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The Roman
The Roman
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The Roman

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The Roman
Caroline Storer

ROME AD 79The one woman he ever loved was the one woman who betrayed him.And now, the Roman will have his revenge…Marsallas and Justina were young, beautiful and desperately in love once, until a tragic betrayal tore them apart.Six years have passed since that day and Marsallas has since thrown himself into the deadly world of chariot racing, gaining fortune, fame, and a salacious reputation throughout Rome. His bed is kept warm by a different woman each night, but his heart remains iced over as the memory of Justina’s betrayal continues to haunts him.The last thing he expects is to see her again, but when she steps back into his life he sees a chance to avenge his broken heart.But beneath the hurt, an attraction so intense still burns between the two, and as their fates begin to intertwine once more, their determination to resist one another starts to falter…

The Roman

Caroline Storer

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Caroline Storer (#u8ef9b9f1-b8f9-5bde-b3ab-c78411123c39)

Dedication (#ue8ebb734-2337-576d-b009-03c62a0aadc0)

CHAPTER ONE (#ude73dad8-0247-58d0-b58a-c1873b8919b4)

CHAPTER TWO (#uc9efe841-54de-5fe4-af28-a5037ab3f9d3)

CHAPTER THREE (#u9bf3a3b3-3d07-5946-8e66-226ef34d815f)

CHAPTER FOUR (#u4a549fe5-4e00-59ef-98a1-11ec3919fc48)

CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER NINETEEN (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER TWENTY (#litres_trial_promo)

EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)

About HarperImpulse (#litres_trial_promo)

Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

About the Publisher (#litres_trial_promo)

Caroline Storer (#u28be2912-5b8e-52ba-8799-37dcf5d6f309)

Being a poor sleeper, I’ve been making up stories for years now to try and exhaust my mind, and get some much needed sleep. It doesn’t always work as the stories then demand to be written! I write mainly Historical romances, but I’ve also written Contemporary romances, Romantic Intrigue and I’ve also tried my hand at Futuristic and Time Slip romances.

I live on the beautiful island of Anglesey in North Wales, with my wonderful husband, Colin. By day I’m an Environmental Health Officer, where I get to meet lots of interesting people – all grist to the writer’s mill.

Firstly, I'd also like to thank my editor, Charlotte Ledger, for giving me this wonderful opportunity to publish my book with HarperImpulse.

Secondly, I want to say a huge "thank you" to all my friends and family who have supported me, in particular my mum and dad, and best friends Kath and Paula. I also want to mention all my cyber friends who, over the years, have given much needed help and encouragement. Thank you, Suzanne, Michelle (Styles) and Kate (Hardy).

And finally … for my wonderful husband, Colin … who always believed.

CHAPTER ONE (#u28be2912-5b8e-52ba-8799-37dcf5d6f309)

Circus Maximus – Rome AD 79

Marsallas closed his eyes, letting the stillness inside the stables act as a balm to his ravaged senses. He could still hear the crowd in the arena chanting his name, even though he’d ridden his last race of the day.

For a full five minutes he stood there, before he opened his eyes once more, and watched as his four horses, magnificent greys, were rubbed down by four slaves. Like him, the horses were quiet and still, allowing the slaves to tend them without any trouble. He walked over to them and stroked the muzzle of each of them in turn, his touch gentle and soothing. Lampon, the most forward of his horses, nudged him.

“Hah. You know me too well, Lampon,” he said softly, taking a pear from a small cloth sack that he carried. The horse whinnied as he took the fruit, and Marsallas patted his flank before moving onto the other horses. When they had all been given their pears, Marsallas stood back, letting the slaves finish their tasks.

They were magnificent animals – he had chosen well – and they had not let him down once in the four years he’d had them. They had raced over two hundred races together, winning over one hundred and fifty of them in that time. A phenomenal feat, considering it was one of the most dangerous sports in the Circus Maximus. His quadrigae were considered the best, and when he raced his four horse chariot he was always the favourite to win.

Once the slaves had finished tending to the horses, Marsallas dismissed them with a nod of his head, leaving him alone with his animals. He walked into each of the stalls and stroked his hands over the horses’ flesh, feeling their muscles and ligaments to make sure there were no sprains or bruises. The sheer brutality of the races took its toll, on both man and beast, and it was Marsallas’s duty to make sure that his horses were always kept in the best condition. Eventually he finished his rounds, and was closing the last of the doors to the stalls when he saw his team member, and close friend, Fabius Rufus coming towards him.

“Fabius,” he said in greeting, a small smile on his face as his protégé approached. He was secretly proud of the young man; the man he had trained to be as good as him in the Circus. But then he frowned, when he saw the preoccupied look on his face. “All is well, Fabius?”

