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Oscar Wilde: A Life in Letters
Oscar Wilde: A Life in Letters
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Oscar Wilde: A Life in Letters

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19 April A Woman of No Importance produced at Haymarket Theatre

October Writes An Ideal Husband

November Lady Windermere’s Fan published

1894 9 February Salome published in English with Aubrey Beardsley’s illustrations

May In Florence with Douglas

11 June The Sphinx published

July ‘Poems in Prose’ published in the Fortnightly Review

August-September Writes The Importance of Being Earnest at Worthing

9 October A Woman of No Importance published

October At Brighton with Douglas

November ‘A Few Maxims for the Instruction of the Over-Educated’ published in the Saturday Review

December ‘Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young’ published in the Chameleon

1895 3 January An Ideal Husband produced at Haymarket Theatre

January-February Visits Algiers with Douglas

14 February The Importance of Being Earnest produced at St James’s Theatre

28 February Finds Queensberry’s card at Albemarle Club

1 March Obtains warrant for Queensberry’s arrest

9 March Queensberry remanded at Bow Street for trial at Old Bailey

12–20 March Visits Monte Carlo with Douglas

3 April Queensberry trial opens

5 April Queensberry acquitted. Wilde arrested at Cadogan Hotel and charged at Bow Street. Bail refused. Imprisoned at Holloway until first trial

24 April Sheriff’s sale of all Wilde’s possessions at his home, 16 Tite Street

26 April First trial opens

1 May Jury disagree

7 May Released on bail

20 May Second trial opens

25 May Convicted and sentenced to two years’ hard labour. Imprisoned at Pentonville

30 May The Soul of Man under Socialism published in book form

4 July Transferred to Wandsworth

12 November Declared bankrupt

20 November Transferred to Reading

1896 3 February Death of his mother, Lady Wilde

11 February Salome produced in Paris at the Theatre de l’Oeuvre

1897 January-March Writes De Profundis

19 May Released. Crosses to Dieppe

26 May Moves from Dieppe to Berneval-sur-Mer July-October Writes and revises The Ballad of Reading Gaol

?28 August Meets Douglas in Rouen

15 September Leaves Dieppe for Paris

20 September Arrives at Naples with Douglas

1898 February Returns to Paris

13 February The Ballad of Reading Gaol published

End March Moves to Hotel d’Alsace, rue des Beaux-Arts, Paris

7 April Death of Constance Wilde in Genoa after spinal operation

June-July At Nogent-sur-Marne

August At Chevennieres-sur-Marne

December Invited by Frank Harris to spend three months on French Riviera at Napoule near Cannes

1899 February The Importance of Being Earnest published. Leaves Napoule for Nice

25 February Leaves Nice to stay as Harold Mellor’s guest at Gland, Switzerland

13 March Willie Wilde, his brother, dies

1 April Leaves Gland for Santa Margherita on Italian Riviera

May Returns to Paris. Stays at Hotel de la Neva, then at Hotel Marsollier

July An Ideal Husband published

August Moves back to the Hotel d’Alsace

1900—April-May Spends two weeks as Mellor’s guest travelling in Italy and Sicily

May Returns to the Hotel d’Alsace

10 October Undergoes ear operation in hotel room

30 November Dies in Hotel d’Alsace of cerebral meningitis. Buried at Bagneux

1905—February De Profundis first published in heavily expurgated form by Robert Ross

1906—July Wilde’s estate discharged from bankruptcy. Creditors paid 20s in the £ and 4 per cent interest from sales of books and licensing of plays

1908—First collected edition of Wilde’s works published by Methuen

1909—20 July Wilde’s remains are moved from the cemetery at Bagneux to Pere Lachaise and reinterred under Jacob Epstein’s monument. The manuscript of De Profundis is presented by Ross to the British Museum on the condition that it remain closed for fifty years

1945—20 March Death of Lord Alfred Douglas

1949—Suppressed part of De Profundis published by Wilde’s son, Vyvyan Holland, from Ross’s typescript

1954—Unveiling of plaque on Wilde’s London home at 16 Tite Street

1956—First publication of the original four-act version of The Importance of Being Earnest

1962—Publication of Wilde’s Collected Letters including first fully correct version of De Profundis

1995—Consecration of a window to Oscar Wilde in Poets’ Corner, Westminster Abbey

1998—Erection of a publicly funded sculpture A Conversation with Oscar Wilde in Adelaide Street, London

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