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The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift
The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift
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The Empire State Cat’s Christmas Gift

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Tish took a bite of a meatball and washed it down with some wine. “Damn, Madison, you’re gonna be three hundred pounds by your first anniversary.”

“Trust me, they work it off,” cracked A.J.

Madison slapped her on the shoulder. “A.J.!”

“Hell, Madison,” said Rory. “We all know you can’t keep your hands off him.”

Madison blushed. “Fine. We have an…active lifestyle.”

Tish laughed. “Yeah, you hit your target heart rate without leaving the bedroom. Thank God he’s not around to hear this. Where is your darling fiancé anyway?”

“Poker game with the guys from his precinct.”

“Ah.” Tish dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “Speaking of men, I, uh, ran into our white knight from the restaurant.”

Conversation stopped. Madison leaned forward. “Really. Do tell.”

“Well, I went for a run before going to work and on my way back to the hotel I stopped at a soda cart to get a drink. He was there talking on his cell phone. Anyway, I go to pay for the soda and realized I’d forgotten to bring some cash. He notices, stops talking, pulls out a dollar and pays for it.”

Rory locked eyes with her. “And…then what happened?”

“I thanked him, he went back to his phone call and walked away.”

A.J. frantically waved her hands. “Whoa, hang on. You just let him walk away?”

“Well, for one, I was soaked with sweat and looked like crap wearing some old clothes I keep in the trunk of my car and he’s in a thousand dollar suit. Then I hear him on the phone say, ‘I’ll see you Saturday night, love you too.’” Her face dropped. “So you were probably right about that babe he was with in the restaurant. He’s obviously taken and the woman he was with was stunning.”

Madison shrugged. “He could have been talking to his mother.”

Tish shook her head. “Oh, come on. What single guy goes out with his mother on a Saturday night?”

“Could be a sister,” said Rory. “Or a close platonic female friend. Or maybe he was going to a party.”

“Stop it,” said Tish. “Guys like that always have someone.” She leaned forward and rested her chin in her hand. “But I tell ya, that guy had the most spectacular olive green eyes I’ve ever seen. If you thought he was cute from across the restaurant, you should have seen him up close. This great thick hair and he filled out a suit like a model. A real boy next door look, on the line between cute and handsome. The kind of guy you want to take home to meet your parents. And you know your mother will fall in love with him.”

Madison stopped eating, pointed her fork at Tish and talked through a mouthful of pasta. “You. Are. Smitten.”

Tish’s face tightened as she sat up straight. “Pffft. I don’t get smitten.”

Rory laughed. “Yeah, she’s got that dreamy look she had freshman year over that guy in the dorm. Haven’t seen it since, but it’s back. Schoolgirl crush. Definitely smitten.”

“I am not…smitten! And this is not a simple crush. I don’t even know the guy.”

A.J. patted her on the shoulder. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’re not on the witness stand. Just admit you’re attracted to the guy and wanna jump his bones.”

Tish waved her hand in disgust. “Pffft. Like it will make any difference. The odds of running into him again…and of him being unattached…that’s a wild daily double with some pretty long odds.”

“Serendipity happens,” said Rory. “But sometimes you gotta give it a little help. Look at Madison and Nick. I mean, if their ending up together wasn’t a wild turn of events…well, you still have hope.”

“What do you mean, give it a little help?”

“Tell you what, next time we all go out to eat we’ll hit that restaurant again. The waitress said he was a regular. If he’s there we’ll ask to get seated next to him. At least if that woman is with him we can eavesdrop and see what the story is and if she’s his significant other.”

Madison nodded. “And you should go jogging at the same time on the same route. If you ran into him near your hotel and he was in a suit, chances are he works in the neighborhood. He’s not going to walk ten blocks to get coffee.”

“So, what, I just run up to the guy and hit on him?”

“Geez, for someone ruled by logic you sure miss the obvious,” said Rory. “You offer to pay him back for the soda. Then you buy him a cup of coffee. Only make sure you don’t look like crap this time.”

“Pretty hard to do after I run two miles.”

Madison rolled her eyes. “Duh. Again, missing the obvious. You stop at the drink cart before you run.”

Tish shook her head and sipped her wine. “Wow, the things a girl has to do to get a date…”


Madison entered the guest room just as Tish pulled back the covers. “Nick and I are going to turn in. So, you need anything?”

