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Texas Heir
Texas Heir
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Texas Heir

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Reed picked up the gold pen and studied it again, something in his father’s voice stinging in a way he hadn’t expected. “I’m not looking for an asset. We fell in love and we want to be together to build a home and a family.”

Richard nodded. “That’s what I meant. Your mother and I worried you’d be a bachelor forever.”

Reed’s father and mother had been estranged for years. Vanessa Dalton had been the only child of Harold Dalton, whose father had started the store in the early 1900s. Richard had worked for Harold and had gone after the beautiful Vanessa. Within months they were married and Richard secured his place in Dalton’s and with Harold.

It wasn’t a love match and soon after Marisa was born, Vanessa and Marisa moved to New York while Richard and Reed stayed in Dallas. That all changed when Marisa returned to Texas and found out about her daughter. Their mother soon followed and she and Richard were now sharing the home in Highland Park. Their marriage seemed strange to Reed, but he didn’t question it. Who knew what their arrangement was?

“You can stop worrying.”

Richard walked around the desk and patted Reed’s shoulder. At six feet, Reed stood a little taller than his father, and Richard’s hair was now a silver gray. Other than that, Reed knew they favored each other a great deal. Same color eyes and lean, sharp lines of the face and body. But Reed knew he hadn’t inherited his father’s cutthroat instincts or the do-anything attitude he used to get his way, uncaring of other people’s feelings or lives.

“I’m proud of you, son. You’ve exceeded all my expectations.”

Expectations! The word shot through him like a poison arrow. Something was always expected of him—to excel, to stay a step ahead of the competition, to make profits, to marry, to reproduce. He often wondered what it would feel like to be a man without everyone wanting something from him. What was it like to be free and unencumbered? Sometimes the yoke of responsibility weighed him down.

“Thank you,” was all he could say. It wasn’t easy living in his father’s shadow, or as he liked to call it—living under his father’s thumb.

“Your mother would like to have a dinner party for both families so Marisa and the kids can meet your soon-to-be in-laws.”

It didn’t escape Reed that his father hadn’t mentioned Colter. “What about Colter?” No way was he letting him get away with that slight. Colter was wealthy in his own right, capitalizing on his winning name in the rodeo circuit. He now owned a boot company and supplied a lot of western stores. Dalton’s carried his boots and other leather products and they were popular items.

Colter had character ingrained into his bones and he deserved Richard’s respect. He’d devoted his life to Ellie when he’d thought Marisa hadn’t wanted her. There wasn’t a better father on this earth.

Richard frowned. “What?”

“You didn’t mention Colter.”

“Just an oversight,” Richard said nonchalantly. “Colter is part of our family.”

“Good. Just remember that.”


“I’ll talk to Mother when I get back.” He cut off his father because he didn’t want to rehash an old issue. He just wanted Richard to know he wouldn’t tolerate leaving Colter out of anything. Neither would Marisa.

“Okay.” Richard inclined his head. “Who’s going with you on this trip?”

Reed knew his father was aware of everything he did. Richard had his sources—or spies—and Reed hadn’t ferreted out the informant who told his father of his every move. He didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it because he had nothing to hide, but it irked him that Richard still had his finger on the pulse of this company. That implied Richard didn’t trust him.

“Cari,” he replied, watching his father’s face, “I told Fletcher we’d take the small Learjet just in case you needed the bigger plane.”

“Thanks, but we don’t have any plans that I’m aware of. With your mother, though, that could change at a moment’s notice.” Richard rubbed his jaw in thought, his expression closed. “Ms. Michaels travels with you a great deal. Is that going to bother Daphne?”

There was that tone again. “No,” Reed answered. “Just like it’s not going to bother her when I travel with Monica.”

“Monica’s in her fifties.”

Reed gritted his teeth, an old habit from his teen years when Richard tried to control his every move. “What are you getting at?”

“Ms. Michaels is a very attractive young woman.”

“Yes, so?”

Richard shrugged and Reed didn’t miss that look in his eyes. He’d seen it many times before.

