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Five Star Romance
Five Star Romance
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Five Star Romance

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Blaze regarded her quizzically for a moment, and then pointed toward her plate. “You’re not eating.”

Livi settled back in her seat. “I’m not as hungry as I thought. I’m going to take it home and eat it later.” In his presence, Livi could not imagine doing something as simple as chewing. She was so nervous that she couldn’t even manage normal activities.

Blaze took another bite of his steak. “This is really delicious. I’m glad you chose this place. Now that I know about it, I’ll come back here often.”

Livi finished off her glass of water. “I’m glad you like it.”

Blaze was at ease and comfortable in her company. She wished she could be the same in his, but her secret was gnawing at her.

She studied his face for a moment, and then asked, “What do you like to do when you’re not working, Blaze?”

“I enjoy a good game of basketball,” he responded. “Dancing is one of my favorite pastimes, collecting vintage car models and reading. I’m a huge mystery fan.”

“We have all those things in common,” Livi said. “Except for the model cars. I don’t collect anything other than shoes. I love shoes.”

Blaze chuckled. “I’m not surprised by that at all.”

Livi grinned. “Hey, I know about your little Nike shoe habit.”

He held up his hands in defense. “I’m just saying...”

Shaking her head, Livi laughed.

“Now that I know where you are, I’d definitely like to get to know you better,” Blaze announced. Sitting here, talking and laughing like this, reminded him of Vegas.

Blaze eyed her for a moment before adding, “I feel as if there’s something you want to say to me.”

“We haven’t seen each other in two years, Blaze,” Livi said. “I guess I’m still in that I can’t believe that we’re here together stage.”

Blaze smiled. “It really is good to see you again.”

After a moment, she said, “You can’t imagine how shocked I was to find that you were connected to Robert DePaul. I never thought I’d see you again. Especially since you lived in Aspen, Georgia. Although I have to admit, I considered coming to look for you.”

“What made you change your mind?”

She shrugged. “I guess I wasn’t sure how you would respond.”

Blaze adjusted his tie. “My life changed in so many ways during that trip.”

If you only knew, she wanted to add. Instead, she opened her purse and fidgeted with something.

“Blaze, do you remember my name?”

He nodded. “It’s Elizabeth. I just didn’t remember your last name, if you even told me, mystery woman.”

They both laughed.

“What is the last thing you remember about our time together?” Livi asked.

Blaze searched his memory. “I think we were talking about going to a concert or something.”

“We made plans to see Jazz Murphy perform. He’s one of your frat brothers.”

Blaze nodded. “Then it gets hazy after that.”

His gaze traveled over her face seductively. “I really wish I could remember that last day. I feel as if I’m missing something important. All I know is what happened at the concert. My frat brothers told me that Jazz invited us up to the stage.”

Livi nodded. “You all did a step routine and the next thing I know you were falling off the stage.” She shuddered at the memory.

“You were there?”

“Yes,” she responded. “We were there together. On that last day, we met for breakfast. Afterward, we went to the Stratosphere Tower.”

“So we actually went there,” Blaze murmured. “We had discussed going to the observation deck the day we met.”

Puzzled, Livi nodded. “I’m not afraid of heights, but that deck was so high that we had an eye-level view of the helicopters.” She gazed at Blaze. “You don’t remember, do you?”

He shook his head. “I wish I could.”

“You told me about your parents and how they met,” Livi said. “They met at the county fair. Your father saw your mother and kept following her around until she confronted him. She told him that he might as well invite her to ride with him on the Ferris wheel. He did, although he was afraid of getting on the ride.”

Blaze nodded and smiled. “That was the first and last time he ever got on any ride. He was so sick afterward. My mother said it was my dad’s determination to move past his fear of heights to win her affection that attracted her initially. They married a few months later and are still going strong thirty-eight years later.”

The air around them seemed electrified, which only added to Blaze’s discomfort. Her memory of what happened gave Livi power.

“How long have you worked at the hotel?” he asked after a moment. “If I remember correctly, you told me you were an executive assistant at the time.”

“I was,” Livi responded. “I was actually your grandfather’s assistant.”

“So you knew Robert DePaul pretty well then.”

It was more of a statement than a question.

Livi nodded. “I knew him as well as anyone could outside of his family. Robert was a good man...a very savvy and intelligent businessman. Your father reminds me of him a great deal.”

“I would have liked to have met him,” Blaze confessed. “I understand why he waited, but I think that it bothers my dad—the way all this came about. Robert was a complete stranger to us all.”

“I’m sure Harold hasn’t made it any easier for your family.”

“Hopefully he’s too busy with the expansion of the Blythewood Hotels to try to sabotage us.”

“Your father can handle Harold.”

