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One Baby Step at a Time
One Baby Step at a Time
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One Baby Step at a Time

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One Baby Step at a Time
Meredith Webber

ER doc Nick is back in town, and he’s shocked to see his childhood friend Whillimena – Bill – has gone from scruffy kid to gorgeous woman! But Nick’s about to get a big surprise – a baby on his doorstep! – and a helping hand from Bill. Can two friends become a real life family of three?

Praise for Meredith Webber:

‘Medical Romance™ favourite Meredith Webber has penned a spellbinding and moving tale set under the hot desert sun!’


‘Medical Romance™ favourite Meredith Webber has written an outstanding romantic tale that I devoured in a single sitting—moving, engrossing, romantic and absolutely unputdownable! Ms Webber peppers her story with plenty of drama, emotion and passion, and she will keep her readers entranced until the final page.’


‘Meredith Webber does a beautiful job as she crafts one of the most unique romances I’ve read in a while. Reading a tale by Meredith Webber is always a pleasure and THE HEART SURGEON’S BABY SURPRISE

is no exception!’


Dear Reader

I realised recently that in my long and varied career as a medical writer I hadn’t ever written a ‘friends to lovers’ story, yet I know this happens in real life.

Any number of disparate bits of information come together to make a book—or one of my books, anyway—and for this one I remembered a plane trip where I sat next to a member of the Elite Mine Rescue team on the first leg of his journey to the USA to help rescue some trapped miners. I was fascinated by his stories, but more intrigued by his enthusiasm for what was obviously a very dangerous profession—and they are professionals, all of them. Why this memory surfaced for this book I’m not sure, but there it was, all ready to use.

Then there was the child. Children have been fairly prevalent in my books. The powerful bond between a parent and a child, to me, can mirror the bond of love slowly and hesitantly growing between a man and a woman, a hero and a heroine—and, of course, a child can bring problems in its wake … big problems! But I loved Steffi from the moment that she appeared on the scene, rather unexpectedly even for me, so I hope you love her too.

All the best


About the Author

MEREDITH WEBBER says of herself, ‘Once I read an article which suggested that Mills & Boon were looking for new Medical Romance

authors. I had one of those “I can do that” moments, and gave it a try. What began as a challenge has become an obsession—though I do temper the “butt on seat” career of writing with dirty but healthy outdoor pursuits, fossicking through the Australian Outback in search of gold or opals. Having had some success in all of these endeavours, I now consider I’ve found the perfect lifestyle.’

One Baby Step

at a Time

Meredith Webber (


HE HADN’T EXPECTED it to feel so strange, walking into the ER at Willowby Hospital. After all, he’d been here often enough as a child—broken arm, a badly sprained ankle and, on one memorable occasion, suffering hypothermia after he’d been trapped down a well. Bill’s fault, that! Bill crying pitiably at the top because her cat had fallen in—Bill going all girlie on him!

Whillimina Florence de Groote—his friend Bill!

Finally producing a daughter after six sons, Bill’s mother had named her after both grandmothers, thinking it a nice feminine name, but from before she could talk, Bill had decided she was one of the boys and early on had insisted her name was Bill.

So Bill she’d stayed.

Lost in the past, he was startled when the woman who’d met him at the door—Lesley?—spoke.

‘I’ll introduce you to our senior nursing staff, and you’ll meet the rest as you move around.’

But once again he was distracted, for there she was!

The wild, vivid, red hair, ruthlessly tamed for her work shift, burst like tendrils of flame from beneath her white cap, bringing smudges of colour to the sterility of the room.


His delighted cry echoed around the still-quiet space and as he strode towards her, Lesley—he was sure it was Lesley—bleating, ‘Oh, you know Bill?’ as she followed him.

He watched as disbelief chased surprise across Bill’s face, then delight dawned in a smile that made the brightly lit room seem even brighter.

‘No one told me!’ she said, abandoning the patient she’d been shepherding towards a cubicle to give him an all-enveloping hug. ‘You didn’t tell me you were coming,’ she added, with a punch on his shoulder. ‘But I’m so glad! Gran will be so happy. But what are you doing here? I’m working. Did you just call in to say hello?’

