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Forgotten Son
Forgotten Son
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Forgotten Son

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Forgotten Son
Linda Warren

Caroline Whitten has never met a man like Eli Coltrane. From the first moment he touched her, Caroline knew there was something special about him. But is she being honest with herself? Have her feelings for Eli grown out of love, or out of gratitude because the Texas Ranger rescued her from a dangerous man? She knows that Eli has resisted getting close to anyone - including his three half brothers - since he was young.He's the forgotten son, unacknowledged by his father, and unwilling to think of Jake, Beau and Caleb McCain as his blood. Caroline helps him change his mind, so he can find out what it means to be part of a family. But it's what she learns from him along the way that is completely unforgettable….

“If I can knock you down, you have to talk to your brothers.”

Eli raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “You can’t knock me down. I’m much stronger than you. And I’m not fighting a woman.”

Caroline put the boxing gloves on. “Are you chicken, Eli?”

He stood. “I’m not fighting you.”

“Didn’t Pa settle all your fights and disagreements this way? Put the gloves on.”

He shoved his hands into the gloves and held them up. She danced in and out, taking jabs at his stomach, but he didn’t move or respond. This was going to be so easy. She moved close to him, her body touching his.

Glancing up into his stubborn blue eyes, she placed her right foot between his feet, then she wrapped her arms around his waist. Eli tensed. Caroline raised her right foot, turned it, and hooked his left leg and jerked. His leg slid out from under him and he was on his butt in a split second.

He burst into laughter. “That was a trick,” he said, taking off his gloves. “You knew exactly what you were doing.”

“But a deal is a deal—and you’re a man of your word, right?”

Dear Reader,

This book is about a Texas Ranger, Elijah Coltrane. Eli first appeared in A Baby by Christmas (Harlequin Superromance #1167) as a stubborn, hardworking man with a troubled past. He grew up knowing who his father was, but the man denied his existence. He has dealt with this rejection all his life—he feels like the forgotten one, the forgotten son of Joe McCain.

As an adult, Eli finds it hard to accept love, and the love he discovers with Caroline is no exception. He was a very hard character for me to write, but I learned a lot from him. I couldn’t wipe away Eli’s pain with the tap of my computer keys. He had to grow and learn, and it took a persistent green-eyed blonde to make him realize that maybe someone could love him.

So come along and find out if Eli can find his happily ever after.


Linda Warren

P.S. I love hearing from readers. You can e-mail me at or write me at P.O. Box 5182, Bryan, TX 77805 or visit my Web site at I will always answer your letters.

Forgotten Son

Linda Warren

While writing this book, I had the good fortune to speak with a real Texas Ranger, Sergeant Frank Malinak, and I’d like to thank him for answering my many questions with incredible patience and understanding. Any errors in this book are strictly mine, and all characters are fictional.

I asked Frank what he’d like people to know about the Rangers, and the following is his response:

“Much has been written about the Texas Rangers of the past, but probably less is known about the modern Ranger. Today’s Texas Ranger is a criminal investigator called upon to assist local, state and federal law enforcement agencies with an array of cases. With the growing population of this state and the increasing complexity of criminal enterprises, Texas Rangers are called upon now with as much necessity and urgency as in bygone eras. The modern Ranger stands ready to protect the citizens of the United States against common street criminals, organized crime, public corruption, identity theft, computer crimes and domestic and foreign terrorism. In short, Texas Rangers have the training, equipment and skills to fight crime in today’s sophisticated society. It has been said, ‘As long as there is a Texas there will be Texas Rangers.’”






















CAROLINE WHITTEN RUSHED into her apartment with the devil on her heels. She couldn’t be late—mustn’t be late. Not today. How could she forget the layout? She knew it was because she had the jitters at the prospect of meeting her father, U.S. Congressman Stephen Whitten, for lunch. The thought made her angry.

And made her feel guilty. A daughter’s guilt.

Her latest photo layout was on the kitchen counter. She quickly grabbed it and counted to ten to calm herself. At two o’clock, she had an appointment with the writer and an editor for the article on Texas wildflowers. The shots she’d taken in the Texas Hill Country where the flowers grew in abundance were great. At least she thought they were.

She groaned. Now the impending lunch had her questioning her capability as a photographer. Caroline blocked the negative thoughts. She was a damn good photographer and the shots were awesome.

How she wished her parents felt the same way she did about her career choice. But the lunch was sure to be another foray into how Stephen Whitten thought she was wasting her life—and her talent.

Caroline had a law degree, like her father, but she’d done nothing with it. Instead, she’d followed her first love, photography, and she made a good living. She just didn’t understand why her father couldn’t be happy for her.

At least her sister, Grace, would be there to take some of the pressure off Caroline. Grace was a lawyer and worked in their father’s law firm, as he had planned. She was the good daughter, while Caroline was…

Would the guilt ever leave her?

She swung around and her inner skirmish stopped, replaced by a frisson of fear. Two men stood in her doorway, two men with long hair and full beards and brown robes. She’d seen them before…when she’d taken photos of the wildflowers. They belonged to a cult hidden away in the hills, and she’d accidentally trespassed close to the high fence that surrounded their property. She’d been afraid of them then and was afraid of them now.

