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‘As you know from our telephone conversation,’ Russ continued, ‘the thieves got in through the study and then crossed the living room and attacked me in the hall. The alarm did its job but without cameras there’s little chance of identifying them. So we were thinking of cameras at the rear, sides and front of the house.’

‘Yes, indeed,’ Derek said, making a note. ‘I agree.’ He followed Russ and his wife into the study.

‘They levered that picture window,’ Julie exclaimed, pointing, the fear returning to her eyes.

‘The new ones can’t be levered out,’ Russ added. ‘They’re being replaced tomorrow.’

‘Good,’ Derek said. Russ had certainly done his homework. He nodded thoughtfully, looked around and made another note, then followed them out of the study, back across the living room, and into the kitchen-cum-diner that ran the entire depth of the house. All recently refurbished with yards of glinting polished granite work surfaces. Incredible how some people prioritized their spending. Forty thousand plus on a new kitchen but leave in a crap alarm system.

‘You’ve got a lovely home,’ Derek enthused.

‘Thank you,’ Julie said.

‘So we need to protect it and keep you and your family safe from the scum who steal rather than work.’

‘Exactly my feeling,’ Russ agreed. Derek thought it would be.

He made a quick sketch of the downstairs and then asked to see upstairs. Russ led the way up to the landing and then in and out of the four bedrooms, the family bathroom and downstairs again.

‘Lovely house,’ Derek said again, ingratiating himself a little further.

Russ opened the door to the cloakroom so Derek could see in and then led them through the garage and outside, where he pointed out where he thought the cameras should be sited.

‘I agree.’ Derek nodded, adding them to the sketch. He then spent a few moments looking interestedly at the back of the house and garden while omitting to say he was already familiar with the outside of their house from the Internet.

‘Excellent,’ he said. ‘Shall we go inside now and I’ll talk you through what I have in mind – incorporating your wishes, of course. And perhaps,’ he said, turning to Julie with a humble smile, ‘I could take you up on your kind offer of a coffee? It would be most welcome.’

‘Yes, of course.’

While Julie made coffee, Derek sat with Russ at the oak dining table at the other end of the kitchen-diner and set out the brochures and paperwork, waiting until Julie returned with their drinks before beginning. Women expected to be involved now.

‘So this is an outline of your house,’ he said, pointing to the plan he’d sketched. ‘I’m proposing siting the cameras here, here, here and here – more or less where you suggested.’ Russ looked pleased. ‘These are the cameras I use.’ He showed them the glossy leaflet. ‘I always recommend spending the money on decent high-definition cameras. They give you excellent daytime vision and infrared at night. They are more expensive but the images are so sharp the police can use them to identify suspects. Not that you will be broken into again once this is all installed.’

‘Well, that’s a relief,’ Julie said.

‘I explained to my wife that the reason one of the other quotes was so cheap was because they used analogue cameras,’ Russ said.

‘Exactly. You are well informed. I’ll run the external wiring in conduit.’

‘What’s that?’ Julie asked.

‘It’s a hard plastic tube that protects the wires so they can’t be cut,’ Russ said.

‘I couldn’t have explained it better myself,’ Derek said, flashing him an approving smile. ‘It’s the safest option otherwise a would-be intruder would simply snip through the wire and disconnect the camera. Most intruders carry wire cutters. It’s a small additional cost to you but worth it.’

‘Oh yes, we must have those conduits,’ Julie agreed, shuddering at the recollection of their break-in.

Derek made a note. ‘In respect of the monitor I suggest this fifteen-inch colour monitor.’ He opened another leaflet.

‘You wouldn’t run it through the television then?’ Russ enquired.

‘No. It’s the less expensive option but using the television as your surveillance monitor is cumbersome and ineffective in practice. If you have a separate monitor you just glance at it. I would suggest situating it in the hall.’

‘We’ll have the monitor you recommend,’ Russ said. ‘What about voice warning alarms? You know those that give a recorded warning message – you are being recorded on CCTV – or similar.’

‘I can install one if you wish – it’s not a problem – but I don’t usually use them.’

‘Why not?’

‘They can be very annoying to neighbours and in practice they are more likely to deter your newspaper boy than a would-be intruder. I think the money would be better spent on additional security lights.’ He paused for their reaction. He never rushed his clients.

‘Yes, go ahead,’ Russ said. ‘We have one security light down the sideway so we can see our way to the bins.’

‘Noted,’ Derek said. ‘And I would suggest another at the rear and down the other sideway.’

‘Not at the front as well?’ Russ queried.

‘Not necessary. You have the ornamental down lights, which you leave on all night.’

