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What a Man Needs
What a Man Needs
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What a Man Needs

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Cynthia was glad that people weren’t asking for her autograph. She didn’t want to be front cover in the tabloids, whether she did anything crazy or not.

“Maybe because I’m old news and I haven’t actually been in a box-office hit in three years.” Back then Cynthia Reynolds had had to turn movie scripts away.

“And that’s going to change.”

“Please don’t tell me you set me up with a guy.”

“No, I wouldn’t do that.” Kelly brushed back her shoulder-length hair and glanced around the bar. “I’m looking for my assistant, Nora. She’s going to help us with your problem.”

“My problem? What problem?”

Kelly’s eyes narrowed in disdain. “The problem you’ve had since you were six years old. Your fear of horses.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“You’ve got to overcome that fear if you want to land the best movie role that’s come down the pike in years.”

Cynthia sighed. “You’ve been talking to Bernie.”

Bernie Schwartz, her agent for the last fifteen years—and a veritable tiger when it came to the business. For the past two months, Bernie had been bugging her about this project.

“Is this about the Western, Cheyenne?” Cynthia asked.

“Of course it is,” Kelly said as the waitress returned with their drinks. “From what I hear, you’re perfect for the female lead.”

Cynthia frowned. “They’re looking for someone under thirty.”

“So, you can pass for thirty,” Kelly said convincingly.

Plus five years, Cynthia said to herself. “Not in close-ups.” She glanced toward the bar again. The man was still watching her. He nodded to her, then took a drink from his glass. Cynthia found herself lifting her own drink and nodding back, a flush heating her cheeks. What had gotten into her? She didn’t flirt with strange men. But there was something about this cowboy that got her blood pumping. And that hadn’t happened for a long time.

“It’s so not fair,” Kelly said, “especially when you know that the male lead will probably be at least thirty-five. That’s discrimination. Just say the word and I’ll—”

“No! That won’t help my situation,” Cynthia insisted. “It’s bad enough that lately my phone hasn’t exactly been ringing off the hook for roles. I’m sure a lawyer screaming discrimination will silence it totally.”

Kelly had a successful practice as a divorce lawyer in Portland and she had always fought for the underdog. “Then how about a more subtle approach?”

Cynthia was having trouble concentrating. Her cowboy at the bar was too distracting. “And just what would that be?”

“You learn how to ride a horse and go after this role.” She raised a hand. “And before you get all worked up, just hear me out. Nora has assured me that you can overcome your fear if you have the right teacher.”

Cynthia’s attention strayed to the bar again as a tingle ran through her. She wouldn’t mind if this man taught her a few things.

“Cyndi, are you hearing anything I’m saying?”

“Sure I am. You think I should learn to ride.”

Kelly looked toward the bar, then back at Cynthia with a smile. “My sister has good taste. So what’s stopping you? Go talk to him. Just don’t forget that we’re going to be meeting with Nora in a little while.”

“I can’t promise that I’ll get on a horse, Kelly, but I’ll talk to her.”

Cynthia stood and made her way across the room. She told herself she was crazy to do this, but her heart still raced. Her attraction to this man was not to be denied. As she got closer, that thought was the only thing that kept her from running in the other direction. That and his eyes were a brilliant, mesmerizing blue. His smile, she noticed, was slightly off center, only adding to his appeal. Her knees weakened as he stood up and pulled out the stool next to his.

She sat down. “Hi,” she said breathlessly.

Patrick had been crazy to encourage this woman. Any minute his sister could walk in and he would have to end things. And he definitely wanted to spend time with this tall, gorgeous woman.

“Hi, yourself. I haven’t seen you in here before,” he said, wishing he could come up with something more clever.

She leaned in close so he could hear her, and he caught a whiff of her intoxicating perfume. “I’m from out of town,” she offered as she stuck out her slender hand. “I’m Cyndi.”

He clasped her small palm in his and immediately felt a warm, sexual charge. He nearly forgot his name. “Patrick.”

