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The Love Triangle
The Love Triangle
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The Love Triangle

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“Something tells me that will be enough. You’re not a very good gambler since I win either way.”

“Aw, you’re such a sweetie. So, when does this happen?”

“I’m out of town all week, but free next Saturday night. After that I’ll be gone for two more weeks.”

“Okay. Next Saturday.”

“Ladies first?”

“Hell no. I wanna see what I’ve gotta beat. And it will give me two weeks to plan.”

“Fine. I’ll pick you up at six, so I’ll need your number and address.”

She wagged a finger at him. “Not yet, Mister. Meet me outside the gym and you will be dressed nice, not in the Occupy Wall Street collection. If you’re one minute late, I’m gone.”

“You want me to pick you up in front of this place?”

“Yeah. Girl’s gotta be careful these days, you know?”

“Sure, I understand. You don’t really know me. Okay, so if either of us has to cancel for any reason, leave a note at the front desk.”

“Okay, see you in a week.” She got up and grabbed her bag. “Well, I’m outta here. By the way, remember that I have four very large brothers. Treat me badly and one of them will break you in half.”

He stood up. “You’re a spunky little thing, you know that?”

“Part of my charm, as you will soon discover. And watch who you’re calling little, you’re not much taller than me.” She moved closer and looked up at him, then got up on her tiptoes so she actually looked down at him. “And I’ve got lots of four-inch heels.”

He didn’t back up. “Hey, I said I treat women as equals. Bring it.”


The dropping temperatures of October had chilled Lexi’s apartment, but she had a fire going, and Dave’s remaining belongings had made wonderful kindling. For the first time in two years she was spending Saturday night alone, but without regret. It was time to regroup and consider the interesting possibilities that had presented themselves in the past week.

New York’s most eligible bachelor had asked for her phone number. Sure, he hadn’t called yet, and probably wouldn’t, but it had still lifted her spirits at a time she needed a boost.

Her agency was off life support thanks to a new client from out of the blue. And one with whom she seemed to have a connection on the phone that went beyond a business relationship. Since they hadn’t met and she couldn’t even find a photo, the physical attraction part was still a mystery.

What the hell, a guy who gave good phone was always nice to have.

She settled in to binge-watch Netflix with a bottle of chilled wine, turned on the TV—

And the phone rang.

She looked at her cell, which read private number then furrowed her brow as she answered the call. “Hello, this is Lexi—”

“Hi, Lexi, Jake Frost. Hope I’m not calling you at a bad time.”

“No, not at all.”

Curious. Guy calling me at seven on a Saturday night. Did his date cancel and is he expecting me to drop what I’m doing to go out with him? I knew athletes were arrogant, but seriously?

“Great. Well, I told you I’d call and I’d like to get together—”

“I’m staying in tonight, Jake.”

He chuckled a bit. “No, not tonight. I’ve got a game tomorrow at one and during the season I don’t go out on weekends. Getting good rest is important and I have a feeling I wouldn’t get much with you around.”

Half compliment, half come-on? “And… why would you say that?”

“Cause you strike me as someone I’d stay up talking with till one in the morning.”

“Oh. I was wondering where you were going with that.”

“Sorry, guess it came out wrong. Like I said, I’m pretty much a mess off the field.”

“I’ll let it slide, but try and watch the double entendres in the future.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And please don’t call me ma’am, I’m not that old!”

“Sorry. Force of habit, since I’m from Texas. We try to be polite to our women folk.”

“I see. So, what did you have in mind?”

“Well, Monday after a game I pretty much resemble an extra from The Walking Dead and since we’re playing the Patriots tomorrow I know I’m gonna get hammered. But I’m usually okay on a Tuesday. I realize that’s not a traditional date night, but it’s the best I can do this time of year. So, I’d love to have dinner with you Tuesday night, if you’re interested and didn’t have any other plans.”

“Sure, Tuesday sounds good. Where do you want to meet?”

“Uh, I was gonna pick you up.”

“Jake, don’t take this the wrong way, but these days I’m being extra careful about giving out my address after my most recent experience with a boyfriend.”

“Oh, right. The guy with hot pants. Sure, Lexi, I understand. Then how about you meet me at Reston’s on fifty-fourth, say around seven?”

“Sure. Hey, I’ll need your number just in case something comes up.”

“Oh, so you can have my number but I can’t have your address?”

“Them’s the rules if you want a date with Spin Girl.”

“That’s what they call you?”

“Damage control is my game, Spin Girl is my name.”

“Cute. Anyway, I will abide by your rules. I can already tell you’re gonna be a handful.”

“I am a redhead, Jake. We’re all a handful.”

He laughed, gave her his phone number and ended the call. She leaned back and sipped wine, wondering if getting involved with a pro athlete was a smart thing to do, but feeling damned attractive knowing that this one was interested in her.

