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Pure Temptation & Old Enough to Know Better: Pure Temptation / Old Enough To Know Better
Pure Temptation & Old Enough to Know Better: Pure Temptation / Old Enough To Know Better
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Pure Temptation & Old Enough to Know Better: Pure Temptation / Old Enough To Know Better

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“No, I probably won’t,” he murmured as he kept up the maddening, electrifying rhythm.

She felt like a watch being wound too tight, but she wanted him to keep on winding. “Oh, Mac.” She clutched his shoulder as the tension grew.

“Won’t be long now.” He leaned down and feathered a kiss against her lips. “Let go, Tess.”

“I don’t know how.”

“Your body knows. Get out of your head and live right…” He pressed down a little harder. “Right there.”

She moaned as the pressure became unbearable and her body arched and quivered beneath him.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear as he deepened the caress. “Remember my dream? You rode naked to the river, becoming so aroused that you climaxed, and then I pulled you down, spread your legs and—”

She cried out as the convulsions swept through her, wave upon wave of glorious release. And all through it, she held on to Mac, the man who had offered to lead her into this land of magic, and then had made a miracle happen. And he held on to her equally as tight, covering her face with kisses and laughing softly in triumph.

* * *

MAC HELD TESS and listened with pride to her sighs of satisfaction as she nestled in his arms. He was tense with unfulfilled need, but he could stand the pressure. “So you liked it.”

“I adored it.” Her voice was lazy and sweet, an after-the-loving voice that didn’t sound like the Tess he knew, but like a Tess he’d like to know. “Mac, you used fantasy on me, after all.”

“Had to get you past that wall.”

“See?” Her voice was whisper-soft. “Fantasy can work.”

“You made a believer of me.”

She sighed again. “I’m so glad you were the one, Mac.”

“Me, too.” Even when Tess had announced she was still a virgin, Mac had never dreamed that she’d never experienced what he’d just given her. Knowing that he’d introduced her to her first orgasm made him feel like a king. Of all the accomplishments in his life, this might be the one he was the most proud of.

On the downside, he was in real agony. Tess had been right that he was used to finishing something that started this way, and his body was demanding that he take care of things. Even without birth control, there were ways to gain mutual satisfaction. But she couldn’t be expected to do that for him, considering her lack of experience. He wouldn’t even ask.

Then he felt her fingers working at his belt buckle.

“Tess? What are you doing?”

“If you’d move back a little I could do it better.” She fumbled her way through the fastenings of his buttonfly jeans. It was obvious she’d never undressed a man in her life.

Suddenly he felt protective of her innocence. “Look, you’re new at this, so please don’t think that I expect you to—”

“Want me to stop?” She paused. “It’s just that, in the dark, I feel…braver. And I want to, Mac. I really want to.”

She’d nearly released him from the confines of the denim, which left only the cotton of his boxers between him and paradise. Consideration warred with urgent need. “Uh…”

“I’ll confess I’m a complete novice when it comes to giving a man pleasure, but I’ve read extensively.” Her words might be scholarly, but her tone was sexy as hell.

The combination of sex and innocence was dynamite. His erection stiffened even more, thinking of her untutored hands on him, practicing.

She rubbed him through the cotton. “Well?”

With a sigh, he kissed her deeply. “Considering it’s dark and all, I’d love it,” he murmured against her lips.

“Then lift your hips so I can push your clothes away. I’m too much of a beginner to deal with impediments.”

His skin flushed with anticipation. He’d never in his life been approached this way, and he found it damn exciting. “Okay.” He lifted up and she shoved his boxers and jeans down in one efficient movement.

“Goodness gracious.” She sounded intimidated.

Well, at least he wasn’t a disappointment to her. He took some satisfaction in that. “Change your mind?”

“No. I’m just…impressed. Lie back and let me get used to the idea.”

He did, and realized he was quivering—like a first-timer. When she finally circled his shaft with one warm hand, he squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth. He would not explode this very minute. He would not. Talk about making a fool of yourself. But even the thought of Tess holding on to him like that was enough to make him climax. The reality was so stimulating that he wondered how long he’d survive her attentions.

“Your skin here is so soft.”


“Let me just moisten it.”

Before he realized what she was up to, she’d leaned down and started using her tongue. “Tess!”

She lifted her head. “Am I shocking you?”

“Yes! You’re not ready for that stage yet.”

“I’m not?” She moved her hand up and down his shaft. “Or you’re not? Are you okay? Your face is all scrunched up.”

“I’m trying to control myself. And when you do unexpected…things, I find it difficult.”

“Oh. So you don’t want this to be over too quick?”

“Right.” He groaned as she settled into a rhythm that was uncannily good for someone who had never engaged in this activity. She must have some good books.

“Do you suffer from premature—”


“Because there are techniques for that.”

“Tess, I’m fine…usually.” He clenched his jaw and fought the urge to erupt as she explored the tip of his penis with fluttering fingers. And he knew in a flash of certainty he was reacting this way because these were Tess’s fingers touching him so intimately. “Maybe it’s because I’ve wanted you for so long, without knowing.”

“That’s a nice thought.” She leaned down and flicked her tongue back and forth against the spot she’d been caressing with her fingers.

