Tashik the bear and Christmas miracle (Valentina Basan)

Tashik the bear and Christmas miracle (Valentina Basan)
Автор: Valentina Basan
Жанр: сказкизарубежные детские книгидетская познавательная и развивающая литературалесные приключенияанглийский язык для детейанглийский для начинающихПроизведения самиздатасказки на ночь
Язык: Русский
Размер: 385662 Кб
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Описание книги:
Cold and snowy winter has come to the forest. Tashik the bear makes a snowman near the house and examines the snowflakes that fall right on his paws. The bear cub admires snow, snowflakes and winter. But that's not all! Tashik the bear learns for the first time what Christmas is, goes to visit the forest spirits, meets his old and new friends and makes the most cherished wish. After all, a miracle will happen on the night before Christmas and all cherished wishes will definitely come true!