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The Land of Snow
The Land of Snow
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The Land of Snow

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“Blue, stop!”

Ella grew even more alarmed as Blue continued running towards the fence. He was going to hurt himself. Determined to stop him, she leapt forward, throwing herself at the dog and catching him round his tummy. With incredible strength Blue kept going, pulling Ella over and dragging her across the ground. Elbows and knees grazing the earth, Ella gritted her teeth and hung on tight. In the distance she was sure she could hear dogs howling. Blue seemed to answer them, his voice sounding urgent. The fence loomed closer and Ella closed her eyes, bracing herself for the crash. Suddenly her stomach dipped as if she were riding in a lift, cold air rushed at her face and her hair streamed out behind her in light brown ribbons. Opening her eyes, Ella gripped Blue in disbelief. They were flying! Ella stared at the houses and gardens growing smaller and smaller beneath her, until everything was so tiny it was like looking down at a map.

The light was fading and the sky darkened, blotting out the shrinking landscape, as the air turned bitterly cold. Ella shivered, bewildered by the pitch-black sky. It was impossible to see where she was going. What was happening?

She clutched Blue tighter as the rushing wind continued to hit her in the face. It was hard to breathe and impossible to call out for help. Ella wasn‧t even sure which way up they were!

There was snow in the air. It swirled around Ella, engulfing her in an icy white sheet and wrenching Blue from her frozen fingers.

“No!” Ella screamed.

There was nothing she could do to save Blue. She couldn‧t even save herself. The snowstorm was too sudden and too violent, tossing her around like a sock in a tumble dryer. The wind stung her eyes, making them water and freezing the tears as they ran down her cheeks. Ella screwed up her eyes and wrapped her arms round her body. She was terrified of falling out of the sky and felt awful for letting go of Blue. The blizzard threw Ella around until she wondered how much longer she could last without fainting from the cold.

Then at last the storm began to calm. Ella opened her eyes and stared around in amazement. She was flying across an inky sky spangled with stars! It was so beautiful. Ella stopped gazing around when she realised her fingers were numb from gripping something. Looking down, she was startled to find that she was riding on a wooden sled, pulled by a small husky dog. This has to be a dream, thought Ella. But it felt too real to be a dream. As Ella flexed her numb fingers, she suddenly realised she was wearing gloves. Where had they come from? She hadn‧t been wearing gloves when she was doing her homework. She didn‧t recognise the thick red jacket with the furtrimmed hood she had on either. Ella saw she was also wearing matching padded trousers and a pair of sturdy boots. She wriggled her toes, noticing how warm her feet felt in an extra cosy pair of socks. And she was wearing snow glasses! Ella touched them with her gloved hand. What was happening?

The sled flew on and Ella stopped wondering about the clothes and got swept up in the ride. It was so fantastic, she wanted to remember it all. She was surprised when the husky suddenly dived downwards. Ella gripped the sides of the sled, breathless with fear as they plummeted through the sky. Were they going to crash?

Mysterious green lights danced around Ella, pulsating and twirling in long strands that stretched across the whole sky. What are they? She held out her arms in wonder as her body glowed green. She was so absorbed by green flashes and sparkling starlight that made her skin tingle like magic, Ella forgot that she was soaring downwards. With a rude jolt she hit the ground, a flash of green light illuminating her one final time. The sled upturned, tipping Ella face down in a snowdrift. Too stunned to move, she lay where she‧d fallen.

Everything hurt, but the snow was soft and welcoming, soothing her aches and bruises. Ella sank further into it and relaxed, until someone tugged her arm.

“Urrrr,” she groaned.

The tugging grew stronger and was accompanied by yaps and growls. Then a voice nearby said, “You have to get up. Hurry or you‧ll freeze.”

“I can‧t,” Ella answered.

“Please try.” The voice was insistent and couldn‧t be ignored. Clumsily, Ella scrambled to her feet. The darkness had gone and in its place was a snowy landscape dotted with trees that stretched for miles. Ella looked around, wondering who‧d found her, but she was alone except for a husky. The dog crouched down, resting his nose on his paws as if bowing to Ella.

“Did you hurt yourself?”

Ella glanced behind again, even though she knew there was no one there.

“I‧m sorry about the bumpy landing. It was my first time.”

The husky cocked his head, fixing Ella with its big blue eyes. Ella stared back uncertainly. Surely that wasn‧t the dog talking to her? Her eyes widened with surprise when she realised it was!

“I don‧t understand. Who are you?” she asked, self-consciously.

“It‧s me, Blue.”

The husky crept forward and nudged Ella‧s gloved hand with his nose. Although he was still a young dog, he seemed larger than her puppy Blue.

“The magic here makes me bigger and stronger,” said the husky.

“Magic!” Ella felt a thrill of excitement. She‧d always believed in magic, even when people told her that it was only make-believe.