“I’m good.” Tish gave her a strong hug. “Can’t thank you enough for this. Really nice of you, though I feel like I’m putting you out.”

“Hey, what are friends for? By the way, hope you didn’t mind us yankin’ your chain on the smitten thing. But, to be honest, you’ve got that look.”

Tish shrugged as she sat on the corner of the bed. “I guess it’s been so long since I had a decent boyfriend it shows.”

“Yeah, your choices haven’t always been the best. When’s the last time you dated a guy more than once?”

“Probably three years ago. I dunno, Madison, I guess I’ve reached the point where I can tell right away. I’ve become an expert on spotting red flags after those poor choices you referred to. Subconsciously I guess I’d given up.”

“You’ve been like me, too obsessed with a career to take time to smell the roses.” Madison slid next to her and patted her hand. “Well, when you least expect it, the right guy will show up in your life. I mean, look how I met Nick.”

“True. Talk about serendipity. You guys had it in spades.”

“Well, maybe it’s your turn. You certainly had enough bad luck this week. Things can only get better.”

Just as she said that, Socks jumped onto the bed and started kneading the comforter with her front paws. “At least I have someone who wants to sleep with me on a Friday night.”

“Oh, stop it. So why all the interest in a guy all of a sudden?”

“I dunno. I guess I see you and Nick, how happy you two are, how much he’s changed you in a good way…how this house has turned into a home. I’m jealous of what you have and lately I want it for myself.”

“Yeah, he has made me a better person. And a very different person. Of course, the kittens got the ball rolling on that.”

“Socks seems to be doing the same for me. I look at you and how you used to be so obsessed with your work and now you balance your job and your love life so well. You’ve got it all. All I’ve got is a career. It’s all I’ve ever had.”

“You have good friends, Tish.”

“I didn’t mean it that way. Now I want it all too. Maybe I need someone to show me there’s more to life than a law practice, y’know? And since the fire I’ve been thinking about where I live. It’s not really a home, but just a place where I sleep and work on my cases. It’s really been no more than a second office. You two have made a real nest here.”

Madison wrapped one arm around her. “Yeah, I must admit life is a lot better now that I take time to enjoy the little things. But don’t worry. The fact that you realize there’s more to life than a career is a big step. Actually, you already took the first step.”


Madison reached over to pet Socks. “You adopted a cat. You’ve already started making yourself a home. Remember, a home without a cat is just a house.” She stood up. “Anyway, get some rest, we gotta get up early since you and Socks are on the Saturday morning show.”

CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_2c2a862f-35e0-5747-b935-e7cf0c83fac9)

Tish couldn’t help but smile as she held Socks while the Saturday morning show anchor began to interview her. “Today we’re joined live from Staten Island by Tish McKenna and her cat Socks to share an amazing story. Tish, welcome to the show. So tell us why you’re talking with us this morning.”

She held up the cat. “Because of this little fur baby. Earlier this week my house was struck by lightning and caught fire. The smoke alarm never went off. I’m a very heavy sleeper but Socks obviously knew something was wrong. She jumped on me and woke me up. Once I realized the house was on fire I grabbed her and headed out the door. And about thirty seconds later the storm knocked over a huge tree that crushed my bedroom. Without my cat waking me up I’d be dead from the fire, the tree or both.”

“That’s an incredible story,” said the anchor. “Now our viewers have met you and Socks before as the cat is from reporter Madison Shaw’s famous litter of orphaned kittens. Can you tell us why you chose this particular cat to adopt?”

“I needed a smoke alarm.” She saw the anchor laugh in the monitor. “No, seriously, she’s a sweet cat and since I’m kind of a formal person and Socks looks like she’s wearing a tuxedo, I thought we were a good match. But actually, she chose me rather than the other way around. A cat chooses its person, you know. Humans really have no say in the matter.”

“I didn’t know that about cats. And I assume she has been rewarded for her heroism.”

“Oh, she’ll never be without her favorite cat treats. And she absolutely goes wild over salmon. I have to share it with her whenever I have it for dinner.”

“Is Socks your first cat?”

“The first in several years. We had cats when I was a kid but I haven’t had a pet since I got out of college. I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed having one around and this cat is a wonderful companion since I live alone.”

“We all know how the experience taking care of the kittens changed Madison, so what has sharing your life with a cat done for you?”

