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Нестрогие черты, or Unstrict features
Нестрогие черты, or Unstrict features
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Нестрогие черты, or Unstrict features

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The Most Beautiful Woman.

She was left alone in the forest.

Lives in a spacious dwelling

Not a hut, but a small house,

The Most Beautiful Woman.

And there are no roads there.

And there the path is not trodden.

Not for sorrow, not for fate.

The Most Beautiful Woman

There was only one left …

Sleeps in her soft bed

Manages his complicated life

The Most Beautiful Woman.

And you… You are already forgotten!

Нестрогие черты

(Я. Б.)

Нестрогие черты,

Не плавные движенья,

Нет точной красоты -

Лишь чуткие решенья.

Не женщина еще,

Но не ребенок вовсе -

Ну кто ее поймет?

Ведь ни о чем не просит.

Задумчива – одна

В компании многолюдной,

Резва и весела

На площади безлюдной.

И ветер-дуралей

Ее следы уносит.

Что шепчет как во сне?

О чем же она просит?

И кто ее поймет?

Задумчиво проходит -

Никто не разберет

О чем же она бродит…

Unstrict features

Unstrict features,

Not smooth movements,

No precise beauty -

Вut a delicate decision.

Not a woman yet,

But not a child at all.

Who can understand her?

She asks for nothing.

Alone and brooding

In crowded company.

She's lively and cheerful

In the deserted square

And the wind is blowing

Her footsteps are blown away.

What does she whisper in her sleep?

What does she ask for then?

And who will understand her?

She's passing pensively.

No one can make out her