Again she leaned in and gave a smile that had him forgetting everything. “Nice to meet you, Patrick.”

He didn’t release her hand, liking how it fitted into his. She didn’t seem to object. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” Suddenly his ringing cell phone broke the spell. “Excuse me.” He pulled it from his pocket and saw that it was his sister. Great, this woman not only made him forget his name but his sister. “Where are you?”

“That’s what I’m calling about, Patrick. I had a flat tire.”

“Tell me where you are and I’ll come and fix it.”

“No, it’s already done. I did it myself. But I’m a mess so I’m on my way back to my apartment. I know you have a long drive back to the ranch, so I didn’t want to hold you up.”

“I thought you needed to talk.”

“I do, but tomorrow’s Saturday, so I’ll just come out to the ranch and we’ll talk then. Is that okay?”

Patrick looked over his shoulder at the sexy redhead beside him. “Sure. I’ll look forward to it.”

“Patrick, I’m going to be bringing along a friend and…I want you to keep an open mind.”

Suddenly Cyndi’s body brushed against him as she made room for more people at the bar. He felt a stirring in his gut and he had to work to keep focused on what Nora was saying. “So I’ll see you then. As you can tell, Morgan’s is noisy as usual.” He said good-bye and pocketed the phone.

Cyndi’s dark, questioning gaze met his. “Your wife?”

He shook his head. “My sister. I’m not married. How about you?”

Smiling, she shook her head and it nearly did him in. There was no way in hell he was going to let her slip away. He tilted his head toward hers to say something, but suddenly the jukebox came to life with another song and patrons raised their voices to be heard. “How long will you be in town?”

She shrugged. “About ten days,” she shouted. “I’m visiting my sister.” She nodded toward the woman at the table. This was perfect. Maybe they could spend some time together while Cynthia was in Portland.

“What do you say we go some place where we can hear ourselves talk?” He found he was holding his breath waiting for an answer.

“Do you know of such a place?”

Hell, he hadn’t done anything like this in years. “There’s a quiet lounge just down the street at the Grand Hotel. We could walk there from here.”

Amazing herself, Cynthia nodded in agreement. Now she just had to convince Kelly that she was perfectly sane. “Just let me tell my sister where I’ll be.”

She walked back to the table to find her sister wasn’t alone. Two men were seated with her and she seemed engrossed in conversation. Cynthia took her aside. “Would you mind if I go and have a quiet drink with Patrick?”

“Cyndi, you don’t have to ask for permission. Besides, he’s sexy as hell. It’s about time you had some fun.”

Cynthia blushed. “We’re just going to the lounge at the Grand Hotel.”

“Then go for it. Nora just called and apologized for not being here. She had car trouble. So we rescheduled for tomorrow, and she wants us to come out to her family’s ranch. She insists if anyone can help you with your fear of horses, it’s her brother.” Kelly cocked an eyebrow. “That means I’m coming by your hotel early.”

Cynthia didn’t want to talk about her fears or her fading career now. “Fine, then I’ll see you tomorrow.” She walked to the door and to Patrick. Tonight she wanted to get lost in this cowboy’s eyes.

Patrick walked through the front door of the historic hotel, following close behind his beautiful date. He’d been to the bar here before, and it was still pretty lively, though a lot quieter than Friday night at Morgan’s Pub.

What he wanted mostly was to find somewhere he could be alone with Cyndi. But the tall, statuesque beauty seemed to draw stares everywhere and she seemed almost shy with the attention. Once inside the lounge, he directed her to a small table in the corner where the light was dim and they could talk without shouting at each other.

He ordered her a glass of wine, and he had another beer. The sound of jazz came through the speakers, but they could at least carry on a conversation. Once the drinks arrived, Patrick had lost his thirst for a cold beer. He wanted Cyndi, and when her hot gaze locked with his, he had no doubt she wanted the same. She leaned forward and whispered, “So, where do we go from here, Patrick?”

Patrick’s eyes never left hers as he closed the short distance between them and covered her mouth with his. Intoxicating. Sweet. Tempting. They were the words that described this woman. Finally he broke off the kiss.