He worked so hard to hold back his climax that he thought he might pass out. “Where…did you learn that?”

“A book.” She blew on the damp spot. “Do you like it?”

He gripped the blanket in both fists and stared blindly up at the night sky. He’d never had an experience to equal this one. “Yeah. I like it.”

“Too bad we don’t have some ice.”

“Ice?” He definitely had to get a look at those books. “What—what for?”

“It’s supposed to feel fantastic during an orgasm if you put some right here.” She pressed against a spot below his family jewels.

He didn’t know about ice, but the pressure she was exerting was having a fantastic effect. He moaned softly.

“Having trouble holding back?”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Then let’s try this.” She held him snugly at the base of his shaft with one hand, pushing down slightly, and took the tip in her mouth.

The effect was unbelievable. Intense pleasure poured through him from the action of her mouth, but her firm grip on his shaft kept his climax at bay. He moaned. He groaned. He thrashed his head from side to side.

Then she released her grip, took him completely into her mouth, and his control shattered. He tried to pull away from her, sure this wasn’t what she meant to do, but she wouldn’t let him. His world came apart as he surrendered to the most cataclysmic orgasm of his life. As his spinning universe slowly came back into focus, he drew her up and gathered her close to kiss her passion-flavored lips.

He felt as if he’d been poleaxed. This evening had started out to be an educational session with him as teacher and her as pupil. Somehow, in the past few minutes, she’d completely reversed their roles. And in the process she’d made him her slave.

“We can try the ice another time,” she whispered.

“Sure.” He held her close, unable to find the energy to do more than breathe.


TESS HAD NEVER SEEN Mac so still, not even the time he rode all day without a hat and ended up with sunstroke. He was usually brimming with energy, yet he lay slumped against her like an unconscious person, his eyes closed. On the other hand, the experience of loving Mac had stirred her up again. She’d finally experienced activities she’d only read about, and she felt as if a whole new world had just opened up for her. She was ready for…more. She wasn’t sure exactly what form that “more” would take, but she was ready for it.

She peered into his relaxed face. “Mac, I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

His mouth curved in a faint smile. “Nope.”

She stroked his hair back from his forehead. “You’re awfully quiet.”

His lips barely moved enough to form the words. “Your books should tell you why.”

“It was that good?”

“Yeah, Tess, it was.”

“Cool.” She smiled to herself in the darkness. “I was wondering if I’d done everything right.”

“Extremely right.”

“Good.” She adjusted her position. “Is it okay if I kiss you again?”

His eyes drifted open. “Where?”

“On your mouth. Where did you think?”

“I wasn’t sure. For a virgin, you have some amazing ideas.”

She brushed her lips against his. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“It was.”

She settled her mouth over his, coaxing his tongue into slow love-play with hers. At first his response was lazy, almost nonchalant, but gradually the tempo of his breathing picked up. As the temperature of his kiss changed from warm to sizzling, he cupped her breast, kneading it with sure fingers. Her body throbbed with new knowledge, and she whimpered and moved closer to his heat.

He drew his mouth back a fraction. “Oh, Tess. I’m getting hard again.”

She reached downward. “Let me—”

“No.” He captured her hand. “We have to stop. I thought I was so drained that I could just play around for a while more without getting too worked up. I was wrong. I don’t trust myself if we get started again.”

Her body tightened in anticipation. “You’d ravish me?”

“There’s a good chance.” He reached for the strap of her dress. “Let’s put this back on.”

“Mac…” She could hardly believe that she was about to make such a bold suggestion, but she wanted this night to continue forever. “I’m sure you have birth control stashed somewhere at home. You could take me back to my house, go get it, and then come back to my place.”

He paused in the act of pulling the bodice of her dress back up over her breasts.

“You see, I want you, too,” she murmured.

He trembled and bunched the material in his fist.

“There’s still a lot of time before the sun comes up.”

He drew a long, shaky breath and continued his task, reaching for the zipper of her dress. “It’s probably stupid, but I want to stick with what I promised you. You’ll only have the experience of giving up your virginity once in your life. I think…we should make it special.”

“We could make it special tonight.”

“Not special enough. Give me a chance to woo you a little. Let me bring you flowers, maybe a bottle of good wine.”

Despite her frustration, she liked the picture he was painting. “Should I buy lingerie or something?”

“Lingerie would be very nice.” He arranged the pearl in the cleft between her breasts. “But wear this. I love watching the way it nestles right there.”

“I’ll bet when you gave it to me you never imagined a scene like this.”

“Not consciously.” He ran a finger over the gold chain. “But maybe subconsciously. When I saw the necklace in the jewelry store, I knew immediately I wanted to get it for you for graduation.” He looked into her eyes. “Maybe I wanted something that would touch you where I wasn’t allowed to.”

She smiled. “We seem to have overcome those restrictions without too much trouble. I’d say our makeout session was a success.”

“Yeah, but now we have to go back and face the real world with all its guilt trips. And we still have the big hurdle to jump.” He gazed at her. “Maybe when it comes to that final moment, I won’t be able to do it.”

Her smile widened. “Oh, I think you will, judging from tonight.”