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Clinical Trials Explained – Renee Watson

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What will happen during and after a clinical trial? How will a trial affect my quality of life? What are the benefits and risks of a trial? What does giving consent mean and what will it involve? Will I incur costs during and because of the trial? These are the questions that should be raised every time a health care professional talks through with a patient the pros and cons of entering a clinical trial. Clinical Trials Explained has been designed in consultation with doctors and patients who have taken part in trials, providing an essential and detailed guide to the clinical trials process. It therefore helps both clinicians and patients make well-informed decisions on whether to take part in a clinical trial.

Информация о книге:

  • Автор:
  • Название: Clinical Trials Explained
  • Читает: Виталий Сулимов
  • Жанр: Медицина
  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470750223

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