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Grant Seeking in Higher Education. Strategies and Tools for College Faculty – The University of Missouri Grant Writer Network

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Written for anyone in higher education who is responsible for submitting and running a grant-funded project, Grant Seeking in Higher Education offers a hands-on resource for developing and managing the grant process from start to finish. Step by step, the authors will help you to identify and sort through potential sponsors, tap into campus support that is already in place, and prepare to write a targeted grant proposal that can generate results. Once you have completed the research, the book outlines the keys to writing a winning proposal, including an effective proposal narrative, thorough budget, and readable proposal package. To give grant seekers an extra edge, the book contains a toolkit of tested materials. These proven tools—templates, examples, and cheat sheets—are designed to help you approach your project as a grants professional would. Grant Seeking in Higher Education also spotlights the need for academic leaders to create a campuswide culture that fosters efficient and effective grant seeking. Praise for Grant Seeking in Higher Education «This book realistically provides great advice on proposal development and grants management. Additionally, readers receive a bonus as the authors have included some very helpful tools and templates that have assisted them in their grant endeavors.» —Gail Vertz, chief executive officer, Grant Professionals Association «This book is well researched, especially with regard to issues of collaboration, helpfully organized, and chock-full of practical advice—a must-have for any research development professional's bookcase!» —Holly Falk-Krzesinski, founding president, National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP)

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118395110

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