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Книги автора Sandra Steffen

Без серии
The Wedding Gift
A second-chance love… A small miracle kept nurse Madeline from completely unravelling. When a tragic accident claimed her fiancé, at least h…
A second-chance love… A small miracle kept nurse Madeline from completely unravelling. When a tragic accident claimed her fiancé, at least h…
любовное фэнтези
36 Hours SerialAs a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents …
36 Hours SerialAs a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents …
McKenna's Bartered Bride
Bachelor GulchY'ALL COME TO THE WEDDING!In Jasper Gulch, where the main course at the local diner is gossip, everyone's talking about the di…
Bachelor GulchY'ALL COME TO THE WEDDING!In Jasper Gulch, where the main course at the local diner is gossip, everyone's talking about the di…
The Wolf's Surrender
триллеры, современная русская литература
When a powerful storm blew through town, attorney Kelly Madison found herself stranded at the courthouse–and going into labor in Judge Grey …
When a powerful storm blew through town, attorney Kelly Madison found herself stranded at the courthouse–and going into labor in Judge Grey …
Marriage to a Fortune is risky business–but nobody's listening to attorney Parker Malone. An expert on prenuptial agreements, Parker sees th…
A Bride by Summer
стихи и поэзия, русские поэты, современная поэзия, русские поэтессы, современная русская поэзия
Baby, oh, baby!Talk about being broadsided! When Reed Sullivan is almost run off the road by a reckless driver, it's town newcomer Ruby O'To…
Baby, oh, baby!Talk about being broadsided! When Reed Sullivan is almost run off the road by a reckless driver, it's town newcomer Ruby O'To…
Bachelor GulchTHE BACHELOR: Wes Stryker, notorious rogue. His carefree life suddenly changed with the arrival of two young orphans in need o…
Bachelor GulchTHE BACHELOR: Wes Stryker, notorious rogue. His carefree life suddenly changed with the arrival of two young orphans in need o…
Luke's Would-Be Bride
эротические романы, городское фэнтези, эротическое фэнтези
Bachelor GulchThe Bachelor: Luke Carson, overworked veterinarian. Though the mostly male town of Jasper Gulch had advertised for women, Luke…
Bachelor GulchThe Bachelor: Luke Carson, overworked veterinarian. Though the mostly male town of Jasper Gulch had advertised for women, Luke…
Wyatt's Most Wanted Wife
Bachelor GulchThe Bachelor: Wyatt McCully, dedicated–and extremely eligible–town sheriff. Though husband-hungry women were flocking to Jaspe…
Bachelor GulchThe Bachelor: Wyatt McCully, dedicated–and extremely eligible–town sheriff. Though husband-hungry women were flocking to Jaspe…
Clayton's Made-Over Mrs.
современная русская литература
Bachelor GulchTHE BACHELOR: Rugged rancher and single dad Clayton Carson. This time around he was determined to marry a woman who couldn't m…
Bachelor GulchTHE BACHELOR: Rugged rancher and single dad Clayton Carson. This time around he was determined to marry a woman who couldn't m…
Clayton's Made-Over Mrs.
Bachelor GulchTHE BACHELOR: Rugged rancher and single dad Clayton Carson. This time around he was determined to marry a woman who couldn't m…
Bachelor GulchTHE BACHELOR: Rugged rancher and single dad Clayton Carson. This time around he was determined to marry a woman who couldn't m…
Gift Wrapped Dad
The Hunk Under Her Christmas Tree Single mom Krista Wilson could hardly believe that the man she'd loved years ago was standing before her, …
The Hunk Under Her Christmas Tree Single mom Krista Wilson could hardly believe that the man she'd loved years ago was standing before her, …
Lone Star Wedding
Marriage to a Fortune is risky business–but nobody's listening to attorney Parker Malone. An expert on prenuptial agreements, Parker sees th…
Marriage to a Fortune is risky business–but nobody's listening to attorney Parker Malone. An expert on prenuptial agreements, Parker sees th…
The Trophy Wife
кулинария, спорт / фитнес, здоровье
Lady, when the clock strikes midnight, you're history!To settle an old score, dark and brooding Tripp Calhoun needed a wife for the night. A…
Lady, when the clock strikes midnight, you're history!To settle an old score, dark and brooding Tripp Calhoun needed a wife for the night. A…
The Trophy Wife
героическая фантастика, сказки, книги про волшебников, магия и волшебство, невероятные приключения, новогодние сказки, детское фэнтези
Lady, when the clock strikes midnight, you're history!To settle an old score, dark and brooding Tripp Calhoun needed a wife for the night. A…
Lady, when the clock strikes midnight, you're history!To settle an old score, dark and brooding Tripp Calhoun needed a wife for the night. A…
триллеры, расследование преступлений, нуар, психологические триллеры, криминальные драмы, жестокие убийства
VIRGIN BRIDESCelebrate the joys of first love with unforgettable stories by your most beloved authors.THE VIRGIN AND HER SHOTGUN GROOMWounde…
VIRGIN BRIDESCelebrate the joys of first love with unforgettable stories by your most beloved authors.THE VIRGIN AND HER SHOTGUN GROOMWounde…
VIRGIN BRIDESCelebrate the joys of first love with unforgettable stories by your most beloved authors.THE VIRGIN AND HER SHOTGUN GROOMWounde…
VIRGIN BRIDESCelebrate the joys of first love with unforgettable stories by your most beloved authors.THE VIRGIN AND HER SHOTGUN GROOMWounde…
A Bride by Summer
Baby, oh, baby!Talk about being broadsided! When Reed Sullivan is almost run off the road by a reckless driver, it's town newcomer Ruby O'To…
Baby, oh, baby!Talk about being broadsided! When Reed Sullivan is almost run off the road by a reckless driver, it's town newcomer Ruby O'To…
Bachelor GulchThe (almost) Bachelor: Lawman Nick Colter. He wasn't in Jasper Gulch to find a wife–he already had one…and intended to keep he…
Bachelor GulchThe (almost) Bachelor: Lawman Nick Colter. He wasn't in Jasper Gulch to find a wife–he already had one…and intended to keep he…