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Pleasure After Hours
Pleasure After Hours
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Pleasure After Hours

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Pleasure After Hours
AlTonya Washington

Working for powerhouse shipping owner Mataeo North is a dream job for Temple Grahame. The jet-setting bachelor depends on her for everything. But there's just one thing: he has no idea that Temple's been in love with him since college. Or so she thinks…until the night her studly boss takes her in his arms and uncovers her passionate secret.Mataeo doesn't make a move without consulting the savvy South Carolina beauty. Now, on the verge of closing a major deal, he needs Temple more than ever. And not just as his right-hand woman and best friend. What will it take to convince this sensual, independent woman that once they've crossed the line from friends to lovers, there's no turning back?

When it comes to passion, he’s all business…

Working for powerhouse shipping owner Mataeo North is a dream job for Temple Grahame. The jet-setting bachelor depends on her for everything. But there’s just one thing: he has no idea that Temple’s been in love with him since college. Or so she thinks…until the night her studly boss takes her in his arms and uncovers her passionate secret.

Mataeo doesn’t make a move without consulting the savvy South Carolina beauty. Now, on the verge of closing a major deal, he needs Temple more than ever. And not just as his right-hand woman and best friend. What will it take to convince this sensual, independent woman that once they’ve crossed the line from friends to lovers, there’s no turning back?

“Mataeo…you kissed me.”

“And you kissed me back—twice.”

Finally, she met his gaze. “Then you understand why you staying over is… We can’t.”

He was on the bed then. His big frame crowded her, leaving no space for retreat. “We can do anything we damn well please.”

“You can.” She rested back on the headboard and shrugged. “I can’t.”

Mataeo averted his gaze, mulling over her words in silence while smoothing a hand across his soft hair. Finally, he raised one shoulder in a lazy shrug. “Well, then.”

He was kissing her—again—and again she kissed him back. It was foolish to even think of resisting. What for? This was all she dreamed of. Still, she made a weak effort at doing so when he released her mouth to trail his lips down her neck and across her chest.


has been a published romance novelist for 6 years. Her novel Finding Love Again won an RT Book Reviews Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Multicultural Romance in 2004. She works as a senior library assistant and resides in North Carolina. In 2009, AlTonya—writing as T. Onyx—released her debut erotica titles Truth In Sensuality and Ruler of Perfection. In August 2009 she released her debut audio title Another Love. In August 2011 she released Private Melody with Kimani Books. Coming late 2011 will be the twelfth release in her popular Ramsey saga, A Lover’s Hate.

Pleasure After Hours

AlTonya Washington (

Dear Reader,

Pleasure After Hours warms my heart for many reasons. Temple Grahame is my first Carolina heroine. It was a refreshing experience to craft a character whose background held aspects that were so similar to my own. Another similarity was Temple’s mother, Aileen Grahame. Aileen was my grandmother’s name, and having the chance to bring part of her into the story made the writing that much sweeter.

Of course I can’t forget Mataeo North. It would be a terrible understatement to describe him as simply sexy. He’s as incredible inside the pages of this novel as he appears on the cover. I was motivated by the idea of a story between two characters who experienced closeness in all areas of their lives yet remained unattached in any romantic capacity. Bringing Mataeo and Temple together was definitely a provocative journey. Tell me what you think of it. Email me,



Smart, Savvy, Sweet—Carolina girls rule!


Chapter 1 (#u5775ecd4-31c3-59db-a6b2-f5f50ac34542)

Chapter 2 (#ufa11c358-c93b-560e-84a6-2a628d320f8d)

Chapter 3 (#u161025ca-ba63-52c5-96b1-4e7805477feb)

Chapter 4 (#u1da6a00e-dd8a-56ea-8e9c-367a9b26d772)

Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 1

Wilmington, North Carolina

“Claude, what is this? I thought you were in love with me?”

A purely girlish laugh escaped Claudia Aspen’s lips. Her vivid blue gaze sparkled wickedly as it was directed toward the honey-toned giant who studied her with a consciously seductive gaze.

“I swear this is business and not…personal, Mataeo.”

“Hmph.” Mataeo North’s responding grunt held a playful undercurrent and he shook his head at the stunning sixty-something woman seated on the sofa opposite him.

“I swear it,” Claudia persisted in a tone that was just as breathy as it was sensual. “Many of the clients feel the same as I do.”

“Are we about to have problems, Claudia?”

“Why no, dear.” Claudia half turned toward the tall, lovely, coffee-complexioned woman seated to her left. “I’m only here to open the floor for discussion.”

“You mean to warn us.” Temple Grahame smiled knowingly while Claudia patted her knee.

“Honey, no.” Claudia gave a saucy toss of her frosted wheat-colored bob. “Mataeo runs a first-class operation. You both do incredible work.” She gave Temple’s knee one final pat and then settled back to her side of the sofa. “It’s just good business to let the clients know they’re appreciated.”

“By renegotiating already competitive rates?” Temple queried.

“By…patting our backs a little.” Claudia recrossed her legs and smiled at Mataeo.

He wasn’t humored. “North Shipping’s a private company, Claude, and it stays that way.”

“Calm down, darlin’. Everyone knows you have no intention of going public, but many of the clients would be open to discussing current rates—in this economy that’s fair to at least entertain, isn’t it?”

A muscle flexed along Mataeo’s square jawline. Propping a fist to his cheek, he looked toward Temple.

