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The Invasion Of The Sombers
The Invasion Of The Sombers
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The Invasion Of The Sombers

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"Welcome to Prince Syriel and all humans, but not to the unclean beasts that accompany them."

Before any dwarf could react, Syriel unsheathed his sword with superhuman speed and held it threateningly to the dwarf monarch's neck. It was a moment of extreme tension, the dwarves targeted orcs and humans with their crossbows and axes and, in response, humans and orcs drew their swords and weapons.

Ankar, with a furtive drop of sweat slipping down his cheek, raised his hand slowly, giving orders to lower the weapons. While the dwarves obeyed, Syriel faced the dwarf king.

"Your prince comes to ask for shelter, food and escort through the Peaks Pass and does not come with filthy beasts but with allies, friends and a future wife. If you do not willingly offer us what we need, it will be taken by force, and if you do not immediately retract your infamous words, do not welcome all my companions, and do not appropriately pay homage to my fiancée, your head will roll at your feet before you take the next breath. I never wield my sword without staining it with blood, but being you, I will accept your apologies if you are diligent," threatened Syriel without hesitation and with a determination that brought the daring sovereign to his knees and left him almost breathless.

Ankar swallowed saliva loudly and, in the midst of copious sweat, apologized.

"Forgive my haste and be welcome, especially the lady and fiancée of our prince," he hastened to say, repressing the rage.

Syriel accepted the apology, sheathing the sword with slowness.

"Another precipitation like that will cost you your life," he said. "Take care that it does not happen again in the future. Now, the enemy are the sombers and the orcs are our brothers," warned the prince with less hostility, but with the same firmness.

"Welcome, all of you," repeated the dwarf, lowering his head.

"We'll have dinner, we'll make night and early tomorrow we'll leave for Peaks Pass. Fifty dwarves will escort us to the exit to the Badlands," ordered the prince coldly.

"This is how it will be done, my prince. We have prepared a reception bench for you," masked Ankar, with a forced kindness.

Orcs and men entered Karbandur. Meanwhile, Baldrich passed by Syriel.

"Let us watch our backs, a proud dwarf like Ankar neither forgives nor forgives such a humiliation," warned the elf in a whisper, with worried conviction.

Smolion and Gungaroth walked beside Ankar looking at him with manifest hostility and, although they found it difficult to recognize him, they began to feel sympathy and admiration for Syriel.

In the main hall of the fortress was prepared a sumptuous banquet with all sorts of delicacies, as well as wines and beers brought from the most famous origins. Dwarves, men and orcs sat around the tables in an atmosphere of palpable tension. Syriel and Lirieth were placed right next to Ankar and only when the dwarf began to eat and drink, Syriel also began to do so, though taking care that they were from the same sources of food and the same pitchers of drink. But, little by little, the food and especially the wines and beers gave way to laughter, chants and talks to replace the initial tension.

Syriel found Garin, Ankar's son, with whom he had got on very well, and asked his father about him.

"I don't see your son. Isn't he in Karbandur?"

"Well, I'm sorry to say no. He is far from here; I saw his uncle and his cousins in Kandar. He will be very sorry not to have been here to see you," apologized Ankar.

"I'm sorry too," added the prince.

Ankar avoided putting his eyes within Syriel's reach as he replied, but he couldn't avoid Baldrich's, who stared at him for a while with a semblance of deep concern.

After a moment, when the copious food and drink was beginning to run out, Syriel looked at his host.

“I would appreciate it if you could indicate our rooms to rest, we have been travelling for many days and tomorrow we’ll have to continue it,” asked the prince with courtesy, although without ceasing to show an imperative tone.

“We have prepared comfortable beds for everyone, I will send them to accompany you," replied the dwarf without too much enthusiasm.

They accompanied them to a spacious room, very well-conditioned, with enough beds for all the warriors, as well as several individual rooms for the highest rank entourage. The princess' room was arranged in detail.

However, Syriel ordered guard duty, as he had not just trusted Ankar and sensed that something was not right, as did Baldrich, who was convinced that something would happen during the night.

Bellamir left the room where her companions were accommodated in their beds. Baldrich had asked him to take a look around and, if possible, to search the dungeons for a certain Garin, release him and bring him before him without being discovered by the dwarves.

The médium man dredged the path made shortly before, supposing that the dungeons would be at the underground levels. He soon found a ladder and descended. Luckily, no one came across him, as there was no possibility of hiding or going unnoticed on the staircase.

The mediam man continued descending until he reached a level where he began to hear voices.

“I don't like it at all: Garin rebels against his father, Ankar confronts the humans, the prince stopping over here while his host's son is locked up for being loyal to him, before his own father… This won't end up well....

He peered out stealthily and saw several corridors with dungeon doors and two dwarves turning their backs on some of those runners as they played a game in which they rolled something similar to dice.

The rogue snuck down the first corridor and looked for Garin, calling him with just a whisper, until he heard a voice.

“I'm Garin. Who's going?” the voice whispered, hopeful.

