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Книги автора Ken Tanaka

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An essential reference to the highly effective reactions applied to modern organic synthesis Rhodium complexes are one of the most important…
An essential reference to the highly effective reactions applied to modern organic synthesis Rhodium complexes are one of the most important…
сказки, детские приключения, семейное чтение, сказочные повести, детская классика, веселые приключения, ЛитРес: чтец
State-of-the-science methods, synthetic routes, and strategies to construct aromatic rings The development of new reactions for the synthesi…
State-of-the-science methods, synthetic routes, and strategies to construct aromatic rings The development of new reactions for the synthesi…
An essential reference to the highly effective reactions applied to modern organic synthesis Rhodium complexes are one of the most important…
An essential reference to the highly effective reactions applied to modern organic synthesis Rhodium complexes are one of the most important…