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To Tame a Wilde
To Tame a Wilde
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To Tame a Wilde

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To Tame a Wilde
Kimberly Kaye Terry

When high-powered attorney Sinclair Adams jets to Hawaii on behalf of the Wilde family, failure is not an option. She will do anything to defend the Wilde men and their Wyoming ranch, even go up against the vindictive Nick Kealoha.He claims that the Wyoming Wilde is his birthright, but what he really wants is payback. She is sure her legal acumen and feminine charm will easily change his mind. Once in the islands, however, Sinclair immediately realizes her miscalculation, for Mr. Kealoha is no ordinary man. His piercing blue eyes and dark expression announce that the Hawaiian rancher is a force of nature, a force that dares to be reckoned with. In this lush, exotic paradise, passion will soon be unleashed, long-seated loyalties forgotten. After one night in Nick’s powerful arms, will Sinclair question everything she’s ever believed to be true?

Trouble in the tropics…

When high-powered attorney Sinclair Adams jets to Hawaii on behalf of the Wilde family, failure is not an option. She will do anything to defend the Wilde men and their Wyoming ranch, even go up against the vindictive Nick Kealoha. He claims that the Wyoming Wilde is his birthright, but what he really wants is payback. She is sure her legal acumen and feminine charm will easily change his mind.

Once in the islands, however, Sinclair immediately realizes her miscalculation, for Mr. Kealoha is no ordinary man. His piercing blue eyes and dark expression announce that the Hawaiian rancher is a force of nature, a force that dares to be reckoned with. In this lush, exotic paradise, passion will soon be unleashed, long-seated loyalties forgotten. After one night in Nick’s powerful arms, will Sinclair question everything she’s ever believed to be true?

“I think you and I have some unfinished business, Mr. Kealoha,” she said firmly, attempting to temper the ridiculous pull he had on her.

She was proud of the way her voice came off—strong and confident, not in the least bit revealing the crazy nervousness that quivered within her belly. It was a nervousness she had never, ever felt when dealing with any other legal situation.

“Indeed we do, Ms. Sinclair,” he rumbled in his hot-sex-on-a-platter voice. “Please…come in.”

She felt something slide over her as he spoke. Oh, yes, she was in trouble.

“Looks like you’re going to be busy for a while, Nick. I’ll catch up with you later,” Lani said.

Sinclair barely registered the woman’s presence. Her soft laugh went unheard as Sinclair was engrossed with Nick.

“I’ll work on the new figures and we can go over them, later, Lani,” Nick murmured, while his hot blue-eyed gaze remained fixed on Sinclair.

Neither one of them noticed when Lani left the room.

Sinclair licked the fuller rim of her bottom lip, her gaze still fixed on Nick.

His eyes were sharply focused on Sinclair. The intensity made her feel off-kilter. Uneasy.

Suddenly, intuitively, she knew what a gazelle felt like when caught in the stare of a hungry, beautiful lion. Dinnertime. And Nick looked like the type that would eat. Her. Whole.


love for reading romances began at an early age. Long into the night she would stay up with her night-light on until she reached “the end,” praying she wouldn’t be caught reading what her mother called “those” types of books. Often she would acquire her stash from beneath her mother’s bed. Ahem. To date she’s an award-winning author of seventeen novels in romance, paranormal romance and erotic romance, and has garnered acclaim for her work. She happily calls writing her full-time job…after chauffeuring around her teenage fashionista daughter, that is.

Kimberly has a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in human relations and has held licenses in social work and mental health therapy in the United States and abroad. She and her daughter volunteer weekly at various social service agencies and she is a long-standing member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., a community-conscious organization. Kimberly is a naturalist and practices aromatherapy. She believes in embracing the powerful woman within each of us and meditates on a regular basis. Kimberly would love to hear from you. Visit her at (

To Tame a Wilde

Kimberly Kaye Terry (

Dear Reader,

Once again, I would like to thank you for your enthusiasm and love for my Wilde boys and introduce to you the latest Wilde, Nikolaus “Pika” Kealoha, identical twin brother of the very sexy Keanu “Key” Kealoha.

Nick is just as sexy as his twin...and maybe just a little bit more. At least that’s what his heroine, the beautiful and savvy corporate attorney Sinclair Adams seems to think. One hot, calculated glance at her from beneath his hooded blue eyes sends her heart beating out control, and her body damp with sexual heat. Heart-pounding tension explodes with their every encounter, starting with the first meeting between Nick and Sinclair, until neither one can take the heat, the pressure...the sexual fire anymore. And when they finally come together, neither will walk away unsinged from the flames.

Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of wine, come on in and enjoy the ride... It’s time to saddle up to a Wilde! And as always, be good my wonderful readers. If delicious in your naughty. ;)


To my beautiful daughter, Hannah, who

always inspires me to be the best that I can be;

I love you, go make up your bed! ;)


Chapter 1 (#u0d232517-b6e6-507d-bb0b-919bdb97e9fa)

Chapter 2 (#ufb3c8115-900a-5aa1-b1ac-62dbcb21b76d)

Chapter 3 (#u8abc4c23-b7b7-5e89-9537-b984cf42001f)

Chapter 4 (#u2347197c-93be-5614-8b9a-75e3a7768479)

Chapter 5 (#ua1625c5b-529a-5113-bab9-633b3393b715)

Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 21 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 22 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 23 (#litres_trial_promo)

Chapter 1

Sinclair Adams was tired. No, scratch that. She was damn tired.