Ella studied the dog closely. He did look like Blue. He had exactly the same markings and a glittering silver snowflake dog tag hung from his collar. Ella felt drawn towards it. Even through her gloves she felt a bubbling feeling in her fingers as she touched it.

Blue nuzzled her with his nose. Ella stroked his head, rubbing him faster as Blue butted her hand with approval. There were so many things she wanted to ask that she didn‧t know where to start.

Then from behind her came the sound of animals panting. Ella spun round as she saw four magnificent husky dogs and one smaller one running towards her. Ella‧s body tensed, unsure whether to stay where she was or move out of the way as the dogs sped closer. Effortlessly they pounded across the landscape, weaving their way between snow-laden trees, leaping over tiny humps. Running into a dip they disappeared momentarily. As they came over the top, Blue dropped to his belly, his nose resting in a patch of long coarse grass poking through the snow. The lead dog raced past him, stopping at Ella‧s feet.

“Hello.” The dog‧s voice was low and commanding, even though his mouth never moved. “The Starlight Snowdogs welcome you to the Arctic.”

Chapter 3 (#u76e1130a-bcd9-5a3f-90bf-c16663441c91)

The dog‧s leader was a handsome animal with a white face, brown eyes and a broad black head. One paw‧s step behind him stood a slightly smaller dog with orangey brown markings and big brown eyes.

“I‧m Acer, this is my sister, Honey,” Acer said as he indicated the orangey brown dog. “That‧s Bandit and Coda. Then there‧s Inca and her brother, Blue, who you already know. Inca and Blue are trainees; they‧ve only just joined the Starlight Snowdogs team.”

“Hello,” said Ella eagerly, wanting to stroke them, but not sure if she should.

Honey stepped forward and pushed her nose into Ella‧s hand. Bandit was next, followed by Coda and Inca. When the introductions were finished, Acer stood in front of Ella.

“The Starlight Snowdogs need a new leader.” He paused, before continuing. “And you have been chosen for that role. It is a very special honour that I hope you will want to accept. As our leader, you will be expected to help the animals that live here in our snowy land.”

“What sort of help?” asked Ella shyly.

Thankfully Acer was quick to explain. “The world is changing. Progress can be a good thing, but sometimes it damages environments and harms the animals that live in them. As our leader, you will be expected to solve any harmful problems in the land of snow.”

“That sounds hard,” said Ella.

“It won‧t be easy. But if you agree to the role, you‧ll find strengths hidden inside that will help you carry out your duties.”

Ella was intrigued. She was good at lots of things, but only because she worked hard and didn‧t give up easily.

“What sort of strengths?” she asked curiously.

“You will have to discover that for yourself.” Acer‧s brown eyes were serious.

Ella hesitated. She desperately wanted to say that she‧d help the Starlight Snowdogs to look after the Arctic, but was she really good enough to be their leader?

“Trust me,” said Acer softly. “You can do this, as long as you believe in yourself. Please, climb on to the sled and we‧ll take you on a ride over our snowy land. When you see how wild and beautiful it is — and how magical — it may help you to decide.”

“Thank you,” said Ella. “I‧d like that.”

The sled was lying on its side and she tugged it with both hands, trying to free it from the snow.

“Think strong,” urged Acer, his voice low and clear.

Ella glanced at him. Was he teasing her? Acer nodded encouragingly and at once Ella knew this wasn‧t a joke. Gripping the sledge tightly, she imagined she was exceedingly strong. She pulled again and as she concentrated, the muscles in her arms prickled and tensed. Gradually the sled became lighter until suddenly it was free and she was able to right it. She stared at it delightedly. How had she done that?

“Well done,” said Acer, pawing the snow.

Ella beamed and climbed aboard, leaning comfortably against the sled‧s back rest. The Starlight Snowdogs took up their places in the harness: Acer and Honey in the lead, followed by Blue and Inca, with Bandit and Coda at the back.

Ella went to take the reins, then hesitated. She‧d never driven a sled in her life. What was she supposed to do?

“Just hold them for now,” said Acer. “You can learn how to drive next time.”

Shivers of excitement ran up Ella‧s spine as she picked up the reins. The dogs took off across the snow, running so fast that it took Ella‧s breath away. The scenery flashed past, leaving her with mixed-up images of a vast landscape covered in snow. There were hills and valleys, thick green forests and a wide river, slushy with ice. Ella had never been to such a wild place, empty of all the clutter of modern living, where animals were free to roam. It was exhilarating and frightening at the same time.

Entranced, Ella leant forward, squeaking with delight when she saw polar bears lumbering along on all fours, snow-white Arctic foxes, caribou and lean wolves that hid amongst the snow-flecked trees as she passed. The dogs climbed a hill and Ella held on tight as the sled bounced and bumped to the top, then down the other side. The air was so fresh it made her lungs tingle and as the land flattened, Ella was delighted to find there was a beach at the bottom of the hill.