“Your Highness, I have come with Prince Syriel, I am going to free you and bring you before him," replied the mediam fellow with relief.

“Hurry, there's no time to lose…" said the captive prince.

In just a few seconds, using his set of picklocks, the skillful rascal opened the door with barely an imperceptible click.

“I beg you to follow me quietly, Your Highness," Bellamir asked to the dwarf prince.

Shortly afterwards, two silent sombers climbed up the narrow and gloomy staircases.

Baldrich woke up the prince.

“Wake up Syriel! We have a visitor. It's only three hours till dawn and we need a plan.”

When the prince opened his eyes, besides seeing Baldrich and Bellamir, he also recognized his friend Garin.

“Garin! Weren't you in Kandar?” Syriel burst with joy.

“No, he was locked in the dungeons with those who are still loyal to you. My father has prepared an enclosure for you with the dark ones in the Peaks Pass. Bellamir has rescued me, but all my dwarves are missing," said Garin regretfully.

“I suspected something strange and I sent Bellamir to take a look. He found Garin locked up, freed him and brought him here," Baldrich explained.

“The situation is very delicate, let's wake up the princess and her generals," ordered Syriel.

Once all gathered and after bringing up to date to the newcomers, Syriel asked:

“Garin, how many dwarfs are locked up?”

“One thousand and five hundred," replied Garin.

“How many dwarfs does your father have in Karbandur?" asked the human prince.

“More than ten thousand, but a thousand really faithful. The rest will follow my father or me, depending on who holds the power," blessed Garin.

“How many dark men are preparing the ambush?” asked Syriel.

“About five hundred, but they're not a problem. I know where they are and we can catch them by surprise. I'm more worried about my father," he declared with sincere bitterness.

“We can overcome him before he wakes up. Bellamir, will you be able to free Garin's companions?” the prince wanted to know.

“Of course," answered the rogue.

“Well then, let's go, we'll free the dwarves, provide them with weapons, and subdue Ankar and his henchmen while they sleep," concluded Syriel.

But when he left his room, he found a panorama quite different from what he had expected: he found that all the men and orcs had been bound and gagged by numerous dwarves who wielded their threatening axes. A smiling Ankar sneered at him:

“Did you sleep well, my prince? And you, dirty orc princess?”

“You are going to pay this very dearly, Ankar, don't doubt it," threatened Syriel.

“Really? Well, I don't think so. Arrest them and return my treacherous son to his dungeon!" ordered Ankar.

As the dwarves tied Syriel and his companions, only Baldrich noticed that Bellamir was no longer with them just a second before they put an antimagic hood on him, just like Lirieth, and he smiled inwardly. With these hoods, of which the sombers were masters at making them, not even the most powerful sorcerer could make the slightest magic, since they completely annulled all the magical skills of the one who wore it.

“Why, Ankar? My father has always treated you with respect and benevolence," Syriel asked.

“Haven't you guessed it yet? I hate orcs, I cannot bear their repugnant pestilence. I could not believe that you were allied with them and, above all, that you were promising one of their beasts," replied Ankar with restrained rage.

“You will not get away with it, my father and Gulrath will ask you for explanations," said the prince.

“I've got it all figured out, my prince. I will say that the Peaks Pass was taken by the dark ones and that you all fell fighting bravely. Now, be so kind as to accompany me to the gates of the pass,” Ankar grinned.

They were forced to climb a wide staircase for almost three hours. Although they tied them up in front, the climb was expensive for the prisoners, who stumbled and fell with some assiduity. There was another access from below without stairs for wagons and caravans, which they did not use to better control the prisoners.

Eventually, they reached the high and sturdy doors that Ankar ordered to open. With great din, they began to open and an incredible landscape appeared before their eyes. There was a solid path made of rock and wood that stretched to the end of the horizon, flanked by various mountain peaks of different sizes and sometimes tunneled through the larger mountains that hindered it. Shreds of thick clouds adorned the path and the peaks of the mountains, although without covering too much the panoramic view. To the first and main road of the Peaks Pass were joined more stretches that linked the main cities and dwarf settlements throughout the Slanted Mountains. But by express order of Ankar, that day all the derivations remained with their closed doors that rose big and solid, so that one could only pass through the main pass that united Karbandur with the Badlands.

Syriel thought that it was a pity to contemplate this marvelous spectacle being tied, betrayed and defeated; and he also lamented that Lirieth was not able to see the landscape next to him, since the antimagic hood prevented him from doing so. With rage, but without losing his composure, he went to Ankar.

“What do you have in mind for us, you fucking traitor?” asked Syriel bravely.

“Well, nothing less than what his highness requested me: The Peaks Pass," replied Ankar with derision and haughtiness. “Later on, you will find a somber retinue that will take care of you, but so that you don't waste time going to meet them, I will introduce you to Kasariviel, who will follow you slowly but relentlessly. If I were you, I would not stop to try to free from the bonds," added Ankar amusedly.

“Kasariviel?" Syriel interrogated.