Then she grabbed her tablet and did a search on Jake Frost, finding hundreds of images.

Many of the pro quarterback with a supermodel on his arm.


Lexi took a deep breath as she reached for the brass handle of the upscale restaurant door. It was her first date with someone different in two years, and she knew the dangers of starting a possible new relationship on the rebound. But the ego factor of dinner with someone like Jake Frost had the rose-colored glasses firmly in place, despite continued warnings from her trusty assistant.

She entered the dimly lit restaurant at exactly seven o’clock, looking around the lobby and not seeing anyone but the host in a tuxedo at an oak podium. The middle-aged gentleman looked up at her and smiled. “Good evening, Miss. Do you have a reservation?”

“I’m supposedly meeting someone, but I’ll need a table for one and a big bottle of wine if I get stood up.”

He studied her face. “Ah, yes, you’re obviously Mister Frost’s dining companion.”

“How did you know?”

“He told me to keep an eye out for an attractive flame-haired woman with an attitude to match.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, that’s pretty much spot on. Is he here?”

“Yes, he enters through the back door to avoid the paparazzi. We have a nice secluded table for you. Right this way.”

She followed the host through a maze of tables, already filled as the scent of seared beef and the sounds from a piano filled the air. Lexi had only read about this place, with its thousand-dollar dinners and well-heeled clientele, mostly old guys with young trophy wives. As she looked at the patrons her best emerald green dress suddenly felt like something from a close-out store. Luckily no one paid attention to her. The host led her around a corner, where she found Jake Frost in a gray three-piece suit seated at a table. He smiled and stood up, then pulled out her chair. “Right on time.”

“In my business you have to be.”

The host gave a slight nod. “Enjoy your evening.”

“Thanks, Frederick,” said Jake, as he sat opposite her. “You look great, Lexi.”

“Thank you, but I think I’m a little underdressed for this place.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, you’d look fabulous in a burlap sack.”

“Okay, Mister, you can dial down the compliments. A little, anyway.” He smiled at her, his dazzling look sending an electric charge through her body. “So, you won Sunday.”

“Yeah, had a good game. Didn’t get beat up too bad. You have a good week?”

“Yes, things went well.” She turned her attention to the leather-bound menu with a gold tassel running down the middle. She opened it and read the list of elaborate entrees, none of which had prices next to them. “Uh-oh.”


“No prices on the menu. I always worry about ordering a hamburger and getting a bill for fifty bucks.”

“Well, they don’t serve burgers here. But I know what you mean. My family didn’t have much growing up and I guess that stays with you forever. It took me a while to stop clipping coupons.”

“You clipped coupons?”

“My rookie year. My financial advisor finally told me to loosen up a bit.”

“I’ve noted you give a lot of it away.”

“Ah, you’ve vetted me.”

“Girl’s gotta know who’s taking her out. But yes, I checked you out and was very impressed at your considerable amount of charitable donations.”

“Lexi, I couldn’t possibly spend all the money I’ve made in a dozen lifetimes. May as well do something good with it.”

“Very noble.”

“And at this point I have no one to leave it to.”

“I see.”

“So obviously since you’re here, I survived your investigation.”

She scrunched up her face a bit and looked at the ceiling. “Well, there was one thing in your dossier that raised a red flag just a bit off the ground.”

His eyes filled with worry. “Red flag? I’ve never been in trouble—”

“Your seeming affinity for tall, slinky blonde supermodels who appear in swimsuit issues wearing very little.”

He blushed a bit. “Those, uh, were youthful indiscretions. Fame and fortune do strange things to guys and when women like that throw themselves at you – well, you can imagine.”

“So you no longer think with the wrong head.”

He shook his head and smiled. “You’re not exactly shy about expressing yourself, are you?”

“As you said, I’m a handful. Anyway, this bikini babe thing is in the past, huh?”

“Well, if your investigation turned up dates along with those photos, you would have noted all those so-called relationships were nearly ten years ago. I’ve grown up and my tastes have changed.”

“Ah, I see. Changed to what?”

“Right now I seem to be into smartass redheads with a brain. But they’re so damn hard to find.”


Two and a half hours later they emerged through the back door into the chilly night.

The waiting limo was surrounded with photographers and autograph-seekers.

“Aw, hell,” said Jake.

“I thought no one knew you were here since you came in the back door.”

“Damn Twitter. There’s a hashtag called where is Jake Frost and when I get spotted, a flash mob shows up.” He put his arm around her shoulders and ushered her toward the waiting car. The flashes from the cameras blinded her and she felt herself being pushed into the limo. Jake slid in beside her as the chauffeur closed the door. Her vision cleared and she looked through the windows as the vehicle pulled away. “Damn, you go through that every day?”