“And why am I so blasted tired?” she grumbled.

She briefly closed her eyes and inhaled a fortifying breath before allowing it to softly blow out of her full lips.

She had been expecting a car and driver, supplied by the Kealohas, to meet her at the airport. At least, that is what she had been told would happen.

And yes, a car had been sent—if you could call it a car. The one that had arrived for her shuddered and rattled so badly, she hadn’t been the least bit surprised when it just...stopped.

A heartfelt groan slipped from behind her closed lips.

She closed her eyes again, knowing even as the driver, an older man named Kanoa whose hands had shaken just as badly as the car, turned to her with a resigned look on his aged, weathered face.

“Guess I’d better go check under the hood.” His voice registered hopelessness.

He hopped out of the car, spry for his obviously advanced age, and popped the hood. After a lot of noise, tinkering and mild curses, most of which Sinclair didn’t understand, he walked to her side of the car and looked at her through the open rear window.

“Miss, I’m sorry, but old Mou Mou here...” Kanoa began, scratching his nearly bald head. “Well, she ain’t gonna make it to the hotel. I gotta call a tow.”

The look he cast toward the car was so sympathetic as he lovingly patted the rusted roof of...Mou Mou, that had Sinclair been in a better frame of mind, she would have felt sorry for the old man. And his obviously beloved car.

As it was, she barely checked her irritation. After all, it wasn’t the old man’s fault. She laid the blame squarely on one person: Nick Kealoha.

She groaned, but her choices were limited. She could either wait for another ride to take her to the hotel—which God only knew how long that would take—or climb out of the jalopy and wait alongside the road with Kanoa as the car was towed. She chose the latter, believing it the lesser of two evils and the quickest means to get to the hotel.

* * *

By the time she made it to the hotel where Althea Wilde had reserved a room for her, she was tired. And grumpy as all get-out, as her daddy used to say.

“Don’t forget that part. I’m tired and I’m mad, and...” She paused in her verbal rant and lifted an arm, daintily taking a sniff as the elevator swiftly ascended. “Lord, I’m sweaty!”

After the elevator made it to her floor, she briskly exited, her high heels sinking into the lush carpeting as she strode down the hall. She slowed her gait, glancing at the slim credit-card-like key in her hand and up at the doors she passed, wanting to locate her room as quickly as possible.

“But at least I’m here,” she murmured. Just as she located her suite, she heard a small ding. She glanced down at the Cartier watch, the last gift she’d received from her beloved father before his passing, and muttered a mild curse.

“Could this day get any worse?” she mumbled at the alarm notification. She was supposed to be at the A’kela Ranch in less than an hour.

Thank God she’d allowed Althea to make the reservation. Althea was married to Nathan Wilde—the oldest of her “Wilde Boys,” as she collectively called the three men she considered brothers—and the woman was organized to a tee.

“No telling what the Kealohas would have had in store for me otherwise,” Sinclair huffed as she dragged her suitcase inside the suite.

“Whose fault is all of this?” she continued her ranting monologue. To no one in particular.


It was all...his...fault.

With a disgusted harrumph, her lip curled. She wasn’t about to extend him the courtesy of saying his name out loud.

Name, image and everything about him had taken up too much of her energy, occupied way too much of her brain time than it should have, she thought, as she hauled her oversize bag inside the room and allowed the door to close softly behind her.

And there was no way she was taking the blame, even if only to herself, for the current state she found herself in.

“The ride-or-die girl herself, Sinclair,” she said, releasing another disgusted puff of air from teeth clenched tight. “But...I have to take care of my Wilde Boys,” Sinclair said, sighing heavily. “They’re family.”

She absently glanced around the room, taking it in quickly before dumping bags and her purse on the large king-size bed.

She slumped down on the bed, closing her eyes and arching her sore back.

But it wasn’t the Wildes with whom she had issue.

One name, one face, came to mind and claimed that number-one spot: Nickolas Kealoha... Nick, as he went by.

Nick, along with his twin brother, Keanu, and father, Alek, owned and operated the A’kela Ranch in Hawaii.

Nickolas Kealoha...Wilde.

And there was the rub—along with the reasons she was far away from home and the Wyoming Wilde Ranch, and now in Hawaii.

Sinclair clenched her eyes tightly closed. And as usual, what had become irritatingly familiar, the image of Nick Kealoha came to mind. She bit the corner of her lip. She knew what he looked like, every feature down to the lopsided grin he tended to have on his sensual mouth. The way one dimple would appear near his lower lip whenever he would smile, even the slightest bit. In that way he had—

Sinclair quickly opened her eyes, batting them several times as though that would scrub the image of Mr. Tall, Golden and Fine from her mind.

“ me,” she muttered and reached down to slip the ridiculously high heels from her feet to massage her arches.

Okay. She was definitely tired. She’d become accustomed to blocking his image from her mind the minute it bombarded its way inside, as though he had every right to take up residence.

Increasingly, his image was the first that came to her mind in the morning as soon as she woke. And it was the last one she visualized at night, right before bed.

Right before dreaming.

“Arggg!” The groan rolled out from between her tightened lips.

She refused to admit how it was affecting her, how his image had been flirting inside her mind for the past several months, relentlessly. Without ceasing.

It had started even before she’d seen his family’s show.

* * *