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Книги автора Sedat Tardu

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Wall Turbulence Control
книги о войне
Wall turbulence control is a major subject, the investigation of which involves significant industrial, environmental and fundamental conseq…
Wall turbulence control is a major subject, the investigation of which involves significant industrial, environmental and fundamental conseq…
просто о бизнесе
Wall bounded turbulent flows are of major importance in industrial and environmental fluid mechanics. The structure of the wall turbulence i…
Wall bounded turbulent flows are of major importance in industrial and environmental fluid mechanics. The structure of the wall turbulence i…
Wall turbulence is encountered in many technological applications as well as in the atmosphere, and a detailed understanding leading to its …
Wall turbulence is encountered in many technological applications as well as in the atmosphere, and a detailed understanding leading to its …
сказки, современная русская литература, детям
Wall bounded turbulent flows are of major importance in industrial and environmental fluid mechanics. The structure of the wall turbulence i…
Wall bounded turbulent flows are of major importance in industrial and environmental fluid mechanics. The structure of the wall turbulence i…