“Ah.” The light switch finally flipped on in his brain. “You’re afraid I might have a romantic interest in Cari. That’s why you’re so happy. I chose the right woman—for a Preston.”

The bar of acceptance was set high—only the very elite and wealthy were considered suitable partners for the Preston children. It was one of the reasons Reed had avoided marriage. He wouldn’t subject a woman to that. But he’d gotten lucky with Daphne.

“Now, Reed, I didn’t say that. You’re very touchy today.”

“Maybe I am,” he conceded.

“Ms. Michaels holds a very important job in this company—a job she does very well. Her work ethic is exemplary and that’s why I didn’t object when you said you were promoting her to vice president when Frank retired. Besides, she’s your sister’s friend and she attends a lot of family functions.”

“But she’s not up to Richard Preston’s standards for a wife for his son. Just like Colter wasn’t an acceptable husband for Marisa.” Reed tried to keep the anger out of his voice and failed.

“Son, you’re getting angry for no reason.”

“Yeah.” Reed massaged the knot at the back of his neck. “But don’t sugarcoat your feelings for my sake. You don’t like Cari. It’s very big of you to accept her for Marisa’s benefit.”

Richard stiffened. “I worked very hard to get where I am today. Is it a crime to want the best for my children?”

Reed’s eyes didn’t waver from Richard’s and he could feel that old tension building inside him. “Yes, it’s a crime when you use underhanded tactics and manipulation to achieve what you think is best for your children. Why don’t you let them make their own decisions?”

“I do,” Richard told him. “You and Marisa both know I’m the type of man who likes to be in control. But I’ve learned my lesson with Marisa. I’m not manipulating your lives anymore.”

Reed jammed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “We both appreciate that.”

“But it doesn’t stop me from being happy when you make good choices.” His father’s eyes gleamed and Reed realized not for the first time that Richard was a formidable opponent and an aggressive parent.

Before Reed could respond, Richard glanced at his watch. “I’ve got to run.” He walked to the door in his quick easy strides. “Do you and Daphne have plans for the weekend?”

“We’re visiting her parents at their lake house in Austin.”

“Don’t forget to call your mother about the party.”

“I won’t,” Reed responded to an empty doorway.

He walked over and closed the door, resisting the urge to slam it. Something about making his father so happy left a bad taste in his mouth.

But he’d get over it.

CARI MADE THE LIMO on time. She handed the driver her bag and slid onto the plush leather seat across from Reed.

“Glad you found shoes,” he remarked, staring at her heels with a lift of his brow.

“It helps working for a department store and having everything at my disposal.” She crossed her legs and scooted farther over. Reed’s legs were so long that she didn’t want to bump his knees. His dark gaze made the space between them seem that much smaller.

“Mmm.” He rubbed his chin and against her will she watched his strong lean fingers stroke his rough male skin. A hint of his cologne, sort of a musk mingled with leather, wafted to her, and a wave of pleasure rippled in her stomach.

“Any ill effects from the fall?”

For a moment she didn’t even catch the question, but she recovered quickly. She placed her Chanel bag, a gift from Dalton’s, beside her on the seat for something to do. “No. By midmorning my aches and pains were gone. But my pride is still bruised, and you can bet someone is going to answer for that defective heel.”

“And if you have your way, that brand of shoe won’t be carried in Dalton’s anymore?”

“You got it. I have George looking into it and I’ll have all the details on your desk Monday morning.”

Reed kept staring at her, and she wondered if her lipstick was smeared. She resisted the urge to grab her compact.


He leaned forward. “Do you know your eyes glow when you’re passionate about something?”

“Is there smoke coming out of my ears, too?” She had to be flippant or she was going to lose what little control she had.

Reed laughed—a deep throaty sound that felt as exhilarating as sliding her dad’s old truck’s stick shift into third gear. As a teenager she knew she was off for the ride of her life. As an adult, Reed’s laugh gave her a glimpse of a ride she was never going to experience.

She stared out the window as the car whipped through traffic. Soon the driver turned into the entrance for Love Field where the Dalton jets were housed. Everything was arranged so there was no waiting. Within minutes they boarded the plane. Fletcher and Melody, the pilots, welcomed them aboard.