“There is a woman here,” Fabius said, by way of explanation, ignoring Marsallas's question. “She wants to see you. She has a slave with her-”

“Fabius,” Marsallas interrupted, “I am not interested in entertaining the rich patricians of Rome tonight. I am tired, hungry, and I stink. I'm going to bathe, eat and sleep in that order. Besides, even I have standards, and an orgy is just a little too debauched for my tastes!”

Fabius shook his head. “You’re wrong Marsallas. The slave is male, and as large as a tree, and the woman just wants to talk to you, not seduce you.”

“They always “just want to talk”, Fabius,” Marsallas grunted, shaking his head in vexation, “You should know that by now! We are nothing but studs to these women,” then he turned towards the rear door of the stables. “By the gods, I’m sure the women of Rome are getting more and more forward these days.”

“I agree with you Marsallas, they are,” Fabius reasoned, raising his voice slightly as Marsallas walked away. “But this time I think the woman is genuine. She says she has news-”

“Enough Fabius,” Marsallas shouted, cutting off his friend’s words without a backward glance. “Like I said, you have her. All the women love your blonde hair and green eyes. You will have her eating out of your hand in next to no time!”

* * *

“You were quick. Didn’t she live up to your expectations?” Marsallas asked a short while later, as he finished off a small meal of meat, bread, and olives in his quarters.

Fabius’s face suffused with colour, as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. “No! I mean…I never…” Fabius stammered, his voice trailing off.

Marsallas raised an eyebrow in surprise. It was unusual for Fabius to be so nervous. Normally he was supremely confident when it came to women … and sex. “What ails you Fabius? You seem out of sorts this evening.”

“The woman. She just wants to see you. To talk to you.”

“Fabius, how many times-”

“Justina.” Fabius interjected, cutting off Marsallas. “She says her name is Justina, and she has come from Herculaneum.”

The knife Marsallas had been using to slice some meat was stabbed into the wooden table with such force that the handle wobbled violently. His eyes narrowed in anger, as his brain assimilated the full implication of Fabius’s words. An ominous silence fell between the two men until, finally, Marsallas stood, the scraping of his chair sounding as loud as a thunderbolt.

“Where is she?” he hissed, the words forced past tight lips, his face pinched with anger.


Marsallas said nothing for a moment as his mind raced frantically. He stared at the wooden door, as if he could actually see through it. Justina was here. Outside and waiting for him. He felt his stomach clench, and he forced down the wave of nausea that threatened at the thought of meeting her again. Conflicting emotions surged though him. Anger vied with despair. Rage battled hope. But it was fear that took precedence. Because fear was a double edged sword…

Fear could make him lose what little control he had over his emotions when it came to Justina; emotions he had ruthlessly tried to suppress for years now. Fear could make him lash out, to try and hurt her as much as she had hurt him, or equally, it could make him do something totally out of character, like pull her into his arms and kiss her. Because when it came to Justina, she made him think and feel things he’d never felt for any woman.

For six years long years he’d desperately tried to wipe her from his memory. Sometimes he succeeded, often going weeks without thinking about her. But then something would happen, a jolt to his memory, and he would find himself once more wondering about her…remembering her …

Justina. The only woman he’d ever loved…and the only woman he’d ever hated. She’d taken his love and thrown it back in his face, and in the space of one day she had systematically destroyed him. Her betrayal had turned the young, untried man he’d once been, and made him into the cold, hard, bastard he was today.

And now she was here, waiting outside his quarters, wanting an audience with him. He couldn’t help but wonder if the six years since he’d last seen her had wrought many changes in her. She would be twenty two now, a far cry from the sixteen year old girl he’d known back then.

But that girl had been so beautiful, and he closed his eyes briefly as he remembered what she had looked like. He could picture her as clearly now, as if it had only been yesterday since he’d last seen her, instead of all those years ago. Tall and slim, she’d had the palest of skin that had been so soft to the touch. Skin that had been in stark contrast to her jet black hair, and he remembered teasing her about her heritage, saying she must be descended from a warrior woman enslaved from the wild north lands. Her features had been perfection too, from her wide grey eyes, down over her small straight nose to the fullest lips he’d ever seen. Lips that he’d had the urge to kiss, from the first moment he’d seen them …

Marsallas re-opened his eyes, focusing on the present once more as he weighed up the situation he was now faced with. The rational side of him said that he should just send her away, refuse her request. But the irrational side of him wanted to see her again. It would be a test of sorts he decided. If she elicited no response in him other than distain then he would know for certain that he had finally managed to purge her from his mind once and for all.

The irrational won…

So he sat down, pulled out the knife that was embedded in the wood, and carried on slicing another piece of meat. Deliberately, he kept his posture relaxed, giving nothing away of the inner turmoil he was experiencing, before finally saying to Fabius, “Tell her to come in. I will see her.”

