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Pampered, pretty Leeza Nelson had reluctantly agreed to watch over her friends' orphanage ranch in New Mexico. So when one of the children ran away, it was up to her to find him.Bu...
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Imaginary friend or deadly foe?Her daughter's imaginary playmate was scaring single mother Jillian Stewart. The young girl spoke with «him» as if he were human and said his name wa...
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How could he tell the woman who touched his heart about the nightmares that haunted him? Mack Dorsey's scars served as a permanent reminder of the children he couldn't save in a sc...
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Devil's bargain…Teo Sandoval's unearthly power caused storms to rage and lightning to tear across the sky.Tall, dark and brooding, he was called the devil's spawn by some. His laug...
В этот день...
29 июня 1900 года родился Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери (Antoine Marie Roger, Vicomte de Saint-Exupery) (ум. 1944), французский писатель.
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Детство. Время открытий. Время удивляться всему в мире. Радоваться, грустить, искать себя...