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This Time Forever
This Time Forever
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This Time Forever

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The cash machine at the airport was out of money, ticket lines were frustratingly long and breakfast had worn off hours ago. Lisa slipped her boarding pass into her pack and ran down the concourse, her camera case bouncing along on built-in wheels.

When she reached the gate, the door was closed. Looking out the window, she saw her suitcase tossed into the luggage compartment beneath the airplane. She ran to the next desk and asked the agent for help. Moments later, a flight attendant met her at the end of the walk. “That was close,” she said cheerfully. “We’re just starting our preflight check.”

“This flight does go to Denver, right?” Lisa asked breathlessly.

“Certainly does.” The attendant read the row and seat number. “Take your seat quickly, please, Ms. Berthoff. We’ll be taking off momentarily.”

“Sorry, I’m not usually so late.” Lisa secured the pack on her shoulder. “My editor called just as I was headed to the Monterey Peninsula. So much for shooting the whales this year.”

The woman’s eyes opened wide. “Shoot?”

Lisa laughed. “I’m a photojournalist.” She braced her camera case on her hip to squeeze through the aisle. “Only damage this thing can do is if it lands on someone.”

The woman laughed. “I see. Have a nice flight.” She opened an overhead compartment and helped secure Lisa’s bag.

“Thank you.” Lisa clicked her seat belt just before the plane backed away from the terminal. She leaned her head back, determined to relax.

As soon as the captain gave the clearance, Lisa used her laptop computer and checked for messages, hoping to find out transportation arrangements from Denver International Airport to the bed-and-breakfast. She would call Katarina and Emily once she knew more about her schedule. Raking the unruly strands of hair out of her eyes, Lisa took a deep breath. Come on, Francie.

Despite the frustrations of the sudden change in plans, she couldn’t deny it would be good to see her older sisters again.

She knew Loveland was close to Springville, but she wasn’t exactly sure where this bed-and-breakfast was in relation. Surely she could squeeze in a few days with Katarina and Emily before she rushed off on her next assignment. A smile teased her lips. Kevin and Emily’s daughter would have her first birthday soon, while Katarina and Alex were due to have their first baby in just a few months. It seemed like just yesterday that she’d flown into a Colorado blizzard for their wedding. Had it really been a year already?

Memories invaded her thoughts and threatened to send her into a tailspin of emotions. She forced them away and moved to the next e-mail, making notes to send a requested article as soon as she reached the bed-and-breakfast. The Internet age had certainly simplified her job.

Francie’s message finally arrived, instructing Lisa to take a shuttle to Loveland and wait for the proprietor.

“We received the attached brochure from the owner’s sister. From what she sent us about the place, I think we might want to feature Whispering Pines Guest Ranch in our monthly column, ‘America’s Most Romantic Getaways.’”

Most romantic getaway? “You’ve got to be kidding,” she muttered. Lisa turned off the laptop and put it away. How do I get stuck with these assignments? No one will take me seriously with stories like this. The passenger beside her left his seat and Lisa stretched her arms. “It’s amazing what a person will do to get a job.”

Several hours later, after taking a shuttle bus from Denver to Loveland, Lisa dragged her luggage to the curb.

A spry, silver-haired woman approached. “You must be ours.” A smile crinkled her delicate pink skin and brought a sparkle to her eyes. “I’m Meg, from the ranch. We’re so delighted that you’re here.”

She eyed Meg again. This frail-looking woman couldn’t possibly run a ranch. “Are you sure? I mean, that you’re expecting me?”

Meg snatched the huge suitcase from Lisa’s grasp and hoisted it over the side of the truck. “Well, I did think there would be two of you,” she said, glancing at the shuttle as it pulled away. “But if you’re from the magazine, then this is just perfect.”

Lisa nodded, suddenly a bit flustered. “I’m the Greens’ replacement, Lisa Berthoff. The couple you were expecting went into premature labor.”

“Oh, my. Well, I’m delighted that you’re here, Lisa. Millie apologizes for not being able to pick you up herself.”

Meg filled the thirty-minute drive with a history lesson on Whispering Pines Guest Ranch. “Millie has turned the ranch over to her son now.”

Lisa learned that Meg and her late husband had worked for the Carter family for three decades. From Meg’s descriptions, Lisa had wonderful mental pictures of the ranch, as well as the generous family determined to share their land with others instead of breaking it up into exclusive residential property.

