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Her Rocky Mountain Protector
Her Rocky Mountain Protector
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Her Rocky Mountain Protector

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She ran her hand over the shepherd’s soft, nearly black coat. “He’s a beautiful dog. You said he’s a military dog?”

“Yes. He served overseas until last year.”

“Were you with him?”

Another curt nod.

Gina continued to rub the dog’s fur. She found it gave her comfort, but nothing could stop the fear she felt for her son. She’d thought she’d been so careful. That Eric would never find them.

Out of the blue, Mr. Fletcher said, “Tell me about your … about Eric. How experienced is he with survival skills?”

“Really good. Every year, he’d go with his brothers during hunting season.” She had been glad when he was away because it had meant she was safe from his abuse. “Don’t put anything past him, Mr. Fletcher.” She couldn’t forget the times she had, and he had made her pay. Oh, God, Zack, she cried silently. “Eric wasn’t supposed to find us here. Destiny was our safe place.” She worked to hold it together, but wasn’t doing well. “We didn’t tell a soul that we’d moved here. We changed our names while he was in prison.” She released a sigh. “Why can’t he leave us alone?”

For a long time the man didn’t say anything, then added, “The sheriff will get him and he’ll go back to prison.”

“I pray that happens. Right now, all I’m concerned about is my son’s safety.”

Grady went across the stream, then drove several yards off-road, coming to a stop under a tree, next to some large boulders at the base of hillside. Before he could shut off the engine, Gina jumped out of the truck and had started up the hillside when she felt his hand on her arm.

“Hey, you just can’t go running off half-cocked. At least wait for the others.”

Before she could argue, a rifle shot rang out, and something hit the tree above their heads.

With a curse, Grady pushed Gina to the ground and covered her body with his. He had to get her out of there. He grabbed her close, hearing her gasp, then rolled them over and over until they were behind the tree.

Gina landed on her back and was swiftly aware of this large man. He braced his arms on either side of her head so his full weight wasn’t on her. Still, she was very mindful of the fact of his powerful size. Oddly, she didn’t feel panicked or threatened. She had her son to worry about.

He raised his head and those dark brooding eyes locked on hers. “You okay?”

She managed a nod. Again she caught sight of the scarred skin covering the side of his neck.

Another series of shots rang out over their heads. He moved her just as the sheriff’s vehicle pulled up and parked in front of them as a shield.

Reed climbed out of the truck. His men scrambled to find cover behind large boulders. The sheriff reached them. “You two okay?”

Grady moved off the woman, trying to forget the awareness he felt. Their gaze connected for an instant before she sat up. This was trouble in more ways than he could count.

“I’m fine, but my son isn’t. So I need to go up there.”

She started to stand and Grady pulled her back down. “Lady, I know you aren’t thinking clearly right now,” he growled. “And running up there isn’t going to get your son back. That maniac is holding a high-powered rife on us, and he wants you to pay.”

Before Grady could stand, Gina Williams gripped his arm. “I don’t care how you do it, Mr. Fletcher—just get my son out safely. Please.” Tears filled those mesmerizing green eyes. “My life doesn’t matter without Zack.”

“We’ll do whatever it takes to get the boy out of there.” Grady moved away, praying he could keep his promise.

I’m so scared. Mom, help me.

Wiping away more tears, Zack sat up on the blanket and began pulling at the ropes that held his wrists and feet together. He had to get away before his dad got back. Struggling with the ropes again, he wished he were strong enough to break free. With only a little light from the lantern, he glanced around the dark cave, but couldn’t see anything.

He was all alone.

He bit down on his lip, trying not to cry again. He had to get out and find his mom before Dad hurt her again.

“I got to get loose,” he whispered and began to wiggle his hands back and forth feeling the burn, but continuing to fight to get out of the ropes. Using his teeth, he loosened the knot and finally his hands came out. Excited, he untied the ropes at his ankles. He stood, careful not to make any noise. He grabbed the lantern and headed toward the light in the opening. Outside he heard rifle shots so he turned and ran off in the other direction. Far away from danger.


GRADY stood behind the large boulder as he scanned the rocky rim with binoculars. He followed the dark figure of a man as he moved cautiously among the trees and brush. He’d seen a picture of the suspect and recognized him.

He nudged the sheriff beside him. “Lowell’s up there, but I can’t see any sign of the boy. Can you?”

Reed looked through his glasses, then said, “No, no sign of Zack, but that’s definitely Eric Lowell. We can’t rush him. The boy could get hurt. If this guy came all this way to take his son away from his ex-wife, he isn’t going to give up easily.”

“He’ll never give up.”