Cari had made many company trips. Two pilots were required to fly the plane, even the smaller Learjet. Melody was the only female copilot who worked for Dalton’s, and Cari admired her venture into mostly a man’s profession. The interior of the plane was lavish, with ebony wood and Italian leather, made to cater to the very rich. It had been decorated and customized per Richard Preston’s request. Cari always felt a little out of place when she stepped onto the lush wool carpet of the living–room style cabin.

She eased onto a small sofa, placed her purse and briefcase beside her and buckled up for takeoff. Reed spoke to Fletcher and took a tan captain’s chair across from her. The plane could easily seat six people.

“We’re ready to go,” Reed said, adjusting his seat belt.

Soon they were taxiing down the runway and the jet lifted from the tarmac with a smoothness that still left butterflies in her stomach. Her fear of heights always made her stomach knot with tension, but she generally managed to control it. Up, up they went into the fluffy white clouds, leaving Dallas behind.

Once the plane was in the air, Melody left her seat. “Everything is going smoothly. May I get you something to drink?” Another thing Cari liked about Melody, she was always willing to please. Her job was being a pilot but she didn’t consider it beneath her to act as a flight attendant. Cari had a feeling the woman was going to go far in life.

Tearing her eyes away from the window and that vast nothingness of space, Cari unbuckled her seat belt. “Water, please.”

“Me, too,” Reed replied, resting one booted foot over his knee.

Melody served the drinks on a silver tray with Waterford crystal. Cari often thought this was the height of ostentation, but it was the norm for the Prestons.

As Reed took his glass, he said, “Melody, you really don’t have to do this.”

“It’s my pleasure.” Melody smiled so brightly it was blinding.

He’s engaged, Cari wanted to say. Women were always flirting with him. That was the norm, too.

“Thank you,” Reed said, and Melody floated back to the cockpit.

They rode in silence for a moment.

She could feel Reed’s eyes on her and she refused to squirm. Finally he asked, “What do you think of Daphne?”

She swallowed, choosing her words carefully. “She’s very beautiful.”

He idly rubbed his leather boot, his eyes watching her. “I sense a ‘but’…”

Her eyes caught his. “I hadn’t realized you were dating anyone seriously.” The words were like puffs of air she couldn’t capture or take back.

His eyes darkened. “I’m not aware I have to clear my dating schedule with you.”

His spurt of anger didn’t deter her. “I work closely with you every day and I’m wondering why you felt a need to keep Daphne a secret.”

“My personal life is my business.”

“So what do you care what I think of Daphne?”

“Sir.” Fletcher’s voice came through on the intercom. “We’re going through a thunderstorm, so there’ll be some turbulence. Nothing serious.”

Water splattered against the window and Cari turned her attention to it. The small plane trembled and faltered from the impact of the rain and the wind. Lightning split the sky, illuminating the cabin. It was too close.

She turned her thoughts to Reed. No way would she tell him how she felt about him. He loved Daphne and blurting out her feelings would only complicate things between them.


She heard his throaty voice and she couldn’t look at him. She wasn’t that strong.

Instead, she placed her water on a side table and then opened her briefcase. She focused her attention on the itinerary and the conversation turned to business, something they both were more comfortable with.

“I see you’ve planned to take the manager and his staff out to dinner,” she said.

“Yes, the store is doing very well. I wanted to do something special, but I’m afraid I’ll have to cut it short. I plan to return to Dallas tonight.”

She knew why.

She didn’t need the overnight bag, but she still liked to carry one to freshen up. “They’ll appreciate the thought,” she replied.

A tense pause followed her words.


Why couldn’t he let it go? She didn’t want to talk about his engagement or Daphne.

“Sir,” Fletcher’s voice came through, more urgent this time, “we’re losing power, so it might be best if everyone buckled up.”

“What the hell?” Reed sprang from his seat and made his way to the cockpit. Cari could hear them clearly. “What’s the problem?” Reed asked.

“I’m trying to get the plane above the thunderstorm, but we’re losing power,” Fletcher replied.

“Both engines?”

“Just one, sir.”