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Proposal at the Lazy S Ranch
Proposal at the Lazy S Ranch
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Proposal at the Lazy S Ranch

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His words gave her a strange feeling, making her realize how badly she wanted to be here.

She began to examine the rehab equipment to hide her nervousness. “Looks like I don’t need to go to a gym to exercise. You have everything right here.”

“You’re welcome to u...use it,” he told her. “When you’re able to.”

She sat down on the weight bench and eyed the parallel bars, then Colt. Outside of some weight loss, he looked good. “Is all this helping you?”

He nodded. “Been working hard. I hope to get a lot better s...soon.” He studied her. “Thank you for coming home.”

That was a first. Her father actually thanked her. “Don’t thank me yet. I’m not sure how much I can help, or how long I can stay.”

Colt smiled.

Another first, Josie thought, not to mention he was actually carrying on a conversation with her. How many times had she tried to get some attention from this man? She felt tears gathering.

“Just glad you’re here,” he told her.

Suddenly her throat tightened so she nodded. “I should go and unpack.” She got up, slipped the single crutch under her arms and headed for the door, but Colt’s gravelly voice made her turn around.

“M...made a lot of mistakes, Josie. I would like a s...second chance.”

His words about threw her over the edge. She raised a hand. “I can’t deal with any more right now. We’ll talk later.”

She managed to get out the door and headed toward the staircase. She hopped up the steps on her good leg until she got to the second floor. Using her crutch, she made her way down the familiar hall to the third door on the left that had been her and Tori’s bedroom. She stepped inside and froze. It looked the same as it did when she’d left here.

The walls were still pale lavender and the twin beds had floral print comforters with matching dust ruffles. She walked to her bed against the far wall and sank down onto the mattress. Taking a toss pillow from the headboard, she hugged it close against the burning acid in the pit of her stomach.

Great, this trip was supposed to help relax her. This time when tears welled in her eyes she didn’t stop them. Colt wanted to rebuild their relationship. What relationship? They’d never had a father/daughter relationship.

Memories of the lonely times welled in her chest. She’d been grateful for her sisters, especially Tori. When something wonderful happened to them, they’d been each others cheerleaders, along with Kathleen, the housekeeper and their surrogate mom, replacing the mother who’d disappeared from her kids’ life when Josie had been only three years old. It had been pretty clear that neither parent wanted their children.

Josie wiped a tear from her cheek. Dang it. She thought she’d gotten over all this. Leaving here and the pain behind, she’d gone off to L.A. and worked hard on a career, building a successful business, Slater Style.

She got up and hobbled to the window and looked out at the ranch compound. From this room, she had a great view of the glossy white barn with the attached corral. There were many outbuildings, some old, plus some new ones that had been added over the years. Her attention turned to the horses grazing in the pasture. There were mares with their foals, frolicking around in the open field.

Smiling, she pressed her hand against the cool glass, knowing cold weather was coming, along with unpredictable Montana snows. Surprisingly, that had been what she’d missed since moving to L.A.

She caught sight of her car coming down the road and watched as it pulled up in front of the house. Good, she had her vehicle back.

Then she caught sight of two men stepping off the porch below her, Vance and Garrett. She felt a sudden jolt as she got the chance to observe the man she had once called her boyfriend. Both men were about the same height, and drop-dead handsome.

Josie hadn’t been surprised at all when she learned Ana and Vance had fallen in love and planned to marry soon. The guy had been crazy about Ana for years, since he’d come to live at the Lazy S when he was a teenager.

She smiled, happy for her sister.

Josie looked back at Garrett. She couldn’t help but take notice of the man. He’d filled out since college, and he still had those incredible eyes and sexy smile. And she hated the fact that just seeing him again still had an effect on her. She released a breath, recalling how it felt when he carried her in his arms.

After Vance shook hands with Garrett, her future brother-in-law headed off toward the barn. Garrett went to her car and spoke to the driver, one of the men on his crew.

Then as if Garrett could sense her, he looked up. Their eyes locked, and suddenly she felt her heart pounding in her chest. She finally moved out of his sight and went to lie down on the bed.