‘How did you know we left them on?’ Russ asked, looking at him.

A slight hesitation before Derek replied. ‘You seem sensible and it’s a reasonable precaution to illuminate the front of the house rather than leaving it in darkness.’ He smiled reassuringly and moved on. ‘That’s the external security taken care of. Have you considered having a surveillance camera indoors?’

‘Whatever for?’ Julie asked surprised. ‘There’s only us and the children here.’

‘You don’t ever use a nanny, au pair, babysitter or cleaner?’ Derek queried, assured of the answer.

‘We have a cleaner,’ Julie replied. ‘But she’s been with us for years. Our babysitter is our goddaughter, a lovely girl. I trust them both.’

‘I’m sure you do – as would most folk – but many of my clients who take this option are surprised by what they find goes on in their absence. I’m not trying to scare you into buying something you’re not comfortable with, but I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I didn’t suggest all the options. Think about it and let me know. If you do decide to go ahead I would suggest one camera in the living room. You can easily turn it off on the monitor so you don’t have to keep seeing yourselves.’

‘We’ll think about it,’ Russ said.

Derek nodded. ‘Nearly finished,’ he said, glancing at his watch. ‘I won’t keep you much longer. Now to the NVR – that’s the video recorder. It records constantly and keeps the recording for thirty days and then resets. I’d like to situate it out of the way in the garage.

‘That’s fine,’ Russ said.

‘And last but certainly not least I’d recommend connecting your surveillance system to the Internet, so you can watch your home and see it is safe when you’re out.’

‘Yes, of course,’ Russ said.

‘You’ll be able to access your CCTV on your phone, tablet or laptop. Here, let me show you my office.’ He always gave this little demonstration although clients rarely needed convincing. Blokes especially were eager to sign up to the latest online technology and impress their mates and work colleagues.

He placed his phone on the table between them so they could both see it and tapped the icon. ‘There’s my office,’ he said proudly as the image displayed. ‘It’s empty at present, as it should be; we’re all out on jobs. There’s the lockup where I keep the vans overnight. The system I have is the same as the one I would install here. See how sharp the images are.’ They both nodded enthusiastically, clearly impressed, as most clients were. He allowed them time to savour the images as he zoomed in and out. ‘And here’s my home,’ he continued, swiping the screen. ‘Again, the same system I would use here.’ Julie peered closely at the webcam images of the inside of his home.

‘Do you live alone?’ she asked, which took him by surprise.

‘Why do you ask?’ he said, and closed the website.

‘Just wondered; me being nosy, I guess.’

He raised a polite smile and returned the phone to his pocket. ‘Do either of you have any questions about anything I’ve said? Apart from my private life,’ he added. He saw her glance at him, unsure if he was serious.

‘I don’t think we have; you’ve been very thorough,’ Russ said. ‘Thank you.’

‘I’ll email my quote to you this evening. Go through it, and have a look at the literature. Let me know if you have any questions.’ He gathered together his papers, finished his coffee, and stood.

‘If we were to accept your quote,’ Russ said as they began towards the door, ‘how soon could you do the work?’

He looked at them thoughtfully. ‘Hmm, I have a big job starting the week after next at a building contractors. You obviously want this place securing as soon as possible to stop the same thing happening again.’ He paused. ‘I tell you what, this work here should only take me a day, so, if you were to give me the go ahead tomorrow, I’ll have it fitted for you by the end of the week. How does that sound?’

‘Very good,’ Russ said, and Julie nodded.

‘Well, nice meeting you both and thank you for the coffee.’ They arrived in the hall and shook hands.

‘Try not to worry,’ he said to Julie. ‘We’ll soon have you safe again.’

‘Thank you, I feel safer already.’


He’d be very surprised if he didn’t get the work.

Chapter Four (#ulink_7c0a443c-5ce9-5b2f-8260-78e905a28153)

‘Very nice,’ Paul Mellows said, as they pulled onto the driveway. For a moment Derek thought he was referring to him. ‘The house … it’s a nice pad,’ Paul clarified.

‘Oh yes.’ Derek nodded and switched off the engine, silencing a wave of disappointment ‘So remember, we wipe our shoes on their doormat before we go in. It’s these little marks of respect that clients appreciate.’

Paul sighed. ‘I always do, don’t I?’

Derek glanced at him with an appreciative smile. ‘You’re better than many of my apprentices, I’ll give you that.’ Paul was an attractive lad with fair hair and blue-grey eyes, but at eighteen he was brash with the misplaced confidence of someone who thought they knew it all. ‘Eight twenty-nine. Nearly time to go. Is your phone off or on silent?’

‘It will be.’