Grady looked over his shoulder to see that Gina approached them.

“I thought you promised to stay in the vehicle. It’s not safe here.”

She shook her head. “He’s got Zack. My child isn’t safe with him.”

The panicked look on her face tore at Grady. It sent him a painful reminder of what he’d lost. Only he never deserved to have a family in the first place.

“You’ve got to let me go up there, Reed. Make a trade. Eric wants me. He wants to punish me. Please, Reed,” she pleaded. “Eric knows he’s going back to prison. So he has nothing to lose.” She wiped the tears that escaped her eyes. “I can’t let him hurt Zack. I can’t.”

When she started to walk into the clearing, Grady grabbed her right arm as another rifle shot rang out. He pulled her back against the rock wall and shielded her. Grady had to work to get his breathing and heart rate under control. That was too close. This lunatic was playing for keeps. “Lady, you’ve got to stop with the crazy stunts,” he growled.

She tossed him a stubborn look. “It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters without my son.”

“What do you think will happen to Zack if you get yourself killed? You need to let the sheriff handle this.”

“Okay, but you don’t understand. I can’t leave my son up there.” She nodded to the ridge. “I promised Zack. I promised him I wouldn’t let his dad hurt us again. Please, you’ve got to help me.”

He hated that this woman got to him. As much as Grady wanted to, it was impossible to walk away from this. He turned to Reed Larkin. “What’s your next move, Sheriff?”

“I wish I had an answer. I can’t take a chance that he’ll harm the boy.” Larkin gave him a hard look. “You know the area, Fletcher. Is there a back way in?”

Grady nodded, remembering the summers he’d tracked after old Fletch. “You can come in along Miner’s Ridge. It’s pretty narrow, and it’ll take about fifteen minutes, but if Lowell is focused on watching for his ex-wife, we might be able to catch him by surprise. Give me a little time to scope the area.”

Grady started to walk back to his truck to arm himself when Larkin stopped him. “I can’t ask you to do this.”

“You didn’t. I volunteered.”

“Then I’ll need to deputize you first. Do you have a problem with that? I can’t let a civilian get involved.”

Grady paused as he looked at this woman still gripping that floppy-eared rabbit. Suddenly memories of his past life flashed before him, the picture of the stuffed animals that lined the shelf in his infant son’s room. Toys the baby never got the chance to see or play with. He quickly shook it away. “Do what you need to do.”

After the sheriff had sworn him in, Grady hurried back to his vehicle and opened the door. Immediately the shepherd stood in the backseat. Scout hesitated. The dog hadn’t worked since Afghanistan when he’d been injured. Yet since they’d returned home, Grady had adopted Scout, hoping to get involved in some search-and-rescue operations. It was a good time to test him.

“Come on, boy. We’ve got a kid to find.” The shepherd jumped out of the backseat and waited for his next command.

Grady reached back inside the vehicle, took the Glock from under the driver’s seat and tucked the gun in the waistband of his jeans against his back. He was going to be prepared for anything.

Reed appeared. “I see you don’t need me to issue you a weapon.” The sheriff looked concerned. “I’m going to send one of my men with you.”

“No. Alone. I’ll move faster and with less chance of being seen.” He stared at the sheriff. “You have to trust me on this.”

“Okay.” Reed Larkin handed him a small radio. “Here, you’ll need this to communicate with us.”

Grady took it, then walked over to Gina Williams, seeing the fear on her face. “I’ll do everything I can to bring the boy back. So don’t try anything stupid, or the sheriff will send you back to town. Let us handle this.”

She nodded. “Just hurry. Please!”

Grady settled her in the truck and then he went to the sheriff. Grady knew these mountains. His grandpa had taken him around every mine and cliff along this face of the mountain range. He glanced at his dog. “Come on, boy, let’s find Zack.” He prayed that his words would come true. Maybe this time he would be there when someone’s child needed him.

Gina watched as Grady and Scout started up the back side of the mountain. She began to pray that they would be able to get to her son before any harm came to him. She closed her eyes and could feel her ex-husband’s slap across her face just as if it were happening again.

But it never stopped at just a slap. There were also those closed fists that slammed into her body. A tear dropped to her cheek and she quickly wiped it away.

No! She wasn’t going to let Eric win again. She was going to make a life for her son here in Destiny. Zack was going to have a happy childhood. She wasn’t going to let Eric hurt her little boy again. Even if she had to stop him herself.


She opened her eyes to see Reed standing next to the truck. “I wish I could tell you everything is going to be all right, but I can’t. Only you know your ex. Has he ever hurt his son?”