“It is a giant serpent that came from the Badlands. Since we feed him well, he stays with us and watches over this door. It is a precious creature which is more than three hundred feet high and its smallest tusk surpasses your height. It's adorable, you'll see," replied the dwarf, with a good dose of mockery. “Throw them all out," ordered Ankar.

The dwarves, aided by their axes and spears, pushed and drove the whole group of men and orcs into the pass. Only Bellamir was missing, although only Baldrich was aware of his absence.

As the doors closed, the last thing they saw was Ankar laughing out loud, but they didn't have much time to lament or curse him, since above the doors, a huge forked tongue appeared followed by a menacing serpent's head showing long, very sharp fangs. They all ran along the solid path by which the serpent would undoubtedly chase them.

Syriel searched for Lirieth and took as best he could a piece of his robe, instructing it to follow him with care not to fall. He also searched for Baldrich, but he had overtaken him.

“Don't worry about me, I'll be able to follow your steps," said the magician.

Running handcuffed, some of the orc and human warriors fell to the ground and were hit by the hungry ophidian. This gave the others time to gain some distance from the snake. Syriel tried to find something that would help him break his ties, but the rocks on the road were very well carved with rounded-shape and he had no choice but to keep running.

The snake wasn't going too fast, but it didn’t allow to stop those who escaped from it, catching the ones who fell and didn't have time to get up again.

The persecution lasted for a while for which the pursued ones became eternal. Perhaps it was four or five hours, although it gave them the impression that they had been harassed for more than a day by the long monster.

Syriel saw in the distance as the squadron of the sombers that awaited them began to emerge and he desperately searched for something that could help him to free himself from the bonds. They couldn't stop and go on either. Lirieth guessed their restlessness.

“What's the matter," he asked. “Shall we approach the sombers? Try to find something to free yourself, you have to take off my hood. Do it, do it whatever it takes, but do it," the princess begged afflicted.

Syriel explored around him, though he saw nothing that could help. Suddenly he watched from the sky as a small but fast falcon descended straight towards him. As it approached, he saw that he was carrying an object in his beak and was surprised to see that it was dropping a dagger at his feet, taking flight again.

Syriel did not hesitate for a moment to pounce on the dagger and begin to rub its ties with its sharp steel.

Men and orcs ran in front of them, Baldrich had also stayed with the princes, they hoped to be able to do something once the time had come.

There was not much time left and in a few seconds the snake would reach them. Syriel rubbed his frenzied ligatures against the dagger, although the rope was very hard and difficult to tear apart.

Finally, he managed to get rid of the ties when the proud snake was only a few yards away. With desperation, the prince ran towards Lirieth to remove the hood, which was attached to her neck with a strap. With his fingers still half numb from the ties, it took Syriel more than a little while to remove the hood from the princess's head, just in time to be able to dodge the first serrated of the enormous reptile's frightening jaws.

With the sudden movement, Syriel had the ruby necklace detached from the chest and the snake stood still for a few instants, watching the red stone as if fascinated by it, as if the ophidian had seen it before.

Syriel and Lirieth took advantage of the small truce without wasting time.

“The rope, take the rope off me," Lirieth implored while putting the hands as far apart as possible in front of the prince.

Syriel grabbed the dagger and, with a precise stroke, cut the ropes with little harm to the discouraged princess, and just as the snake showed that it had lost interest in the stone and was about to attack them again, Lirieth moved her arms slowly and rhythmically from side to side as she spoke strange words with sweetness, but with determination.

Kasariviel stood surprisingly still staring at the princess and as Syriel released Baldrich, Lirieth asked nervously:

“Baldrich, what the hell do I do now?”

“First of all, keep calm. Don't let the snake see you fearful, speak to it with authority and self-confidence. Then, do as we do in our practices: inculcate in it what it must do. At this moment perhaps it would be good for us if it attacked the dark ones on the other side of the tunnel," replied the elf.

Lirieth concentrated on a mental struggle with the snake to force it against the sombers. She pointed at them, as if ordering the reptile to obey her. Then she pointed more insistently and ended with an imperative and thunderous "NOW!" that made the snake wince and carry out the order quickly and even with a palpable air of fear.

The princess dismissed Kasariviel shouting in restrained rage:

“That's it! Go get 'em! Go get 'em! Stupid fucking beast!”

A pleased Baldrich whispered to a perplexed prince with a furtive, underhanded smile:

“If I were you, I would never contradict her.”

The serpent passed through the tunnel with determination, flanked by the exhausted, frightened and still handcuffed men and orcs, who were surprised to see the monstrous serpent almost grazing them, but ignoring them, as if they didn't exist.

As the reptile emerged from the tunnel it lunged with unusually strong fury at the astonished sombers, which hurled arrows and spears at their attacker, though they did not seem to affect it much.

Already almost all the men and orcs were free from their ties and the serpent continued its fierce battle against the dark ones. Syriel, Lirieth, Baldrich, Hans and the two orc generals tried to analyze the situation.

“The serpent will not be able against all the dark and we’re disarmed to confront those who remain," said Syriel.