with amazing hacking skills. He took a deep breath, knowing he was committed to this. He had to be; his freedom, his family, his very life depended on it. But it was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

“This someone hacked their email using mirror accounts, so each of them thinks the other is putting Gabriel’s name forth as the last member. They’ve taken the bait, and his invitation has been issued from whoever is leading this scheme.”

Even as he said the words, a fission of fear worked its way down his spine. It was one thing to conceive a con, to hone the details. Even to set the game in motion. But to bring his son home meant putting him in the arms of criminals who, unlike Tobias, had no compunction in using violence. He was risking a lot for himself. But he was risking just as much for his son.

“Fine, fine. As usual, you’ve crafted an intricate net that will undoubtedly get the results you want.” The other man sighed, then added in a tone of someone who knew he’d be ignored. “But having your own son arrested in order to get him home might be taking it a step too far, old friend. Even for you.”


GABRIEL BLACK LEANED back against the rich teak of the bar and smiled with satisfaction. At his elbow was a glass of the finest aged Scotch. His suit was Armani, his shoes were Ferragamo and his shirt was silk. In his pocket was the key to millions in internet stocks.

Not bad for a Thursday night.

A natural born gambler, he had a talent for winning. And he had a feeling that tonight’s win was gonna be a big one.

“Buy me a drink?”

He glanced over and offered the pouty redhead with a set of dangerous curves a long look. With a flick of his finger, he motioned to the bartender to bring her whatever she wanted. As Moe placed a flute of champagne next to her, Gabriel offered a charming smile and tilted his head toward the men who’d just walked in the door.

“I’ve got a few things to take care of,” he told the redhead. With one eye still on the mark, he leaned over and ran the back of his index finger along the shoulder left bare by her strapless glittery dress. “Enjoy your champagne, keep my seat warm and when I’m finished we’ll take the rest of that bottle back to my room.”

“I’ll look forward to that,” she purred, touching the tip of her tongue to the crystal flute before sliding onto the velvet covered barstool.

For just one second, Gabriel was distracted. He leaned over and took the glass from her, twisted it to drink from the same place her lips had been, marked by a crimson smear of lipstick. The champagne exploded on his tongue. Just like he figured the sex would later.

“Tasty,” he murmured, handing back the glass.

With a quick wink, he turned away and scanned the room. Instantly, his gaze found his mark and his partner settling into a booth in the corner.

Just like that, the redhead was as good as gone in his mind. One of Gabriel’s strengths was his ability to ignore anything that stood between him and his goal. And as much as he adored women, they had their place. In his bed, against the wall, rising over his nude body. Those were all good places. But no woman had ever entered his mind when he was on a job.

After all, the job was everything.

A little something he’d learned from his old man. But as amazing as Tobias Black was, he had never quite managed to master that one particular rule. Gabriel’s father was king of the con, but he’d never let go of emotional ties. That’d been his downfall, and the reason he was now out of the game.

Gabriel admired his old man’s skills. But he was better.

But he’d wait to gloat until later. After he’d relieved these gentleman of a cool mil.

He knew the affable smile on his face didn’t detract from the air of danger he wore like a second skin. But, whether it was in a professional poker game or while pulling a con, the elegant suit and five-hundred-dollar haircut fooled people long enough for him to get the job done.

“Gentlemen,” he greeted when he reached their booth. With a nod to each man, he pulled up a chair.

“Mr. Lane,” the first man greeted, using Gabriel’s false identity. Hair slicked back from an unfortunate face, he was the kind of guy you just knew had been picked on all through high school. The dateless kind who’d focused all that teenage sexual frustration on studying so he could make the kind of money that bought plenty of admiration.

“We’re glad you agreed to meet us,” the second guy said. This one was more wary. The accountant, he was here to make sure his friend didn’t get hosed.

Good. Anything that came too easily was boring. Gabriel believed in working for his money. And he hated to be bored.

“I appreciate you agreeing to meet here,” Gabriel said, nodding his head to the hotel’s private bar. “I’ve been called away on a sudden trip to Europe. If we couldn’t do this tonight, it would have to wait until I get back in two weeks. I don’t mind waiting, of course. This deal is only getting sweeter. But you’re good guys and I hate to delay your buy in.”

“I’ve looked over your prospectus and the terms of the sale,” the accountant started to say. Then his eyes widened and he seemed to lose track. Gabriel followed his gaze and damn near swallowed his tongue.

Hello, baby.

The room faded. The deal was a distant memory.

Like a laser, his focus honed in on the blonde.

She was straight out of every man’s fantasy. Big curls spiraled around a face that screamed hot sex. Eyes so blue they were almost purple flashed, the long lush lashes and smudged makeup giving her the look of a very satisfied woman who’d just slipped out of a rumpled bed. One where she’d left a very satisfied man smiling with exhaustion.

The curls teased shoulders, bare except for glitter and a tiny set of black straps. Gabriel eyed those straps and his mouth went dry. Her breasts were perfect. Black fabric, as glittery as her skin, cupped the rounded globes like a lover’s hands. His gaze followed the glitter to a waist small enough for him to span with both hands. Black leather wrapped around her hips, giving way to long—oh, baby, they were so gloriously long—legs. His gaze finished the tour at her feet and Gabriel hoped like hell he wasn’t drooling.

Her shoes were mostly ribbon, tied in a sassy bow at her ankle. High, spiked and black, they were the kind of shoes meant to be worn with a light gloss of body lotion and nothing else.

He dragged his eyes back up to her face.

Her mouth was wet and glossy, the lower lip full and tempting. A tiny dimple played out as she shot Gabriel an inviting look.

As her date, a guy who was just a blur to Gabriel, pulled out her chair, she seemed to melt into it in a single, sinuous move. Her eyes still locked on his, she offered Gabriel a tiny wink and blew him a kiss.

Gabriel’s body went on high alert. High passion alert, that was. Muscles tense, his stomach clenched in anticipation. His fingers itched to touch that skin. To slide his fingers over the silky expanse of bare flesh. Would she shiver? If he took her against the wall, would she wrap those long legs around his waist and hold on tight?

Everything else in the room faded.

Unlike the redhead, this wasn’t a woman you put out of your mind.

Pure sex, with a dangerously sweet edge, she had a body meant to make men beg.

And she was with someone else.

Not that he cared.

Gabriel always got what he wanted.

And he wanted her.

The only question was, how long until he had her?

Someone cleared his throat.

“Mr. Lane?”

He watched the blonde thank the waiter for her glass of iced water. Lifting it to her lips, her gaze met Gabriel’s again.

He watched her throat move as she swallowed.

His body hardened.

She lowered the glass. Her eyes still locked on his, she licked one glistening drop of water off her lower lip. Soft and pink, he imagined her tongue licking other things.

And damn near groaned.

“Mr. Lane?”

Shit. He was here to do a job.

Playtime would have to come later.

Gabriel dragged his eyes off the gorgeous blonde and focused on the men in front of him. He could still see the sexy distraction out of the corner of his eye as he listened to the accountant outline his concerns about the deal. Jerry, the unfortunate-faced mark, split his attention between staring over Gabriel’s shoulder and absently nodding along with his buddy.

Trying to stay focused on the game, Gabriel ignored the flash of color and light in the corner of the eye. Then Jerry winced, a shocked look crossing his homely face.

Gabriel turned his head just in time to see Blondie’s date grab her by the hair.

“What the …”