As the dogs raced alongside the half-frozen sea, Ella stared in amazement at the seals and walruses, swimming in the icy water. These were animals Ella had only seen in books or on television. She wished the Starlight Snowdogs would slow down so she could look for longer, but they raced on until finally they approached the outskirts of a small town.

It was very different from the towns Ella was used to. It was much less crowded and the houses looked too fragile to withstand the harsh conditions. Passing by a long salmon-coloured house with a pointed roof, the dogs slowed to a jog. An elderly Inuit woman with a weather-beaten face and a young boy about Ella‧s age were standing at a window. The woman smiled and raised her hand. Ella stared in surprise, then, remembering her manners, she waved back. The woman‧s smile broadened, but the boy turned away. For a moment, his expression troubled Ella and she wondered why he looked so sad. But the dogs ran on, the town blurred, and soon they were back in the snowy landscape. Ella was impressed by how much stamina the dogs had, and also their incredible sense of direction.

At last the dogs pulled up. Half recognising a patch of long grass poking through the snow, Ella thought they might be back where they‧d started. The six dogs stood there with ears pricked forward, sides heaving and steam coming from their panting mouths. After a long silence Acer spoke. “Whenever we pull the sled on land, we need the command to go free.”

“Oh!” Ella blushed. “Sorry! Of course you can go free.”

At once the harnesses fell away and the dogs rolled in the snow. Blue was playfully waving his paws in the air, flashing his white tummy as he rolled on his back.

After a little rest, Acer called everyone to order with a sharp bark. Honey stood by his side and when Bandit tried to edge her out, Acer gave a low growl. Bandit stopped pushing Honey and stepped back.

“That was fantastic. Thank you,” said Ella, addressing Acer.

“So,” he answered, thoughtfully pawing a groove in the snow. “Will you help us? Do you accept the challenge of leading the Starlight Snowdogs?”

Images of the snow-covered land and the animals that lived there flashed through Ella‧s mind. It was the most wonderful place she‧d ever visited. Ella knew she must do everything she could to help it stay that way. Suddenly she was aware of six pairs of eyes watching her. Looking up, she saw that Blue‧s were the keenest. Ella smiled at him and he ever so slightly cocked his head in return.

“Yes, please,” said Ella, beaming. Then she added eagerly, “What do I have to do first?”

Acer barked his approval, and the other dogs joined in until he silenced them with a growl. Pushing his nose into Ella‧s gloved hand, Acer said, “That‧s enough for today. The Starlight Snowdogs will howl when we need you next. Blue will hear them and he‧ll transport you here. Blue and his magic snowflake collar are your links to us.”

Reaching out, Ella stroked Blue‧s dark head. So she‧d been right! There was a special bond between her and the dog. But why had she, Ella Edwards, been chosen to be their new leader when she lived thousands of miles away from their land? There were so many questions Ella wanted to ask.

Acer‧s voice cut gently into her thoughts. “It‧s time to go home,” he said.

Ella sighed, the questions would have to wait. Blue was already in place in the harness. Remembering her terrifying yet strangely wonderful journey to the Arctic, Ella gripped the sled‧s sides as Blue began to run across the snow. Acer, Honey, Bandit, Coda and Inca ran alongside, howling and waving their tails. Ella‧s stomach dipped as Blue jumped into the air, pulling the sled with him.

“Goodbye,” she called quickly, then closed her mouth against the freezing air. A flash of green lit up the sky, then everything went dark. Ella held on tightly, but the ride was smoother than before. There was no snowstorm and no magical starlight, just black air swirling around the sled as Ella travelled home.

“Ready to go down?” Blue‧s voice rang out clearly and Ella nodded, then shouted back, “Yes.”

As Blue dropped towards the ground, Ella braced herself for the crash. Seconds later, they landed with a small bump. Ella fell on her feet, narrowly missing her dad‧s compost pile and she giggled with relief. She looked around for the sled, but it had disappeared. Blue was skidding to a halt by her den at the bottom of the garden. Ella blinked. It was almost as if she‧d never been away and was still chasing the puppy down the garden. But she knew that the starlight adventure had been real. Scooping Blue into her arms, she held the puppy up to her face. “Thank you. That was brilliant fun.”

“Yap!” barked Blue, licking her nose.

“Yuk!” Chuckling, Ella carried the puppy indoors, running the last few paces as she saw through the kitchen window that Dad was home.

“Hello, Ella what happened to your homework?” he asked as she bounded indoors.

“Blue happened.”

Thrusting the puppy forward, Ella began talking at double speed.

“Slow down,” said Dad, as she explained how she‧d found Blue.

“So can I keep him?” Ella finished.

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