Meg slowed the truck around a curve. The road opened before them into an enormous valley of gently rolling hills, jagged bluffs and wooded fringes. “Welcome to Whispering Pines Lodge, Adam’s plan to save his grandparents’ property,” she said softly. “Bless his heart. He’s put everything he has into saving this place.”

“He must love it.” Lisa pulled her camera from the bag and focused on the stately new guest house. “Wow…” She sighed. “Can you stop here, Meg? I want my first impressions on film.”

Lisa hopped from the truck. The camera whirred.

On one side of the valley she photographed horses corralled between a weathered barn and split-rail fence. On the other, snow-dusted pine trees climbed the mountain. She snapped a series of shots of the icy creek meandering under a rustic stone bridge that separated a smaller home from the land where the new addition was located.

Lisa lowered the camera and filled her lungs with the pine scent. She paused. An odd feeling stirred within her. Anticipation was to be expected on any new job, but that wasn’t all.

Mystified by the intensity she felt about this assignment as they drove closer to the lodge, Lisa felt her usually “on-edge” nerves dissipate. She squirmed in her seat, uneasy with the sense of hope and tranquillity. If she didn’t know better, she’d think there was something to this romantic getaway idea.

How Meg had managed to convince a skeptic like Lisa was a mystery. She’d given up on romance long ago. Yet, in that brief moment when she first saw Whispering Pines, it was as if she knew everything she needed to know in order to write this story.

Meg pulled through the circular drive to the impressive front entrance and shut off the engine. Lisa slid from the seat of the truck and looked around. In the distance a man carrying a huge ax over his shoulder like Paul Bunyan disappeared behind a miniature barn-shaped building.

Lisa lifted her eyebrows. Hmm, this may not be so bad after all. When he appeared again, Lisa was waiting with camera focused. Click…click…click… He propped the ax against a tall evergreen and turned toward her. The man was tall, broad-shouldered and much younger than she’d anticipated. He sauntered closer in long, purposeful strides. The lens cap dangled in the icy breeze, tapping against her hand.

Seconds later the man’s hand pulled the camera away from her face.

“What are you doing?” Lisa yanked it from his hand and snapped the lens cover in place to protect it from any chance of damage. “Excuse me, but this is my camera.”

“And this is my land.” His voice left no room for discussion.

Lisa glanced up again. He had a strong jaw, deep-set eyes and sun bleached brown hair that desperately needed a cut. Nevertheless, he was still one drop-dead handsome cowboy. He crossed his arms over his chest and Lisa felt her heart race. Whispering Pines Guest Ranch. It couldn’t be. “Adam?” She stepped back, confused. “I thought…”

He looked puzzled. He obviously didn’t recognize her from their sisters’ and brothers’ weddings.

“I beg your pardon, ma’am. I don’t believe we’ve met. May I ask what in tarnation you’re doing with that camera?”

Pulling herself together, Lisa extended her hand. This was a professional assignment. Not a family gathering. The backpack slid from her shoulder, and with the flick of his wrist, the stunning proprietor caught it. Lisa lifted it back to her shoulder. “I’m taking pictures….”

“I figured that much out.” His frown deepened. “Question is, why?”

“I’m…” Momentarily, she wasn’t sure who she was, and less sure of what she was doing here. “I’m Lisa Berthoff, Katarina and Emily’s sister.”

One eyebrow lifted. “Lisa?” A look of shock plastered onto his face, Adam tried to regain his composure. “I didn’t recognize you.”

No kidding. “Must be my hair. It was shorter.”

“And…” Adam raised his hands to his hair and awkwardly let them drop again. “Umm…curlier.”

Lisa nodded, remembering. “Yes, it was.” The expense of curling her stubbornly straight hair was a luxury she’d had to go without after the surprise that awaited her return from Kat’s wedding. The changes in her appearance were obviously not improvements from the look on Adam’s face. She had stress to thank for the weight loss. Stress and Dale. Or were the two one and the same? At least her perception had improved since he’d walked out on her. When it came to men, she now had twenty-twenty vision. She’d been blinded by love once, but never again.

Adam stared, speechless.

Mrs. MacIntyre came down the guest house steps and broke the uncomfortable silence. “Lisa? I didn’t know you were coming.”

