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GNSS Systems and Engineering – Shusen Tan

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Описание книги:

Comprehensive guide to the fundamentals and advanced engineering of the Beidou satellite system • The first book specifically describing the Chinese Beidou timing/navigation system – an increasingly important contributor to the GNSS • Introducing the ‘user location information sharing’ demands, technologies and development trends • Highlights the technical features and broad application prospects of navigation, positioning and short message communication of the Beidou satellite system • Enhances understanding of the fundamentals and theories of radio navigation and positioning satellite systems • Offers guidelines as to how to implement their design and construction • A comprehensive reference on the subject for those who are doing scientific or engineering research in this area

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118897058

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