He grinned at her, the pleasure of seeing her again, from hearing the rush of words that was pure Bill, warming him right through.

‘I’m working too,’ he said, and saw shock dawn on her face.


He nodded.


He nodded again, still smiling broadly because he’d never seen Bill flabbergasted before, but flabbergasted she truly was.

‘You’ve got a patient, I’ll explain later,’ he said, delighted that he could keep her guessing a while longer.

That drew a scowl but she did return to her patient, fully focussed on work once again, leaving Nick with a strange sense of … Well, he wasn’t sure what it was—surely not rightness about returning home?

No, he was being fanciful. It was probably nothing more than the pleasure of seeing Bill again.

‘You know Bill?’ Lesley had been hovering behind him during the exchange.

‘You could say that,’ he replied, still smiling because somehow seeing Bill had made this decision to come home seem comfortable—even inevitable—for all he’d been thrown into work before he’d had time to settle in because of some emergency in the senior ER registrar’s family.

Four hours later he’d had plenty of opportunities to see his old friend in action, her seniority evident in the way she designated duties and handled patients, always busy yet always calm and smiling.

Always attracting his attention whenever she was in sight, but that was nothing more than his natural delight in seeing her again. That she felt the same he had no doubt, for she’d flash a smile at him as their paths crossed.

Until now, when she was coming towards him with determination in her easy, long-legged stride, another scowl on her face.

‘Tearoom now, Dr Grant!’ she ordered, and he fell in obediently behind her, knowing he’d have a lot of explaining to do but pleased to have an opportunity to sit and talk to her in this small lull.

Had she ordered everyone out, that the area was empty? he wondered, as he followed her into the messy room. He wouldn’t have put it past her, but right now he didn’t care. All he wanted to do was give her a proper hug, to reaffirm he really was home again.

He caught her in his arms and swung her round, not easily as she was nearly as tall as he was—and only for a moment as she pushed away and glared at him.

‘And what’s all this about?’ she demanded. ‘Creeping into town without a word to anyone? And don’t tell me Gran knows because I saw her yesterday and you know she can’t keep a secret.’

He grinned at the red-headed termagant who’d bossed him around all his young life.

‘Neither can you,’ he reminded her, ‘and I wanted it all settled before I told Gran. In the end, the job came up sooner than I expected so there was no time to tell anyone.’

Gold-brown eyes narrowed suspiciously.

‘What is all settled?’

‘The contract—twelve months with an option to extend.’

And now Bill was hugging him!

‘Oh, Nick, Gran will be so happy. She never says anything but since that fall a month ago she’s been feeling fragile and I think that makes her miss you more than ever. I can hear it in her voice when she talks about you.’

And you? Nick found himself wanting to ask, although why he wasn’t sure. He and Bill had kept in close touch over the years, with regular emails and infrequent phone calls, very occasionally catching up in person when they’d both happened to be in the same city at the same time. It was what friends did so, yes, he did want her to be happy he was home …

‘Sit, I’ll make coffee,’ Bill was saying, so he set the thought aside and sat, happy to watch her move around the little room, totally at home, composed—beautiful really, his Bill, although he’d probably always been too close to her to see it.

Bill shook her head as she set the kettle to boil, disbelief that Nick was actually here still rattling her thoughts. Her first glimpse of him had made her heart thud in her chest—just one big, heavy thud as she’d taken in the sight of the tall, lean man with a few threads of grey in the softly curling brown hair that had been the bane of his younger life. The black-rimmed glasses hid eyes she knew were grey-blue and gave him a serious look.

Her Nick, all grown up and devastatingly handsome now, she realised as she stepped back from their friendship and looked at him as a man.

They’d met in kindergarten class at Willowby West Primary School, a friendship begun when she had punched the boy who’d called Nick Four-Eyes. She’d dragged him home with her that afternoon, made him phone his gran to say where he was, then ordered a couple of her brothers to teach him how to fight.