“He hadn’t until the last time. That’s when Eric learned that he could inflict more pain on me by making Zack his target.”

Reed’s nostrils flared. “I swear, Gina, we’ll do everything possible to get Zack away from him. Grady Fletcher is retired army. He’s served overseas and is combat trained.” The radio squawked. “That’s Fletcher.”

He pulled the radio out and spoke into it. “Larkin, here.”

“I’ve reached the mine. He could be inside, or Zack could be there. Since I can’t see Lowell, I don’t know. You need to draw him out.”

“Roger.” The sheriff looked at Gina. “We need to draw Eric out in the open.”

“Use me,” she said, and started out of the truck. “I can distract him.” She wanted Grady Fletcher to get a good shot at him.

“Give me a few minutes,” the sheriff said, then signed off. “Gina, don’t do anything foolish. Your ex isn’t worried about leaving here. He wants revenge on you.”

“I don’t care. Zack is the only thing that matters.”

“But he needs his mother, too.”

“Just not a mother who’s let him down so many times,” she breathed. “But not this time, not any more.”

Grady was pressed flat against the rock wall as he moved toward his target. He gave the hand signal for Scout to stay behind and continued around the boulder. There he heard the sheriff call to Lowell.

“Hey, Eric, your wife wants to talk to you.”

Nothing. There was no movement, no sign of the guy. “Come on, you bastard,” Grady breathed.

Then he heard Gina’s voice. “Eric!” she called. “Eric, please talk to me. I know you don’t want to hurt Zack. So I want to make a trade. Zack for me.”

Lowell finally spoke. “I’m not falling for that,” he told her.

Grady got a location. The kidnapper was just on the other side of the boulder. He looked down at Scout to see the animal’s ears go up. He gave a hand signal to stay. The animal obeyed.

Again, Gina called out. “Please, Eric. I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt Zack. Please.”

“I like to hear you beg, Gina,” Lowell said. “Come on, convince me some more.”

That was when Grady saw him. The man came out just enough to get into his line of sight. He looked to be around six feet tall. His body was lean and strong, probably from working out in prison. Grady wasn’t impressed. Not by a man who used his strength to beat up on women. He just hoped the guy wasn’t too smart.

Lowell called his ex-wife a few choice names. “Tell me what you want, wife. You always want something.” The man moved toward the ledge. He knelt down for protection. “I’ll need more than just you, if you want my son. That big sister of yours inherited a boatload of money. I want a cut.”

“How much?” Gina asked without hesitation.

“A few million should get me where I want to go. I’ll also need transportation.”

There was a pause, then Gina said, “It’s going to take some time.”

“You got an hour,” he told her.

Grady saw his chance and took it. He came out behind the guy, just as he turned around. Grady managed to knock Eric’s rifle out of his hand, but that didn’t stop him.

Lowell charged at him, landing several blows, then Grady got in a good one, knocking the man down. He called to Scout once he had subdued Eric on the ground in a choke hold.

“I got him,” Grady yelled down to the sheriff, then to Lowell he said, “I wouldn’t move if I were you.” He nodded toward the growling dog. “Scout will catch you. And I haven’t fed him today.”

Eric cursed but didn’t put up a fight as Larkin and his men showed up. One of the deputies took charge and cuffed Lowell. Larkin finished reading him his rights when Gina Williams showed up.

She ran to her ex. “Where is Zack?” she demanded.

“Go to hell,” he said. His words were slurred, his eyes glassy. Drugs, in all likelihood.

Grady walked up. “Let’s check the mine,” he said, taking out his penlight and heading to the opening that had once been boarded up but now showed signs of some of the boards having been pulled away. He stepped through the slats, Larkin and Gina right behind him.

“Come, Scout,” he called to his dog.

The shepherd immediately went into the darkness and Grady turned on the flashlight, and followed.

Gina cried out, “Zack! Mom’s here and you’re safe. Zack!” There wasn’t a sound, then a bark from Scout. They walked carefully through the maze of rocks and mining equipment. Then they reached the wide opening. That was where they saw the light and sleeping bags and camp lanterns. There was a pile of ropes abandoned on the blanket.

Gina searched around. “Where’s Zack?”

“Not sure,” the sheriff said. “Maybe Eric moved him.” He flashed the light around the cave and over the piles of blankets to the empty food containers. Then he picked up the knotted ropes. “Do you think Zack could have got away?” He glanced at Grady. “Is there another way out?”

Grady had to think a minute. Then he heard Scout’s bark again. “This way.” He started off and the others followed. They were led through a maze of rocks until they saw some light and were outside in the back of the cliff. There was no sign of the boy.