Essential Oils for Lovers: How to use aromatherapy to revitalize your sex life (Maggie Tisserand)

Essential Oils for Lovers: How to use aromatherapy to revitalize your sex life (Maggie Tisserand)
Автор: Maggie Tisserand
Жанр: книги по психологииспорт / фитнессемейная психологияздоровьеспорт, здоровье, красотамедицина и здоровьеспортсекс и отношениялюбовь и отношения
Язык: Английский
Размер: 385662 Кб
ISBN: 9780008286484
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Описание книги:
If you’ve ever wondered how to keep your romance alive you need to look no further. This inspiring book is a treasure trove of erotic wisdom – aromatic recipes, potent aphrodisiacs and sensual massage techniques that have stood the test of time.Includes:the use of essential oils since ancient times• how to prepare sexy massage oils and remedies• how aromatic oils and massage can enhance your sex life and help with sexual difficulties• new ways of soothing, relaxing and exciting your partner with touch and fragrance• how to beautify your skin and body with luxurious oilsThe art of driving your partner wild is at your fingertips!