What was she doing? She didn’t need to rehash her past. All there was here were the memories of the pain and heartache over her father. Now she also had to deal with Garrett. It had taken her a lot of time to get over him. She’d only been back a few hours and he was already involved in her life again.

Why, after all these years? Normally she never let men distract her, mainly because she hadn’t met anyone who could stir her interest. She hadn’t met anyone in L.A. she wanted to have a relationship with. She thought about the times she’d tried to find a man. Problem was she’d compared them all to Garrett Temple.

She thought back to the kind and considerate man who’d showed her in so many ways how much he loved her. How Garrett had told her they were going to marry and build a life together after they’d graduated college. Then all too quickly she learned that all those promises were lies when it all came crashing down around them that day....

There was a knock on the door.

She wiped away tears as she rolled over on the bed. “Come in,” she called, thinking it was Ana.

The door opened and Garrett stepped inside, carrying her suitcases. “I figured you might need these.”

Her heart leaped into her throat. She sat up. “You didn’t need to bring my things up.”

He set the bags over by the closet. “I told Vance I would. He needed to check on one of his horses.”

She nodded. She wasn’t sure she believed him. “Thank you.”

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he crossed the room.

“I’m fine.”

Garrett paused, his gaze searching her face. “I’m sorry I pushed you so hard. I was only trying to get you out of the way.” He frowned. “I was worried the truck would hit you.”

She nodded. “I should have been paying attention. But I’m fine now, so you can stop feeling guilty.”

He still didn’t leave. “Some habits are hard to break.”

She knew what he was talking about, but their past was the last thing she wanted to rehash. “Well, stop it. I’m a big girl.”

He studied her for what seemed to be forever. “Since you’re still angry, maybe it’s time to clear the air.”

“I don’t think anything you have to say will change a thing.”

He was big and strong, and he seemed to take up a lot of space in the room. “Josie, I don’t blame you for not wanting to see me again.”

She raised a hand, praying he would just disappear. “I don’t want to talk about this, Garrett.”

“Well, if you want me to leave then you’re going to have to hear me out first.”

His gray gaze met hers, causing her pulse to race through her body. Darn the man. “Okay, talk.”

“First, I’m sorrier than I can say for what happened all those years ago. I regret that I hurt you. But we broke up, Josie. We hadn’t been together all summer, and you wouldn’t even talk to me.”

Just as it had been all those years ago, Garrett’s words were like a knife slicing into her heart. “Feel better now?”

He released a breath. “Although I have many regrets about how things happened between us, what I’ll never regret is my son. He’s the most important thing in my life.”

A son. She had to remember the innocent child. “I’m glad, Garrett. I’m glad you’re happy.”

He gave a nod. “I just want us to be able to work together on this project.”

She wasn’t even sure she could stay here. “Is that all?”

He nodded, then turned to leave, but for some reason she needed to know. “Was she worth it?”

Garrett paused and glanced over his shoulder. “I take it you’re talking about my wife.”

Another pain shot through Josie. “Yes.”

“Natalie was my son’s mother, so yes, the choice was worth it.” She saw the pain flash through his eyes. “But our marriage didn’t survive.”

* * *

The next day at the Temple Ranch, Garrett forced himself out of bed after a sleepless night. Josie Slater was back. He knew he couldn’t let her mess with his head, or his heart. Not again.

Why was he even worrying? There was no room for her in his life. So for both their sakes, he hoped she was headed back to California soon.

He walked down the stairs of his father’s home. Now, not only had it been Garrett’s for the past year, it was Brody’s, too. And this morning he’d taken off work from the construction site to spend time with his son. Soon the boy would be starting a new school, so today was going to be just for them. With Brody’s recent move to Royerton, he knew it was going to take some time to make the adjustment. And for Garrett to win his son’s trust.

Since the divorce two years ago, it had been difficult on his child. Then his ex-wife’s recent death in a car accident had struck Brody yet another blow. Garrett hoped that a stable home at the ranch would help the eight-year-old. As his father, he was going to spend as much time as possible with his son now that he was the sole parent.

Garrett finished tucking in his shirt as he walked into the kitchen. He found Brody sitting at the counter, eating a bowl of his favorite cereal.