“I think I should just call you Cyn. As in pure sin. That’s what you are. And you’ve been driving me crazy since you walked into Morgan’s.”

“Well, stop wasting time and just kiss me—” The last of her words were swallowed as he captured her mouth once again. This time he ran his tongue over her lips, then delved inside to taste her, mimicking what he wanted to do to her. He released her and sucked much-needed air into his lungs as his lips moved to her ear to nibble. Feeling her shiver, he then returned to her incredible mouth. “I want you.”

The sound of laughter caused them to break off the kiss, and Cyndi buried her head against his neck and whispered, “We just can’t seem to find any place to be alone. Maybe we should go upstairs.”

Patrick froze momentarily as Cyndi raised her head, her whiskey-brown eyes showing her desire. “Oh, baby, don’t tease, I want you too badly.”

“I’m not teasing.” She ran her fingers over his chest. “I want you to make love to me.”

“Give me ten minutes to make the arrangements.” Patrick kissed her quickly, then pulled away. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

Patrick had no idea what he’d done to deserve this night, he thought as he handled the check-in. He quickly stopped by the hotel gift shop and picked up some protection. He might be out of his mind for this woman, but he wasn’t crazy. Yes, he was. That was the only thing that explained his impulsive actions, but when he walked back to the lobby to find Cyndi standing by the elevators, all rational thoughts disappeared from his head.

Silently, they rode up to the sixth floor, then got off. Patrick took her hand and laced it with his, and together they walked down the long hall, her body brushing against his and causing an unbearable tingling. Suddenly he pulled her into the ice-machine alcove and took her mouth in a heated kiss.

“Are you sure you want this?”

“I’m sure.”

Her hands moved over his chest and he groaned, then with her arms wrapped against him, they continued their journey. Locating their room, Patrick used the key card and opened the door, allowing Cyndi to go in first. He followed and closed the door behind him. When he turned around, Cyndi pushed him back against the door as her lips met his.

He drank from her sensual mouth, hungry for more. His hands were busy as he ravished her body, and by the time they moved to the bed, her blouse and bra were gone, as was his shirt.

“You’re beautiful,” he said as he worshiped her perfect breasts. Then he dipped his head and laved the hard bud. She whimpered as she held his head against her chest.

Cynthia had never felt like this before. She’d never been so sexually aware of a man, or so aggressive. She couldn’t seem to stop herself as her hands raked over Patrick’s perfectly sculpted body. She went to the zipper on his jeans and tugged it down. He only grinned as he helped her remove his pants.

He stood before her naked. He was perfect. She raised a shaky hand and began to trace his skin on his broad chest, following the swirl of sandy hair that dipped past his waist to his erection. He felt his breathing grow rapid as her hands worked their magic.

Patrick had to stop her. “You are sin.” He grabbed her hands. “My turn.” He opened her zipper and pulled down her jeans. Cynthia kicked off her heeled sandals then stepped out of her pants. With a long, appreciative stare, he finally pressed her back on the bed, causing her fiery hair to flare out against the pillow.

He grabbed a condom from the box and prepared himself, then came to her. He grinned down at her, one small part of him hoping he survived this night. The rest of him not caring. He’d die a happy man. Suddenly he became serious as his desire for her turned to desperation. His hands moved over her body, then between her legs, slipping inside to see that she was wet and ready for him.

“Please, Patrick, I want you,” she cried, squirming against him, her desire and excitement showing in her eyes.

He moved against her body, then whispered in her ear. “I’m going to fill every inch of you, Cyndi,” he promised as he nudged himself between her legs, slipping into her inch by inch.

Cyndi raised her hips and he pushed into her again and again. The bed jerked against the wall, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t, Cyndi wouldn’t let him. He growled as his hips moved against her writhing body. He plunged and withdrew until he felt her tighten around him. With the next thrust she cried out his name, triggering his climax. He drove into her one more time, then he exploded.

