A powerful novel of love and war, righteousness and redemption, and the triumph of the human spirit.1941. Orphan Loyal Ledford lives a very ordinary life in Huntington, West Virgin...
There’s little room in this world for a moral manMeet Early “Trenchmouth“ Taggart, a man born and orphaned in 1903, a man nicknamed for his lifelong oral affliction. His boyhood is...
From the author of The Ballad of Trenchmouth Taggart and set in the boom years of the West Virginia coalmining industry, this is an epic story of personal ambition, exile and retur...
19 декабря 1848 года
ушла из жизни Эмили Бронте (Emily Jane Bronte) (родилась в 1818г.), английская писательница ("Грозовой перевал", "Душа моя не из трусливых").