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Ответы для самопроверки. К учебно-методическим пособиям линии «English Time»
Ответы для самопроверки. К учебно-методическим пособиям линии «English Time»
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Ответы для самопроверки. К учебно-методическим пособиям линии «English Time»

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2. Den DOES NOT speak English.

3. His sister has NOT been reading the book since morning.

4. Nick has NOT phoned his teacher.

5. Misha DID NOT read a magazine yesterday.

6. They will NOT study at the University next year.

7. Shops DO NOT open at 9 o’clock.

8. I have NOT learnt the poem by heart.

Упражнение 3.Заполните пропуски, используя don’t, doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t или am not.

1. We aren’t watching a television programme now.

2. We don’t watch television every day.

3. It isn’t raining cats and dogs.

4. I am not listening to music.

5. It doesn’t rain in autumn.

6. My dad isn’t eating his lunch now.

7. Milena doesn’t always eat at that cafe.

8. He doesn’t have money for a new car.

Упражнение 4. Напишите отрицание к предложениям.

1. My friends will NOT go to the cinema next week.

2. The weather will NOT be good tomorrow.

3. We will NOT take an exam next month.

4. You will NOT go to the park tomorrow.

5. Bob will NOT be at school in 10 minutes.

6. Tom will NOT ride a bike tomorrow.

7. Alice and her mom will NOT go shopping soon.

8. I will NOT meet my friends on Saturday.

Упражнение 5. Переведите отрицательные предложения в Past Simple на русский язык.

1. I didn’t ride a bike. Я не катался на велосипеде.

2. He didn’t play any game. Он не играл ни в одну игру.

3. We didn’t write letters. Мы не писали письма.

4. I didn’t meet my friends. Я не встретил моих друзей.

5. Sarah didn’t sleep long. Сара не спала долго.

6. Jack and Jane didn’t walk in the forest. Джек и Джейн не гуляли в лесу.

7. Nick didn’t have a bath. Ник не принимал ванну.

8. Denis didn’t play handball. Денис не играл в гандбол.

9. My mother didn’t work yesterday. Моя мать не работала вчера.

10. My grandparents didn’t visit us last week. Мои бабушка и дедушка не посещали нас на прошлой неделе.



Упражнение 1.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. – What ARE you DOING? – I AM WAITING for my teacher.

2. – DOES he SPEAK English? – No, he DOESN’T SPEAK English.

3. DOES Ann HAVE any friends?

4. DO they WATER the flowers every 3 days?

5. DOES Irina DRINK milk?

6. DOES his brother WORK in an office?

7. DOES your mother LIKE fish?

8. DO you SPEAK Russian?

Упражнение 2. Make the questions as in example: (you / ever / be / to Italy) – Have you ever been to Italy?

1. Have you ever been to the USA?

2. Have you ever read any French books?

3. Have you ever lived in this town all your life?

4. Have you ever written a poem?

5. What’s the most beautiful city you have ever visited?

6. Have you ever spoken to a famous person?

7. Have you ever lived abroad?

8. Have you ever spoken to a foreigner?

Упражнение 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. Have you ever worked in a shop?

2. How many symphonies did Beethoven compose?

3. Where have you been?

4. Where did you go last week?

5. Did they write a dictation yesterday?

6. Has the English teacher checked our tests yet?

7. Have you had a holiday this year yet?

8. Have you seen any good films recently?

Упражнение 4. Fill in the words to form questions.

did, are, do, have, will, was, is, has

1. DO you like to read?

2. IS she reading an adventure story?

3. HAVE you seen «Harry Potter»?

4. WAS your dad at home yeterday?

5. ARE you going to school now?

6. DID you go to the cinema last night?

7. HAS he finished his training yet?

8. WILL we go to the forest tomorrow?

Упражнение 5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Have you ever read English books in original?

Yes, I have. // No, I haven’t.

2. Have you ever been abroad?

Yes, I have. // No, I haven’t.

3. Has your sister ever been to London?

Yes, she has. // No, she hasn’t.

4. Have you ever played any musical instruments?

Yes, I have. // No, I haven’t.

5. Has your brother learnt a poem yet?

Yes, he has. // No, he hasn’t.

6. Has your sister come from school?

Yes, she has. // No, she hasn’t.

7. Have you ever played handball?

Yes, I have. // No, I haven’t.

8. Has your grandmother baked a pie?

Yes, she has. // No, she hasn’t.




Выбрать правильное утверждение.

1. Which of the following statement is true?

a) Diana called Ann

b) Ann called Diana

c) Diana is collecting the coins