Blaze nodded in agreement. “I understand why Harold’s upset, but to go after my family the way he has—it’s not acceptable.”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve seen the last of Harold,” Livi said. “You’ve beaten him at every turn, from what I’ve heard. I don’t think he’ll bother coming after you again.”

“As much as I’d like to believe that, I’m not so sure,” Blaze said. “I’m sure the man is trying to find something on my family. We’re not worried, though. We don’t have anything to hide.”

Chapter 5

Livi felt an electrifying jolt of shock run through her as she silently contemplated what could happen. What if someone decided to look into Blaze’s past—or hers, for that matter?

“You okay?” Blaze asked, apparently noting her sudden discomfort.

A new and unexpected warmth surged through her, emanating from the way Blaze was looking at her, his eyes caressing her softly.

She struggled to keep from blurting out her news. Now was definitely not the right time or place.

“I was thinking about all the stuff you told me about your childhood and adolescence,” Livi stated. “You and I have so much in common. I was rebellious in my teen years, as well. I don’t know if you remember my telling you that.... Anyway, when I see you now, it’s hard for me to believe you were ever the kid you described.”

Blaze chuckled. “Oh, I was definitely that person. But you...” He shook his head. “What did you do that was so rebellious?”

“I used to sneak out of my parents’ house and take the car.”

He shook his head in disbelief.

“I did,” Livi said. “I was a handful. I’m sure our parents are thrilled that we’re finally past our teenage years—I know my parents couldn’t be happier.”

Laughing, Blaze nodded in agreement. “Do you think that’s why we were so drawn to each other? Because we’re both rebels?”

“That’s probably part of it,” Livi responded. “I was also attracted to your mind. We had some great conversations on politics, education and life in general.”

“I do remember some of those conversations,” Blaze stated with a grin. “A couple of them got really heated.”

Livi smiled. “You and I have a difference of opinion when it comes to education in low-income areas.”

“We won’t rehash that conversation,” he said. “I would rather spend the evening talking about the good times we had in Vegas.”

“We definitely had those,” she murmured in a low voice. Livi implored him with her eyes to try to remember.

* * *

Blaze was still drawn to Livi.

He enjoyed listening to her as she discussed her plans for the future during dinner. He admired her determination and optimism.

In the back of his mind, Blaze briefly considered that Livi’s renewed interest in him could be financial, but he forced that thought out of his mind. He had never thought of Livi as a gold digger, but then Blaze never thought she was the type of woman to run away from any situation.

While he still found her irresistible, he vowed not to be led by his heart. Things had changed for him since that time in Vegas.

Livi had gotten under his skin in a huge way, but she’d left when Blaze had needed her most.

Blaze shook his head as if to ward off the thought. He did not even want to admit it to himself. Pain of any kind was a sign of weakness as far as he was concerned.

“Blaze...” Livi prompted. “What are you thinking about?”

“Why didn’t you come see me when you came to the hospital? Why did you just leave like that?”

She met his gaze. “I didn’t want to intrude. When you fell off that stage, I tried to get to you, but security wouldn’t let me. By the time I made it to the front, the paramedics were rushing you to the hospital.”

“You didn’t ride with me?” he asked.

Livi shook her head no. “I could hardly get any information on your condition from your friends. They were very protective of you.”

“I didn’t know, Livi. All they told me was that you had stopped by the hospital and then left.”

“I felt as if I wasn’t wanted there.”

“I was in and out of consciousness that night.”

“I realize that, but back then, I didn’t know,” Livi said. “I made a wrong assumption. I see that now.”

“I guess I can understand why you would be so hesitant to contact me then.” Blaze checked his watch. “It’s getting late and I have a long day tomorrow.”

Livi stood up. “Thanks for dinner.”

“It was my pleasure.”

Blaze escorted Livi to her car outside the restaurant.

He surprised them both by giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

A quiver surged through Livi’s veins. She waited for her quickened pulse to return to normal.

She was both surprised and pleased by Blaze’s kiss.

“I...I don’t really know why I just did that. It just seemed natural.”

She smiled. “I didn’t mind. I’m just surprised because you seemed angry with me earlier.”

“There is a part of me that’s angry,” Blaze admitted. “I didn’t like the way you just up and left me, but I’ll be okay.”

“Thank you for dinner,” she murmured. “I enjoyed sitting down with you and talking.”

“It’s going to take some time,” Blaze responded.

“If I had a chance to do it all over again, I would handle everything differently.”

He gave her a brief hug. “At least now, we have a chance to renew our friendship.”

Chapter 6

“William is not doing well,” Meredith DePaul announced. “You really should go by and visit your brother.”

“You and William have always been close. I’m sure he’ll get better if I’m not around. The last thing I want to do is cause him to have a setback,” Harold DePaul said.

“He loves you and so do I, Harold.”