“Good morning, Brody.”

He was rewarded with a big smile. “Morning,” his son murmured.

Garrett smiled at the boy who was his image at the same age.

Brody was tall and lanky, with a headful of unruly dark curls and big green eyes. The thing that tore at Garrett’s heart was knowing that his son would have struggles without having a mother around. As Brody’s father he’d vowed from the day he’d been born that he’d always be there for him.

He walked to the counter and took the mug of coffee from the housekeeper, Della Carlton.

“Thanks, Della.” He took a sip. “Sorry I wasn’t down earlier, but I needed to phone my crew foreman. How has Brody been this morning?”

“A sweetheart. He does need his routine, though.”

Garrett nodded. “Change is hard for all of us.”

The short stocky woman had gray hair pulled up into a ponytail. “It’s so wonderful you brought him here. It’s been good for your father, too.”

Garrett glanced around. “Speaking of Nolan, where is he?”

“Jack Richardson came by and took him to a horse auction.”

He frowned, thinking about his father’s arthritis. “Dad was up to it?”

Della nodded as they watched Brody carry his bowl to the sink. “The new medication seems to be helping him a lot.”

The main reason Garrett had moved back to the ranch was to help out his father. Relocating his construction company took longer, but business was picking up, and with his foreman, Jerry, they could still put in bids on long-distance projects. And now, Brody would be raised here, too.

“Can we go get my horse now?” Brody asked.

Garrett smiled. “Give me a minute.”

“Okay. I’m going outside to wait.” The boy took off toward the back door.

Garrett glanced at Della. The Temple men were lucky to have her here to help fill in with Brody. “We should be back from the Lazy S by lunch. If plans change I’ll call you.”

The middle-aged widow nodded. “You just have a good time today.”

Garrett knew today Brody would be meeting new people. He’d been so withdrawn since his mother’s death. “You think he’s ready for his own horse?”

Della smiled. “I’m not an expert, but it seems to me this is the first thing I’d seen the boy get excited about since he’s come here to live. I’d say that’s a good sign, and isn’t horseback riding therapeutic?”

“Dad!” Brody’s voice rang out.

“Okay, I’m coming.”

“You’re doing the right thing by the boy,” Della said. “You’re a good man, Garrett Temple.”

Garrett felt a sudden rush of emotion, but managed a nod. He caught up with his son and headed toward his truck. They were going to see Vance to get a suitable mount.

They climbed in the vehicle, and after buckling up, Garrett drove off toward their closest neighbor.

Since Nolan Temple’s health had deteriorated most of the barn stock had been sold off. One of the jobs Garrett had taken on was to get the operation up and going again. Thanks to the ranch foreman, Charlie Bowers, and neighbor Vance Rivers, they now had a herd that was twice the size as last year’s, along with an alfalfa crop for the spring.

Even his dad was feeling good enough to want to participate in the operation. Garrett enjoyed it, too, and he hoped the same for his son. He wanted a place where his boy would feel safe and secure again. He wanted that for himself, too.

He glanced at the boy sitting next to him. “Vance has three horses for you to see, but that doesn’t mean you have to pick one of them. We can keep looking if you don’t find what you want.”

Brody shrugged, looking down at his hands. “Okay.”

Garrett was eager to get his son something to distract him from the loss of his mother. There had also been some big changes in his life. He just wanted Brody to know that he was his top priority. Not even work was going to distract him from rebuilding a life with his son.

Then he’d seen Josie yesterday.

All these years and she was back here. Seeing her again had been harder than he could imagine. But by her reaction toward him, he didn’t have to worry about her being interested in him. Besides, she was probably headed back to California really soon.

* * *

Josie had slept in until eight o’clock. After she’d tested the tenderness of her ankle, she managed to shower and rewrapped it. She dressed and was even able to put on a pair of canvas sneakers. Making her way downstairs, she went to the kitchen and was greeted by Kathleen’s big smile and hug.

“Where is everyone?”

“Your father is with his therapist, Jay McNeal.” The fiftysomething housekeeper glanced at the kitchen clock. “It’ll be about another hour. Afterward, Jay helps him shower and get dressed.”