“What do you want?” she asked as authoritatively as she could.

“You have been chosen,” one man answered.

“Excuse me?”

“You have found favor with the prophet.”

That’s what they called their leader. Caroline had met him briefly while she’d tried to explain why she was there. He’d looked at her in a way that made her skin crawl, and she’d been glad to get away. What were his men doing here? How did they know where she lived? And what did they want?

“If you don’t leave, I’ll call…”

Her words trailed off as one man grabbed her and the other clamped a foul-smelling cloth over her face. She lashed out with her arms and legs, then everything went black.

CAROLINE WOKE UP in darkness. Total darkness. Fear ran along her skin and spread through her body like a virus. It was chilling. Debilitating.


Take deep breaths. Take deep breaths, she kept repeating to herself. After a moment, her fear eased and she realized she was on a mattress. She felt its softness, then her hands touched dirt. Cold dirt.

The makeshift bed was on the ground. Getting to her feet, she groped around her with hands outstretched. She was in a small room with wooden walls, she discovered. There was nothing in the space but the mattress…and her. Oh, God. Where was she?

Nausea churned in her stomach and she could feel a scream rising in her throat. Then one of the walls opened and she blinked, the stream of light dazzling after the total darkness. When her eyes had adjusted, Caroline saw a woman with blondish-gray hair pulled back in a knot standing in the opening. She wore a tan, monklike robe and held a pitcher in her hand.

“I brought you water,” she said.

Caroline’s eyes focused on the shadowy yellow light. The woman was older, and all Caroline had to do was overpower her and run. But run where?

Caroline stepped forward. “Why have you brought me here?”

“You have been chosen to be the prophet’s next wife. It is a great honor. You will be the seventh wife, the one to bear the messiah.”

“What? I think that’s already been done.”

“Blasphemy,” the woman shouted.

This was Caroline’s chance and she made a dive for the opening. The woman grabbed her around the neck and flung her back on the mattress as if she were a rag doll.

Gasping for breath, she said, “You can’t keep me here.”

“You will get no water or food. Then you’ll learn to be submissive.”

“Never,” Caroline screamed. “Tell your prophet he has chosen the wrong woman. I will never be his wife.”

“You’ll change your mind,” the woman muttered. In an instant she was gone.

And so was the light.

Caroline jumped up and beat on the wall and screamed until her throat was sore. Then she sank down to the dirt. “Please, somebody. Please help me.”


ELIJAH COLTRANE, Texas Ranger, found the oldest clothes in his closet and slipped them on—worn jeans with holes in both knees and a long-sleeved cotton shirt that had paint stains from when he and Tuck had painted the old house where they’d grown up. Then he found a pair of tennis shoes that had seen better days.

He stared at himself in the mirror. Dark hair curled at his collar, not too long and not too short, just right for the mission ahead of him. His blue eyes looked back at him with veiled excitement and he could feel the energy pumping through his body.

Today would be the start of an undercover operation to nail polygamist and murderer Amos Buford, alias the prophet. This time Buford would not slip through the cracks of the system. Eli would see to that.

A knock brought him out of his reverie. Eli opened the door and Jeremiah Tucker walked in. Tuck was also a Texas Ranger, and Eli’s foster brother and best friend.

Tuck handed him some letters. “I picked up your mail because it was bulging out of your mailbox. Don’t you ever bring it in?”

“Whenever I think about it.”

Tuck thumbed through the letters. “There are three from Jake McCain.”

“Throw them in the trash.”

Tuck shook his head. “What’s the matter with you? Why can’t you talk to him? He’s your half brother.”

“Let it go.” There was a warning in every word.

Tuck was never good at heeding warnings. “I don’t understand what you have against Jake and your other half brothers. They seem like nice people.”

Eli couldn’t explain it to himself, never mind to Tuck. There was just something in him that wouldn’t accept these men as his blood relations. The McCain brothers, especially Jake, had made several attempts to establish a connection. But Eli had spent the first thirteen years of his life being called a bastard, because Joe McCain had denied being his father. Eli wouldn’t acknowledge the name now, no matter how hard his half brothers tried to make him. He realized he had a stubborn streak, but he’d rather keep his life separate from them. That was how he wanted it.

When Eli didn’t speak, Tuck asked, “Do you mind if I open them?”

“Suit yourself.”

Tuck’s forefinger ripped through a flap and a photo fluttered to the floor. He picked it up. It was a picture of a little boy and girl. “Look, Eli,” he said. “It’s of Ben, Jake’s son, who we rescued from Rusty Fobbs. And Ben’s sister. Let’s see.” He glanced at the back. “Her name is Katie and she’s two years old and a beauty.” Tuck held out the snapshot to Eli, but he turned away.

It was Ben’s kidnapping, about three years ago, that had brought Eli back into the McCains’ world. He wished the family would understand that he’d only been doing his job, and would stop trying to make his role in the rescue personal.

“Put it on the coffee table,” he mumbled.

“You’re going to have to let go of the past at some point,” Tuck told him, gingerly setting down the mail with the photo of Ben and Katie on top.

“I have other things on my mind at the moment.”

“Caroline Witten’s kidnapping?”

Eli rubbed his day-old beard. “Yep. I’ve waited a long time to get Amos Buford.”