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Five Star Seduction
Five Star Seduction
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Five Star Seduction

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“Miss Alexander...”

Zaire was jolted out of her reverie when she heard her name.

She glanced up into the most beautiful brown eyes she had ever seen. She broke into an open, friendly smile. “I’m sorry. I was just admiring the view.”

She thought she detected a hint of a smile, but it disappeared before Zaire could be sure. She flushed when she realized that he may have assumed that she was talking about him. Although, he was extremely handsome.

“I’m Tyrese Moore,” he said in a deep timbre. “I wanted to come down and greet you personally.”

Her perfectly shaped eyebrows rose in surprise. “You’re Mr. Moore?”

He chuckled. “You sound shocked.”

Zaire gave him a quick and not-so-subtle once-over. Tyrese looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. She hadn’t expected him to be so young, but she did not give voice to the thought. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Moore.”

Tyrese’s smile was courteous as he guided her toward the elevators. “Pilar wanted to be here to welcome you herself, but she wasn’t able to change her plans. She’s still in New York.”

Pilar Millbrook was Tyrese’s partner and the person who had arranged this meeting with Tyrese.

They got off on the fifth floor.

“I’m very excited about this meeting with you,” Zaire said. “Thanks for allowing me this opportunity to present my idea.”

A smile remained on his extremely handsome face.

Why did he have to be so handsome? Zaire wondered. How was she supposed to focus with Tyrese Moore in her presence?

* * *

Tyrese’s eyes landed briefly on the red leather tote as Zaire switched it from her right to her left shoulder. He noted from her overall look that Zaire was stylish, glamorous and she was definitely not afraid of color. Tyrese would bet money that she also drove a fancy sports car in red.

This was not the type of woman who played it safe, he decided. That quality made Zaire perfect for the direction in which he wanted to take the Moore Group. He could see why Pilar liked her. They shared similar qualities—they were both willing to take risks.

Tyrese knew that Zaire was the daughter of hotel magnate Malcolm Alexander, but this had nothing to do with his decision to meet with her. She was here based on her own capabilities.

He observed as she interacted with some of the other employees. Zaire appeared to be unaware of the captivating picture she made when she smiled.

She glanced over in his direction.

Tyrese exchanged a smile with her, and then turned his attention to the young woman who suddenly appeared by his side. She carried a folder, which she presented to him.

He quickly provided his signature.

“Zaire, my assistant will show you to the conference room. I will be there shortly.”

She responded with a smile.

His grin flashed briefly, dazzling against his dark chocolate complexion. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

As soon as Zaire entered the conference room, she sank down in a nearby chair to steady her trembling knees. “What am I doing here?” she whispered. She had been out of grad school for a few months and now she was about to present a bold proposal to a complete stranger.

Zaire hoped that Tyrese would keep an open mind. She had researched his company and had actually included it in her thesis—it was how she had met Pilar.

She already knew that Pilar supported her idea. Zaire just needed to convince Tyrese. If only his partner could have been in attendance. She could have used the extra support. Perhaps Pilar’s presence could help distract her from the sexy man that she was meeting with. It was too late to run away now, Zaire decided. She would have to make the best of the situation.

Chapter 2

Zaire loved the large windows with a garden balcony in the conference room. They offered her a spectacular view of Beverly Hills, Hollywood Hills and downtown Los Angeles. She loved nature and the outdoors in general.

Shortly before ten, Tyrese appeared in the doorway. “I’m sorry about the delay.”

“You’re fine,” she responded. “Your offices are very nice. I really love the art pieces you selected.”

“Are you an art lover?” he asked.

When she nodded, he said, “After our meeting, I’ll have my assistant give you a tour.” His tone was warm and welcoming.

Zaire opened her tote and pulled out her pen, a legal pad and a proposal that she handed to Tyrese.

He took a seat at the head of the table.

Zaire stole a peek in his direction.

Tyrese once again captured Zaire’s attention. His dark eyes framed his square face. His lips parted, showing a dazzling display of straight, white teeth. His profile was proud and full of strength, a quality that could be attributed to his commanding presence.

“As Pilar may have already told you, I am launching a high-end concierge service,” Zaire announced. “Those who reside in the world of luxury are maintaining open-ended expense accounts for necessities such as client entertainment and personal lifestyle accoutrements,” she stated. “What I have found is that a lot of these affluent families are looking for family excursions to help build schools in Africa instead of superfluous visits to privately owned boutiques and one-on-one attention at exclusive vacation resorts.”

“And you are proposing a partnership with my company,” Tyrese said as he reviewed the proposal in his hands. “Why do you believe we will be a good fit for one another?”

Zaire smiled. “The Moore Group was created to go beyond the typical marketing schemes. With over five years in the business of luxury marketing, you and Pilar have developed programs that allow you insider knowledge and access to what other companies may not be privy to—by partnering with me, you will be able to provide your clients access to things they may not have heard of or have access to.”

“I hope this is not about lavish birthday parties,” Tyrese stated.

“It’s not,” Zaire responded. “The message you will be sending by offering specialized or VIP client services is that the Moore Group recognizes what is going on in the world today, but we also have an understanding that certain clients still require high-end services.”