‘And remember, we address our clients by their title and surname, so it’s Mr and Mrs Williams to you.’

Paul stifled another sigh. ‘I know. And we don’t accept the first drink they offer even though I’m gasping and didn’t have time for breakfast.’

‘And whose fault would that be?’ Derek asked indulgently.

‘Mum’s for not getting up on time.’

‘You’re old enough to get your own breakfast. So you know the routine.’ Derek opened his door. ‘You stay in the van while I ring the bell and make sure they are all up and ready for us. And no shaking their hands,’ he added, his lip curling into a smile. ‘Who knows what you’ve been doing with those hands at your age.’

‘Wouldn’t you like to know.’

Derek looked away as Paul’s phone bleeped with a message. ‘Girlfriend?’ he asked as he got out.

‘None of your business.’

Derek left him to it. Despite his impertinence Paul was learning the trade fast, possibly a bit too fast. He’d had to keep a closer eye on him. He rang the doorbell. The Williams were up and expecting him. With a brief ‘good morning’, he returned to the van for the equipment they needed, tapping on Paul’s window as he passed.

‘Thank God it’s Friday,’ Paul moaned as he got out and joined his boss at the rear of the van.

‘You want to count yourself lucky you have a job. There’s a lot unemployed among your age group, and you’re learning a trade.’

‘So you’ve told me before.’

Ignoring his slight, Derek passed Paul two toolboxes from the rear of the van and locked the van doors. Mr and Mrs Williams were waiting for them in the hall.

‘This is my apprentice, Paul.’

‘Hello,’ Paul said, giving his shoes a cursory wipe on the mat.

‘Hi. Would you both like a drink before you start work?’ Julie offered.

‘No, thank you,’ Derek replied. ‘I’d like to get going, if you don’t mind.’

‘And you, Paul?’

‘I have to do as the boss says.’

‘We’ll leave our tools in the garage and set up camp in there, if that’s alright with you?’ Derek said to Russ. ‘Save us keep going in and out of your front door.’

‘Fine,’ Russ said. ‘I’m working from home today so if you need anything I’ll be in the study, and my wife will be around too.’

‘We’ll try not to disturb you,’ Derek said.

‘Anything else you need?’ Russ asked.

‘I don’t believe so.’

‘I’ll leave you to it then.’

‘Thank you.’ He gave a little bow.

Paul stifled a smile.

In the two months he’d been working for Derek, Paul had learnt that the company was nowhere near the size his boss liked to pretend – indeed as far as he was aware there was just the two of them. He also knew that as well as being obsessed with good manners and politeness, Derek kept himself to himself, never went out socially and appeared to have no mates. He seemed to live for his work, and was meticulously clean and tidy to ridiculous lengths. Some days Paul felt he’d done nothing but clear up. Derek also liked to work in silence, only breaking it to explain something about the job, or to deliver a lecture. Lectures included the youth of today, lack of respect, the lowlife scum who stole from decent folk, and noise pollution – the latter delivered after Paul had naïvely asked if they could have the radio on as they worked.

‘If clients wanted a radio blaring out all day they’d have one switched on, wouldn’t they? It would be intrusive for them to have to listen to our radio just because we want it on. An infringement of their personal space. Never forget we are tradesmen in these people’s homes, here simply to do the job they are paying us for, so don’t overstep the line into familiarity.’ Paul had been sorry he’d asked.

But his boss’s work ethos seemed to be successful, for he received so many requests for quotations that he could pick and choose the jobs he wanted. After visiting some premises he didn’t send an estimate, but an email apologizing that his work schedule was full, which seemed odd to Paul as some days they’d finished by lunchtime. Paul had no idea what the criteria were for accepting or declining a job. He’d asked Derek but he’d been vague and as an apprentice he couldn’t press him for an explanation. Paul was never allowed to go with Derek when he went to estimate. Derek said it would be an unnecessary inconvenience to the clients to have them both there, but added that if he took Paul on permanently he would train him in estimating. For various reasons Paul doubted that would happen.

At eleven o’clock they accepted the coffee Mrs Williams offered and drank it in the garage. Paul was also allowed to eat two of the biscuits she’d arranged on the plate; to eat them all would have appeared greedy, Derek said. It was then Paul’s job to return the tray with their empty mugs and the plate to the kitchen, remembering to knock on the door before he went in, even if it was open.

At one o’clock they had their lunch break sitting in the van to eat their packed lunches. Paul found it uncomfortable sitting so close to Derek who often had tuna and mayo in his sandwiches, made by his mother. He had the radio on low and always tuned to Classic FM. Paul ate his sandwiches quickly and then left the van to use his phone.