“Hello, Mrs. MacIntyre. The magazine sent me as a last-minute replacement for the Greens. I’m here to do the write-up on Adam…I mean, on Whispering Pines.”

“Magazine? What magazine?” Adam said.

Ignoring his questions, his mother continued. “Call me Millie, please.” She wrapped an arm around Lisa and looked at her son. “Isn’t this just perfect, Adam, dear? Lisa’s doing your story.” Millie beamed, and her voice was overly enthusiastic, even by Lisa’s estimation. “I can’t wait to tell Elizabeth that you’re here.”

Adam plastered a smile across his face. “Is that so?” Without another word to her, Adam reached for Lisa’s bags in the back of the truck. “Thanks for bringing our guest out, Meg. Have a good weekend.”

“It was my pleasure. Enjoy your stay, Lisa.”

“Thank you, Meg. I’m sure it will be wonderful.”

Adam groaned, but whether it was because of the conversation or the seventy-pound suitcase he was lifting, Lisa wasn’t sure. What did he expect? Her entire life was in these bags.

Adam glanced at his mother, who’d followed Meg to the white sedan in the parking lot across the yard. He turned to Lisa and lowered his voice. “And just to set things straight, Mrs.— Sorry, I didn’t catch your married name.”

Lisa was stunned. Married? What, or who, had given Adam the impression she had married?

“Never mind. Just so you realize, I’m not interested in advertising in any magazine nor am I doing any interview for one.”

Keep your cool, Lisa. You need this job. “Thanks for clarifying that. Good thing I’m not in advertising, then, isn’t it? And just to clear up one more thing…” She hated to add to his problems, whatever they might be, but she believed in honesty. “I’m not married.”

“Great. Just great,” he said, then took off across the flagstone walk, mumbling.

Millie’s voice startled Lisa. “Oh, dear. Look at the time.” Adam’s mom smiled at Lisa then climbed into the truck, calling sweetly to Adam as he closed the distance between himself and the front door of the house. “Don’t count on me for dinner tonight. I’m having dinner with Mr. Miller. Why don’t you catch Lisa up on all the family news?” She turned the key and revved the engine. “Don’t pay any attention to his grumbling, Lisa. He’ll be fine soon. I’m sure of it. I’ll look forward to visiting with you tomorrow.”

“That would be nice. I’ll see you then.” Adam’s mother headed down the hill and across the quaint bridge to the small Victorian-style house tucked behind the winter-bare tree branches. Lisa let out a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. With a sigh of determination, she ran up the log steps, in search of the very handsome, impatient and presumably still-single bed-and-breakfast owner. She was going to set things straight, once and for all.

Chapter Two

Adam heard the door close downstairs, followed by a thump, then a muffled voice and…giggles? He dropped Lisa’s luggage in the middle of the floor and ran out of the room.

He didn’t have any doubt what had caused the calamity. His brother’s idea of a bachelor’s perfect birthday gift—a Newfoundland-mix puppy.

“To-by!” Taking the log stairs two at a time, Adam arrived at the front door to find Lisa flat on the ground with his overgrown puppy giving her kisses. Lisa’s laughter did nothing more than encourage the dog. Adam grabbed Toby’s collar and hauled the one-hundred-pound pup off her.

“Toby, sit!” Adam didn’t take the time to lead the animal to a designated location; he just hoped Toby would sit somewhere and quit causing trouble. He extended his arm to help Lisa up, instantly reminding him of his unwelcome reaction to her delicate hand in his a few minutes earlier. “Are you okay?”

Accepting Adam’s hand, Lisa jumped up off the floor and untwisted her camera strap. “I’m fine.” With a soft chuckle, she wiped Toby’s kisses from her cheek. “Now that’s what I call a warm welcome.”

Adam stepped back and released her hand. “Please accept my apology. I haven’t had much time to train him.”

“Looks like you’re going to have your hands full.” Brushing dirt and dog hair off her black sweater and leggings, Lisa turned toward Toby, positioned her camera, clicked the shutter, then snapped the cover back onto the lens.

She looked different than she had at his oldest brother’s wedding a year ago. And it was more than the chic hairstyle. He didn’t remember Lisa being so thin. She was still as pretty, but something was definitely different. Still…how could he have not recognized her?

“Good thing I like dogs. Never had one of my own, but…” She smiled at Toby. “Who can resist falling in love with an adorable face like his?”