“Well, Claudia, it appears that we’re on the same wavelength.” Temple waited for the woman to turn to her again. “Mataeo and I have been working to put together a client weekend to begin with a dinner and round out with a series of individualized meetings to review the higher-end shipping agreements.”

Claudia’s mouth was in the shape of a perfectly glossy red O. “Why, Temple, that’s…that’s a marvelous idea.” Her tone sounded more awed than sensual then. “Is this a secret or may I—”

“Oh, no, feel free to discuss it,” Temple said, knowing Claudia would waste no time doing so regardless. “We haven’t gotten all the particulars in place yet so it’ll be several months into the future.”

“Sweetheart, I certainly understand.” Claudia leaned over to pat Temple’s knee again. “This is a huge deal and will take quite a while to prepare. The mere promise of it will be great news for the clients. Oh—” She paused to retrieve her vibrating cell phone from the sofa cushion. “Excuse me, darlins. I need to take this.”

Temple’s hazel gaze locked with Mataeo’s chocolate one and they headed to the other side of the office to give Claudia a measure of privacy.

“Client weekend?” He whispered when they stood near the floor-to-ceiling windows along the wall behind his desk. “Nice,” he added.

“Thanks.” Temple shrugged and glanced toward Claudia.

“So how much planning have you done?” He leaned against a window and settled both hands into his blue-gray trouser pockets.

“None.” She joined in when he chuckled. “Just came up with it to pacify her.” She tapped a rounded nail to her chin and appeared thoughtful. “But it is a good idea. Don’t know when I’d have time to plan something that extravagant, though.”

“Thanks, anyway.” Mataeo took her hand and tugged until she leaned close for the kiss he placed on her jaw.

She patted his cheek. “My job, remember?”

“No, really, Temp. Thanks.” He squeezed her hand as his warm, deep stare shifted in Claudia’s direction. “She’s been a lot harder to take lately.”

“Taeo…” Temple’s entrancing eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You haven’t slept with her, have you?”

Grinning, Mataeo laid Temple’s hand against his chest. “No. I swear it,” he added when her brow arched a notch higher. He winced a little. “I swear I’ve never slept with her. Just don’t ask me to take any more meetings at her lake house.”

Temple laughed.

“Damn.” Mataeo checked the inside jacket of his suit coat. “Now I’m vibrating.”

The timing was perfect. Claudia Aspen had finished her call and was avidly observing the couple near the window.

“You two look lovely together,” she mentioned when Temple approached.

“Claudia…we work together, that’s all.”

“I’m sure it is, honey.” Claudia kept her eyes on Mataeo while he handled his call. “I don’t think I’d be quite as professional working under—I mean with that.”

Temple rolled her eyes. “Claudia, has anyone ever told you that you’re too much?”

“A time or two.” Claudia shrugged as if it were of little consequence to her. “But even you can’t deny that is too much man to go…untested.”

“Well, you help yourself.” Temple bent to grab Claudia’s portfolio. “I’m afraid you’d be among the masses.” She handed Claudia the leather-bound book. “That is not a one-woman man.”

Claudia shrugged, tucked the portfolio beneath her arm and squeezed Temple’s elbow. “Well, darlin’, that depends on who the woman is, now doesn’t it?”

Temple set both hands on her hips. She watched as Claudia blew a kiss toward Mataeo and then sashayed out of the room.

“Would you please?”

Temple knew her below-the-breath hiss would do nothing to still the man who stood before her. A full-blown bellow would do nothing to encourage cooperation, either, she was sure. As usual, her boss had requested her “assistance” while he did nothing to assist.

“Dammit, Nev.” Mataeo’s sandpaper tone surged and his grip tightened on the phone receiver. “Forget it, I’ll handle it. Forget it, Nevil.”

Temple leaned back where she sat on the edge of the desk when Mataeo moved close to slam the cordless back to the mount.

“So what am I handling?” she asked after his breathing had filled the office with sound for more than five seconds.

“What?” His response held an absent tinge.

Temple’s long, light gaze softened with a mix of humor and mild agitation. “Whenever I hear you tell someone that you’ll handle it that means I’ll handle it.”

“Ah, Temp.” The easy charm Mataeo seemed to possess in droves came through for him then. “You know you’re so much better at most things than I am.”

Unfortunately, the charming effort fell short of his right hand. Right arm seemed a more fitting description.

“Just cut it out and tell me what I’m taking care of this time.” Temple returned her focus to the silver-gray tie she was securing about Mataeo’s neck.

The fact that Mataeo North had no actual assistant was as amusing as it was intriguing. The man was notorious for going to Temple for everything from help with his tie to advice on whether the next deal was worth the pursuit. Any assistant hired for the shipping magnate was of little use. Eventually, the position was phased out entirely.

“Hold still.” Temple slapped his forearm. “Unless you’d like to be choked, and I promise you, I can arrange it.” She tugged the silver tie threateningly. “So what were you talking to Nevil about?” She frowned as she focused on securing the knot.

“Development was supposed to be in charge of planning the lion’s share of the survey expedition for the new building site near the docks.”

“Hmph.” Temple’s hands slowed over the knot she was making in the tie. “I didn’t realize you’d already had a place in mind considering…” She dismissed the thought and continued with her task.

Mataeo’s long brows drew close. “Considering what? That I haven’t closed the deal yet?”

Temple merely shrugged.

“That’s why I didn’t tell you.”