With a groan he collapsed onto her and Cyndi held him close. “That was incredible,” he said.

“Not bad for starters,” she whispered.

Patrick raised his head to catch her teasing smile. “I’m going to make you sorry you said that.” He tickled her ribs and she began to squirm.

“Stop! Stop!” she begged.

He paused. “I thought you wanted more.”

“Then let me clarify that.” She moved against him. “Stop tickling me. Don’t stop touching…kissing…tasting…loving me.”

“My pleasure.” He leaned down and, starting at the top of her sexy body, began to work his way through the list.

Sometime early the next morning, Cynthia realized two things—she was naked in a strange bed, and she wasn’t alone. Her eyes shot open. It was still dark, or at least it was in the room. And the man softly snoring against her ear was the same one she’d had incredible sex with last night…and at two o’clock and again at four. She glanced at the clock to see it was now 5:34 a.m.

She drew a calming breath, but it didn’t help. She drew another and slipped from the bed. She picked her clothes off the floor, quickly put them on and slipped on her shoes, all the while praying that Patrick wasn’t going to wake up.

With her purse in hand, she headed for the door, then paused, hating to leave without saying a word. But what could she say—thanks for the night of incredible sex? And as far as she knew, Patrick didn’t know who she was and she’d like to keep it that way. He took Cyndi to bed, not Cynthia Reynolds. Some things should be left alone.

With a glance over her shoulder, Cynthia allowed herself the pleasure of seeing the near-naked man in bed. He’d been a wonderful lover, but she couldn’t take the chance of spending any more time with this man. Not that she wouldn’t like to, but she had her career to think about.

Cynthia turned and walked out the door. Keeping her head down, she joined an older couple on the elevator. When the woman’s eyes showed recognition, Cynthia tensed.

“Say, are you that actress… What’s her name? Cynthia Reynolds?”

Cynthia shook her head. “You know, I get that all the time. Myself, I don’t see it.” The doors to the lobby opened and Cynthia made her getaway. She hailed a cab back to her hotel. Luckily, she used a private entrance and could get to her private suite without anyone stopping her, wanting to know where she’d been or where she was going. She only had to face her sister in a few hours and convince her that she hadn’t done anything last night that she regretted.

She might have been stupid to make love with Patrick last night, but she’d never regret it.


W ith a groan, Patrick rolled over in bed, his mind filled with erotic images. He blinked, suddenly recalling the sexy woman he’d made love to nearly all night long.

Cyndi. Patrick smiled as he reached out for her, but he found the other side of the bed empty; just her scent lingering on the pillow. He sat up and glanced around the dark room only to discover he was alone. He swung his legs over the side of the mattress. His clothes were still scattered where he’d tossed them, but there was no sign of Cyndi’s things. He got up and walked to check the bathroom. It was deserted, too.

There was no trace of her anywhere. He sank against the doorjamb. “Looks like you’ve been dumped.” Not that he’d had much experience in taking women to hotel rooms, but he hadn’t seen this coming. Especially after what they’d shared last night…just hours ago. It was a blow to his ego, he admitted to himself. He wasn’t planning on carrying this attraction that far anyway, but she didn’t need to run away.

He felt his anger grow as he slipped on his briefs and jeans. Well, the hell with her. He didn’t need the complication anyway. He had the ranch to worry about and it was going to take all his attention when he expanded the vineyard. He sat down and pulled on his boots. And Cyndi No-last-name didn’t fit into those plans. She’d probably done him a favor by leaving. No awkward moments. No regrets. He wasn’t into commitment anyway. Not with the possibility he might inherit his father’s bad habits. Besides, he’d already raised a family—his three sisters. He finally had time to himself.

It had taken him a lot of years to turn the Tanner Ranch into a profitable operation. Added to the cattle, and the breeding and training of horses, he had the Christmas tree farm to watch over. And his dream of the Tanner Vineyard would take all his time and energy, not to mention the money he still had to come up with. Since he didn’t want to use any of the equity in the ranch, he’d been saving every penny.