“We are known for producing upscale events for our clients,” Tyrese interjected. “Our mission is to assist our clients in building and managing their brand.”

“Which can include tailoring experiences around their requests,” Zaire said. “Whatever your clients desire, we can assist in making that idea a reality. VIP client services will be the epitome of luxury living, no matter how our clients define luxury.”

“You’ve done your homework, I see.”

“I wouldn’t be here otherwise,” Zaire responded with an easy smile. “You are a visionary, Mr. Moore. I would love to work with you in this venture. I’m sure there is so much I can learn from you.”

“Please call me Tyrese. We are very informal around here. Tell me something. Why did you choose M.G.? We are not a big company.”

“But you have done something most large companies are still striving to do—find a niche. You know your target audience and have concentrated on providing a unique but positive customer experience.”

Tyrese pushed away from the conference table and rose to his feet. “Kaitlin will give you a tour of the rest of the building. I’ll see you for lunch.” He paused a moment before saying, “You did a great job. I’m impressed.”

She warmed at the compliment. “Thanks.”

Kaitlin was standing outside of the conference room when Zaire walked out with Tyrese.

“Ready?” she asked.

Zaire nodded.

He gave her a slight smile and walked in the direction of his office.

She resisted the urge to look back at him.

Zaire and Kaitlin took the elevator down to the first floor.

“Our screening room seats up to fifty,” Kaitlin stated. “We also have a soundstage here on the first floor.”

“I understand that there is also an exercise room and showers in the building, as well.”

Kaitlin nodded. “They are located on the second floor.”

They left the screening room and walked down the hall. “We have our own catering facilities here, as well. We often host special events.”

“How long have you worked here, Kaitlin?”

“Five years,” she responded proudly. “I was M.G.’s first employee.”

Zaire smiled. “This company has grown very quickly.”

Kaitlin agreed, “Tyrese has worked hard to make this a premiere marketing company for high-end companies like Mercedes-Benz, the Four Seasons and a host of others.”

After the tour, Zaire was taken back to the fifth floor.

They found Tyrese in an empty room two doors down from his corner office.

“What do you think?” he asked when she walked inside.

Zaire glanced around the room. “It’s empty,” she responded.

“It won’t be for long,” Tyrese stated. “That is if you’re willing to use it for your office.”

She swallowed hard. “Are you saying that you accept my proposal?”

He nodded. “I’m having the contracts drawn up as we speak. We have all of this space, so I figured you might as well work here.”

Zaire felt like hugging Tyrese, but she had to exercise restraint. “Thank you for this opportunity. You won’t regret it.”

“I look forward to a long relationship together.”

She grinned. “Same here.”

“You are free to decorate your office any way you like.”

“Do you mind if I just hang out in here for a moment?” Zaire asked.

He smiled. “I have to leave for an off-site meeting. Stay as long as you like.”

“Thank you again, Mr. Moore...Tyrese. I really appreciate your willingness to give me a chance.”

“Pilar has a lot of faith in you. I have always trusted her instincts. I see no point in changing that now.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Tyrese eyed her for a moment before breaking into a smile. “Tomorrow.”

Zaire watched him walk away; his footsteps thundered down the hall. He was an extremely handsome man, but Zaire was determined to deliver everything she had promised. She vowed to prove herself a valuable asset to the Moore Group.

* * *

True to her word, Zaire was back in her new office bright and early. She noted that it had been thoroughly cleaned. A faint lemon scent still lingered in the air, and the hardwood floors gleamed.

Dressed in a pair of black jeans, a crisp white shirt and a pair of red sandals, Zaire took measurements of the windows, jotting down notes in between. She liked the platinum-colored side walls and had no plans to paint them another color. The back wall was painted a matte deep charcoal.

Zaire glanced down at her shoes and smiled. Red was the perfect accent color. She would use black-and-silver curtains in keeping with the theme, but her artwork and accessories would be red. She wanted a white desk to match the built-in bookshelves.

She turned around at the sound of a knock on the door.

“I didn’t expect you to be here this early,” Tyrese said.

“I’m an early riser, so I saw no point in waiting,” Zaire responded. “I’m ready to get started.”

“I’ll have the contract for you to review by end of day.”

She smiled. “Thanks!”

Zaire felt ripples of excitement at this new venture. She had originally planned to join her siblings in the family business, but then this opportunity had come around and Zaire just couldn’t pass it up. It was the chance of a lifetime.

She had to admit that it wasn’t just the business that excited her. Zaire was eager to get to know Tyrese. She was impressed with what she’d learned about him and totally entranced by his compelling personage.

She left the office to run some errands around noon. While she was out, Zaire decided to have lunch with Ari and Natasha.

Zaire pulled up to the Alexander-DePaul Hotel and Spa Resort in Beverly Hills. She handed the keys to the valet and entered through the revolving door.

Natasha was in the lobby when she arrived.

“Hey, you,” Zaire greeted.

“How are things going?” Natasha inquired.

“Pretty good,” Zaire answered. “I took a break from the unpacking. I can’t wait to get settled. I’m so ready to get to work.”