* * *

"If I am not out in five minutes knock on the door. It will be my signal to leave.”

Diogenes frowned, but said nothing, just stared down at her.

Justina smiled slightly, interpreting his look, well used to the slave’s silence. “I will be fine. I promise.”

Diogenes stood aside, and Justina tapped on the door. Without waiting for an answer she pushed it open and entered the dark room.

At first she thought there was no-one there, Fabius having played her false by sending her into an empty room. With only one wall sconce illuminating the room, most of the space was in darkness. But then she saw a slight movement, and as she let her eyes adjust to the dimness, she was able to make out the shadow of a man standing as still as marble to the rear of the room.

Then the shadow spoke. “Justina.”

The emotionless tone of the voice caused Justina to shiver, and her heart to beat faster. There was no mistaking who had said her name. His voice was indelibly printed on her mind. But the tone was deeper than it had once been, rough almost. Yet it had a pleasing quality she couldn’t explain.

Uninvited, she walked further into the room, his presence drawing her to him like an invisible bond, only stopping when she approached the edge of a small table. She glanced down at the remains of a meal, then back up to where the shadow stood. Lifting her head towards him, she said as calmly as she could, “Greetings, Marsallas.”

Then the shadow stepped forward suddenly becoming human flesh, and Justina gasped, her face losing all colour as she took in the man standing in front of her.

There was no doubting it was Marsallas. But at the same time she couldn’t believe how much he’d changed. Virtually unrecognisable from the carefree youth she had once known. Now, in his place stood a virtual stranger, one who looked at her with total indifference on his face.

He looked even taller than she remembered, if that were possible. Broad shoulders tapered down to bare arms, tanned a golden brown. Arms that were crossed over each other, showing off his powerfully bunched muscles. Of their own free will her eyes tracked down his body. Over the impressive width of his chest that couldn't be disguised by the short green tunic he wore, down past the tautness of his flat stomach, to his long, tanned muscular legs.

Justina felt a quiver of awareness slither down her spine, and like a starving woman she feasted on him. The hard sculpted face, the piercing blue eyes she remembered so well. She drank him in, absorbed him, and her fingers actually itched to caress the hard planes of his face, to trace the shape of his eyebrows and the angled hardness of his jaw.

She felt his power. Not just his physical power, but the sheer presence of him. Although he had only said one word, his bearing said it all, and it made her stomach clench. Even now, after all these years, he still had the power to affect her, and without warning a sudden surge of longing, long suppressed, assailed her.

She saw his eyes lower to her mouth. She hadn’t been kissed in years, and she felt desire flare deep inside of her, rising to such an intensity it fairly took her breath away. She ached for him to draw her nearer, to kiss her, to stroke her body to life once more.

Then she saw his eyes narrow, harden, and Justina felt a rush of panic hit her. She was stupid to have come here.

She should have gone back to Herculaneum and lied to Quintus. Said she’d tried to gain an audience with Marsallas, but he had refused to see her. But she hadn’t, and instead she was standing no more than ten feet from him.

Totally at his mercy.

She wanted to flee, but she held her ground. Instead, she straightened her spine, and prepared herself for the ordeal that was to come.

And it would be an ordeal.

She forced a polite smile, desperate to keep to the plan she had mentally prepared whilst standing outside his quarter’s, waiting for Fabius to introduce her. Just go in. She had said, over and over again, like a mantra. Be cordial, say what you have to say, and then get out of there as quickly as you can.

“Thank…thank you for letting me see you. What…what I have to say won’t take long. I-”

“You have come a long way to see me, Justina, considering I said I never wanted to see you again,” Marsallas drawled, his mouth twisting in derision as he interrupted her faltering words. “And if my memory serves me right, I cursed you to Hades too.”

Justina felt a sudden chilling panic pierce her, but she kept her face impassive, refused to let him see how much he disturbed her. So she kept her hands loosely clasped in front of her, and made herself relax. She lifted her chin, hoping he wouldn’t notice the faint trembling of her body that she couldn’t quite control, “I do remember, Marsallas,” she said, keeping her voice steady, “But I am not here to see you, I have come because I have a message from your uncle. Quintus is-”

She heard his breath hiss, before he cut off her well rehearsed speech with a violent slash of his hand. “Stop!”

She froze. Helpless. Unable to think, or do anything, she watched as he lowered his hand, her eyes taking in his long narrow fingers, fingers that Justina remembered so well…

“I do not want to hear about him – ever.”

His words were harsh, but Justina felt a surge of pity for him. She knew how much he hated his uncle, and secretly she couldn’t blame him. His uncle had never shown his nephew any love.