And so the bond had been forged—a bond that had survived years of separation, though they’d always kept in touch and shared with each other what was happening in their lives.

Was there any tougher glue than friendship?

She found the tin of biscuits and put it on the table in front of him then brought their coffees over, setting them both down before plopping into the battered lounge chair opposite him, unable to stop staring at him and slightly embarrassed that he seemed to be equally focussed on her.

‘Well?’ she finally asked, mainly to break a silence that was becoming uncomfortable.

‘It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other,’ he said. ‘You’ve changed somehow.’

‘It’s been five years and then only for an hour at Sydney airport. Anyway, I never change, you should know that,’ she teased. ‘I was a skinny kid with wild red hair who grew into a skinny adult with wild red hair. But you, who knew you’d get so handsome?’

It was a weird conversation to be having with Nick—strained somehow. Although they’d gone in different directions after high school, he to Sydney to study medicine, she choosing Townsville for her nursing training, on other occasions when they’d caught up with each other, even briefly, they’d fallen back into their old patterns of friendship as if they’d never been parted.

Yet tonight was different.

‘Will you stay with Gran?’

Gran was Nick’s relation, not hers, but Bill was in the habit of calling in a couple of times a week, taking Gran shopping or getting library books for her.

With Nick here, Gran wouldn’t need her …

‘No, I spoke to Bob when the idea of the contract first came up. He offered me one of the penthouses at the new marina development he’s just completed.’

‘The sod!’ Bill muttered, thinking of her eldest brother, the developer in the family. ‘So he knew you were coming and said not a word to me! What’s more, all I’ve got is a one-bedroomed apartment on the sixth floor in that building, and I bet he’s giving you family discount as well.’

Nick smiled.

‘But I am family, aren’t I?’ he retorted. ‘I’m your seventh brother. Isn’t that what you’ve always said?’

It was, of course, but it wasn’t their relationship that was disturbing Bill right now, though what it was she couldn’t pinpoint.

‘It’ll be a bit weird working with you,’ she said, fairly hesitantly because that didnt seem to be what it was either.

Nick smiled and her heart gave another of those strange thuds.

‘You only think that because you’re used to being the one bossing me around and in the ER a doctor trumps a nurse.’

She rose to the challenge in his words.

‘Oh, yeah? Says who?’

He didn’t answer, just picked up his coffee, his smile still lingering about his lips, showing in fine lines down his cheeks and a crinkle at the corner of his eyes.

It was because she hadn’t seen him for so long she had to keep staring at him, she was telling herself when the smile turned into a grimace.

‘Aaargh! You call this coffee? You haven’t heard of coffee machines? How backward is this place?’

Bill laughed.

‘Not too backward these days but budget cuts are everywhere. You want fancy coffee you’ll have to provide the machine and the beans, and everyone will use both and one night a junkie will steal the machine and you’ll be back to instant.’

‘I’ll get a small one and lock it in my locker and it will be for my exclusive use,’ Nick growled, sounding so like the old Nick of her childhood that Bill felt warmth spread through her.

This was going to be all right—wasn’t it?

Bill was pondering this when Lesley burst through the door.

‘Critical emergency on the way in, Dr Grant. Can you take the call from the ambulance?’

Forty minutes later Nick was ready—well, as ready as he would ever be. Although the town had grown, Willowby Hospital was still little more than a large country health centre. No specialist resuscitation area here, no emergency trauma surgeon on standby, just him and whatever nurses could be spared from the usual stream of patients on a Sunday night.

Him and Bill!

Right now she was setting up a series of trays on trolleys, IV and blood-drawing supplies, chest tubes, ventilator, defibrillator, medications, and was checking the supply of oxygen, the suction tubes, not fussing but moving with swift confidence and precision. Just watching her gave him added confidence about whatever lay ahead.

‘The baler they spoke of—it’s one of those things that rolls hay into huge round bales?’ he asked, and she looked up from what she was doing to nod.