“Well, it’s very special getting unconditional love from an animal. And cats are very perceptive creatures. This one seems to know when I’m down, and to be honest this has been a very stressful week. It’s been great having her to help me get through this ordeal. She seems to know that I’m the one needing extra attention.” Tish smiled lovingly as Socks nuzzled her hand and purred.


Spencer was half asleep as he carried his coffee and the morning paper to the den. He plopped down in a reclining chair, placed his coffee on the end table and unfolded the paper in his lap, then turned on the television. He was bleary-eyed and barely paying attention as the screen cleared, revealing a woman holding a cat. The bottom of the screen read Cat Saves Owner’s Life From Fire.

“And remember, a home without a cat is just a house,” said the woman. “So go to a shelter and adopt one today.”

“Words to live by from a cat owner,” said the anchor, as the story ended.

Spencer began to nod, his thoughts going to the little cat that had visited him in his office. He realized he missed seeing the kitty on the weekend. “Yeah, I need to get a cat once things slow down. It’s too damn quiet around here.”

He turned back to his newspaper, not having noticed anything in particular about the cat on television or the owner.


Spencer was greeted by several looks of surprise as he walked into the annual law school cocktail party on Saturday night.

“Whoa, look who’s here!” His old study buddy Jim Hartselle quickly moved in his direction, hand extended.

Spencer shook his hand. “Hey, Jim, how’ve you been?”

The tall, lanky lawyer nodded. “Doing well. Still working for the Governor in Albany and fighting politicians at every turn. Not wild about the upstate winters which never seem to end but it’s a cool job. Wow, I never expected to see you here. Is this the first time you’ve made it to one of these?”

“Yep. Figured I’d check on you and some of the others.”

“Well, good to see you after all these years. So what are you doing?”

“I’m partner in a two-person firm in Manhattan. Things are going very well.”

“Good to hear. I’m in town from time to time so we’ll have to get together for lunch.”

“Sounds good.” Spencer looked around. “So who’s here from our old gang?”

“Most of the midnight oil study group. Denise, Frank, Carrie. They’re over at the bar. C’mon. I know they’d love to see you.”

Spencer kept looking around the room as the group shared stories at a table but he didn’t see Tish McKenna. “Hey, does our class valedictorian ever show up at these things?”

Everyone laughed as Jim shook his head. “Seriously, Spence? Mrs. Spock? She had no friends in school, why would she ever come to a reunion? Who would she reunite with? A law book?”

He shrugged. “Y’know, people change.”

“Who cares? And not sure she could change her personality since you need one to start with,” said Denise, a corporate attorney. “I mean, talk about a cold fish. I invited her for lunch once and she blew me off. Said she couldn’t spare the time and had to study. Maybe that’s why she was valedictorian. Personally I’d rather have friends than that designation.”

“Wonder what ever happened to her,” said Frank.

“I saw her in court the other day,” said Spencer. “The woman was amazing. She absolutely destroyed a witness. By the way, you wouldn’t even recognize her. Looks very professional now. I was shocked when I found out she was that frumpy girl in our class.”

“Someone in my firm went up against her awhile back,” said Denise. “She wiped the floor with him.”

Carrie nodded. “I had a trial against her last year. I thought my case was a slam dunk but the woman kicked my ass. I mean, I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what hit me, and I was well prepared. She’s a damn chess player. It was like she was three steps ahead of me the whole time. Cited a whole bunch of obscure cases and I found myself painted into a corner. Oh, she’s no longer Mrs. Spock. She’s got a new nickname around the courthouse.”

“What’s that?” asked Spencer.


“Why Jaws?”

“Because a tough lawyer is a shark and she’s the deadliest shark in the ocean. Just like in the movie. The bailiff said when she walks into the courtroom you can almost hear the theme music.”


Tish actually felt like some sort of stalker, but her friends had insisted she at least try to run into the cute white knight. But she had to know if the guy was attached. Men like that didn’t grow on trees.

She decided to look her best without going overboard. While she wouldn’t go so far as to put on makeup to go running, she did at least pick up a new pair of sweats, a cute red sweatshirt with the hotel logo and a Mets baseball cap. Bright sunshine and a cool breeze greeted her as she headed out of the hotel lobby on Tuesday morning, early enough that she could hang around for a while if he was there. She spotted the drink cart across the street and headed for it.

No white knight in sight.

Still, she might be able to find out who he was or if he was a regular.

The guy running the cart looked up and smiled as she approached. “Morning, young lady, what can I get for you?”

“Some orange juice, please.”