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The Shah twin diamond. Detective
The Shah twin diamond. Detective
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The Shah twin diamond. Detective

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«Well, how, for example, you want to keep a stone for yourself and pass it on to your heirs.» Either give or sell.

– Well, give it, it is unlikely. But to sell this is something.

– Our state is not stable, like France, Germany, or England. There is Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and finally, the tiny state of Andorra, where they will not ask you who the real customer of this product is, but will always assume that it is yours. But there is one problem, this diamond has unique value and information about it has probably been preserved. As soon as you announce it. Therefore, you must become an anonymous seller and agree on the auction of precious stones anonymously, putting it up for sale for twenty-one million dollars. Such a thing, I am one hundred percent sure that it will be successful. Since the royal courts, whether it be Spain, Great Britain, Japan, the Rajas of India, the Royal House of Saudi Arabia and so on with great pleasure will buy this diamond no matter how much it stands. You just need to correctly name it, for example, Shah the second, the Shah Twin, or simply the Twin, to show that this is not the original, but a real diamond and is an exact copy of the Shah.

– Well, Valentine, but where to find such an auction?

– I heard that such auctions are held in Hong Kong. It is necessary to investigate the issue of auctions in Hong Kong and the conditions that must be provided for bidding.

– Well, what about Valentine, I’ll take up the search for ways to participate in this auction. And, something worries me that such an event requires funds, and not small ones. And we do not have these funds.

– It turns out some kind of vicious circle. – I said, and added, – We can’t even lay a Faberge egg, as soon as we get the attention of various criminal rabble and law enforcement agencies with them.

– Therefore, we will hurry in a hurry.

– What is it like? Slowly but surely? I asked with a smile, adding, «I think that is enough for today.» We still need to rest, because tomorrow early to get to work.

On this I said goodbye to Igor until tomorrow…

Chapter 6

On Monday, we met with Igor in the technological bureau of the machine shop. After five minutes, which was always carried out by the leader, and we received tasks on the working day, we went out for a smoke break. Since Igor and I are not smokers, we stepped aside and began to eagerly discuss our search for suitable auctions of ancient antique stones. As I expected, Igor was inclined to believe that Hong Kong is the most ideal trading environment.

– Have you found out who can become a seller? – I asked Igor when we moved away from excess ears.

– Absolutely anyone can put jewelry for sale. If the jewelry is suitable for auction and is a high-quality product, the administration will be happy to put the stone up for auction. I even found out that preference is given to stones with a rich history. So I’m sure that the Shah Twin will go under the hammer of the auction. In addition, experts inspect and recommend the starting price at which bidding will begin. – Igor enthusiastically began to speak, – I’m only worried about one single question, where can I get money for a trip to Christie’s auction in Chinese Hong Kong?

– We have one single way out. – I said mysteriously. Igor’s eyes lit up.

– Which one? – he asked.

– Win at the casino, at roulette.

– No, I thought about it, even tried to create a system. All to no avail. This is a failure. – He objected categorically.

«Then it costs you nothing, you have to hand over one Faberge egg to the Kremlin Armory.» This is the worthiest outlet for you. – I declared authoritatively.

«And to get twenty-five percent of the fifteen thousand dollars, this antique thing will be appreciated there as cheaply as possible.» And buy a one-way tour package? – Igor answered offended.

– What are you so worried about friend. Take the diamond and sell it there. Believe me, this is the only way. – I began to persuade him.

– And draw attention to me. Tracking will begin for me, I am sure that they will penetrate me, install listening devices in the apartment, and even cameras. I will only draw unhealthy attention to myself. No, this option is not suitable. I think that the only way out is to get a loan from the Bank on the security of an apartment. And when I become a millionaire, come home and work, as if nothing had happened, paying a loan from my salary. Until I pay. Then in a year it will be possible to come up with something, where to invest the money and live from those funds that will drip on interest.

– Yes, there’s nothing to think about, having opened abroad, a bank account immediately there in Hong Kong there are branches of various banks. If only Raiffeisen Bank. In this bank you open an account here. There you take a loan, which is transferred to you on a credit card. In Hong Kong, you reissue your card at the Chinese branch of the Swiss bank so that no one knows how much money you have in your account. Those who want to know will track only your credit funds on the card that you issued in Ukraine, that’s all. And interest from the proceeds of money for a diamond will drop in another branch of the bank.

«Yes, friend, you’re right, as always.» But you still need to finalize at least to leave. And then do this operation…