That was enough to set the dog in motion again, still trailing the remnants of his third leash, aka teething rope, behind him. Before Adam could stop Toby, he was on his hind legs and in her face again. This time, Adam sprang forward in time to catch Lisa. With one arm firmly around her small waist, unwelcome feelings returned. Adam struggled to find his voice. “That’s it, Toby. Outside!”

As Adam helped Lisa regain her footing, he felt his anger turn from the energetic dog toward Elizabeth for getting him into this mess.

He’d had no idea his sister was serious about advertising in a national magazine. Where did she think they were going to come up with that kind of money? And even if they had the money, why would he be willing to let anyone do any kind of a story on himself? Especially right now, with this deadline looming ahead of him. With the winter they’d had, he was now weeks behind schedule.

He stepped away to take the dog outside.

“Ouch!” Lisa fell backward against him. “Wait, my hair’s caught on something.”

Adam again offered his support while struggling to see what had happened. Lisa grabbed her hair and tugged, also yanking the button of his shirt.

“Hold on a minute,” Adam said, steadying her. He gently fanned her hair, releasing a faint scent. He inhaled again. Trying to ignore how good she smelled and the feel of her silky hair, he untangled a few strands at a time.

He was used to the well-meaning grandmothers at the church trying to play matchmaker, but his own family? When had everyone decided he needed company out here? And how in the world had Elizabeth pulled off bringing his brothers’ single sister-in-law here under the pretense of business?

He’d been suspicious when the unmarried interior decorator showed up to help with the lodge, but finally convinced himself it was a coincidence. Then when he figured out the Sweetheart Festival coordinator was also available, he began to smell a skunk. Now Lisa. He couldn’t believe his own brothers and sisters would stoop to such levels.

He was obviously wrong.

Didn’t much matter now. Faced with this awkward situation, Adam realized the first step was to get Lisa out of here before this got any more out of hand.

He couldn’t deny that Lisa was a looker, from her bright blue eyes to her classy dismissal of his pet’s poor behavior.

He instinctively smoothed her hair. “There, I think that’s it.”

Lisa turned around within the confines of his embrace, and for an instant, Adam forgot he wanted nothing to do with this woman who wanted to dig into his life.

She tipped her head back, her gaze meeting his, furthering the temptation to ignore exactly why she was here. Her cheeks turned a healthy pink. What am I thinking? She’s family.

Her voice was gentle and soft, yet confident at the same time. “Thanks. If you wouldn’t mind telling me where my room is, then you can get back to what you were doing before I arrived.”

Her comment stopped him in his tracks. As if she knew what he was thinking, one corner of her mouth hinted at a smile. Before she came…what was I doing? Adam released her, content that Lisa and her beautiful smile were now safe from his puppy’s affections.

And his.

This wasn’t the time to tell the eager photojournalist she was wasting her time here. He’d tell her that later, over dinner. Once he’d calmed his nerves and collected his thoughts.

“Up the stairs, third door on the right. If you need anything, I’ll be out back.”

He reached out to help with her coat, an amazingly sensible choice for a sophisticated city girl.

“Thanks.” She backed away, then turned and nearly tripped up the first step.

From the corner of his eye, he watched her climb the stairs, kicking himself for torturing himself so. He shook his head. I’ve got too many things to do as it is without an attractive woman to distract me. “Dinner will be ready at six sharp.”

“Fine, I’ll see you then,” she said cheerfully.

When she was well out of earshot he muttered, “Everything was fine, before you showed up.”

“Boy, that was telling him, Lisa. ‘Set him straight once and for all,’” she mimicked her own words as she walked down the hall. “What’s gotten into me?” She framed her warm face with her cool hands. “Adam MacIntyre is no more than an assignment. An assignment I can’t afford to botch.”

Lisa turned into the third room on the right and found her luggage in the middle of the floor. She glanced at the window and forced herself to ignore the sound of Adam chopping wood. Without thinking, Lisa moved her clothes into the beautifully refurbished oak dresser and set a fresh outfit on the dusty blue plaid bedspread. The six-foot-high mission-style headboard matched the frame of the vanity mirror. A pair of armchairs and a table sat in front of the window.

The rhythmic sound outside was like a lariat around her, pulling her toward the bay window. She eased the coordinating tab-top curtains open, feeling like a teenager peeking at the boy next door. I thought it was just the tux. I never dreamed Adam would be this handsome in everyday clothes.