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Book-5. Troyan horse, novella
Book-5. Troyan horse, novella
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Book-5. Troyan horse, novella

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“Immediately catapult!” – I resisted, thinking blow over. And he goes to the headphones at full volume:

“I order you! Your capsule will shuttle easier! Inertia is reduced immediately! There is a chance to save the car! "– With these words, he is an instructor and commander of the crew managed to all but the guards, I was hoping for, catapulted me. I woke up in the world. I like a bag of bones, got burnt with the capsule. The first thing I asked was:

“What’s with Dimitri?” – All were silent, as if typed into the mouth water. Alexei his authority saved my reputation. I not only was not tried for oversight, but given the opportunity to study up to the end to finish my education. But ever since, in moments of mortal danger threatening me, I’m for it was Dima. Everyone knows about it and does not get better father because of his excellent value professional qualities and experience of the head of the Mission Control Center. And every time I meet with Alexei Alekseevich Garinov, he sometimes calls me the name of his dead son.

Chapter 3

Over the park rehabilitation center in the blue sky, cloudless, the sun was shining. High in the blue heights worn swallows.

On this hot July day, the body of physiotherapy friends were returning leisurely, measured, gait, walking one behind the endless avenues of the park.

Leonid, with a soft terry towel around his neck, was dressed in a light tank top and shorts. Peter, in the light sport suit light- orange color, which he had brought his wife, his towel was hanging on his right shoulder. Friends resembled more on the carefree holiday than on patients.

You know, Peter, my thoughts constantly revolve around it all, that we’re perpetrate about the speed of rotation of the particles and, therefore, time.

Yes, I think the same about it. – Peter replied.

– For example, the time, or rather its course, forms our space.

– You know, I feel the same way. Time defines the space.

– It turns out that the space a certain substance. Or monolith, hard, incompressible, where time exists all at the same time past, present, future.

– So, Leon, while attached to that incompressible and hard monolith of some properties. In other words, this turns into a monolith with unlimited scope inherent properties of space, which is our space.

– Most properties that combine the properties of, well, for example the physics of liquid. Once the liquid is a physical body felt by us, and the space is some ephemeral substance, not perceived by us.

– So, if we abstract space with properties inherent in the liquid, that means, the space may have a buoyancy such as water.

– Ire objects visible in his time, right?

– Yes, of course. – Peter supported.

Eureka! – Krazimov suddenly exclaimed, – the force of gravity or the force of gravity, it turns out, is identical to the power of expulsion of space, with all its physical properties.

– So it turns out that the force of gravity, the force pushing space that one and the same.

– It turns out that way. Only the liquid ejection force depends on body weight and volume, and the space for ejection force only has a weight value. – Pointedly raised a finger to the top, Leonid said.

Yes, yes, of course! Do not compare the mass of the Sun, for example, with the same mass, what else, a white dwarf, which is hundreds of times smaller than the volume of the sun, and the force of gravity is the same.

– In my opinion, Peter, we climbed to you in such a jungle, that as much at ease on these become a jungle. Because the theory of gravity, is treated quite differently.

The theory and practice always puts everything in its place and get everything on the contrary, except in rare cases where the practice does coincide with the theory.

Yes, Peter, as in our case, this force pushing space. By the way, I plan to go to the library after dinner. Porous there in a database. In world practice, there is always something interesting for us to push the issue of space. Well, maybe find something useful.

Then they walked in silence, looking at the flowers on the side of the well- kept alley. In the crowns of slender poplars echoed dove, and through the trees still worn swallows.

Walking up the stairs of residential housing rehabilitation center, entered the lobby. There was an unimaginable nightmare din of loud voices. Strong and loud cheers filled the Latin American dialect hurricane roar high ceilings spacious foyer. Temperamental Cuban military, gesticulating and laughing loudly, telling funny stories to each other in anticipation of settlement to the wards. From the news it was known that a nuclear power plant near the capital of Cuba, Havana, there was a major accident that the elimination of abandoned military accident. That arrived in the center, part of the military exposed us to recover. In their healthy and temperamental gestures, laughter was loud conversations discreetly captured on lethal doses of radiation. It has not yet felt the symptoms of radiation sickness, and these people could be saved.

Friends marched past the noisy company, did not pay them any attention. Long echoing corridors and headed for her room number 12, which was located on the first floor of the three story building. Peter followed to be seen table Nurse. The girl saw friends, smiled graciously, and turned to the stand with the keys. Not finding them there wanted to say something, but Peter was ahead of her: – Hello!

– Hello! – Downcast eyes, she said. Peter saw the embarrassment of the girls, went on the attack:

– You are new? – Asked Smoot, a nurse.

– And what is your name? – She became crimson, did not answer.

– What are attached to the duty not you see that girl on the hot seat! – Saved the embarrassment of duty Leonid.

– I Nastya, actually called! – Emboldened, said duty.

– Very nice, Anastasia. And I Pet.

– And to you, Peter, actually the wife arrived, I gave her the keys to your house. – Looking closely at Sobinov replied strictly on duty.

– Thank you, Anastasia! – Thanked Peter, after having started Leonid. He was approaching the chamber door number 12.

– Wife came to me – Peter hastened to announce the news.

– A great excuse me go to the library. I just get changed. – Said Leonid, coming after the other inside the room.

– Paying no attention to what the couple kissing, Leonid threw his towel on the bed and began to dig in a wardrobe, which stood at the door in front of the bathroom. Took out the necessary clothing, went into the bathroom to change. Coming out dressed in white cotton trousers and a light green tank top, headed for the exit:

– I am in the dining room, then to the library. I’ll be late. – Said without turning to a spouse.

– Tell me, Anya came to me! – Quit after a happy husband.

All right, give! – Krazimov the door shut.

– I’ve brought you oranges, pears. – Breaking away from the grip of her husband, she hastened to say. Sobinov looked around the room. At the dinner table with a wide window stood a fruit bowl full of oranges and pears. A huge bouquet of pink and white peony standing in a flower vase, filling the chamber intoxicating aroma, dipping Sobinov the homely atmosphere where there is no official worries and just peace and the love of a loved one surrounded by a halo of nature all his happiness.

Chapter 4

Leonid came out in the lobby, taking a dip in the usual, after the noisy Latin American companies, the silence. In the alley that led to the dining room, he encountered a group of Bengalis, was pacing in his underwear, which was granted to them in the infirmary center. Customs of the people have been embodied in his underwear with dangling drawstrings and white linen shirts at issue, relying to a set of underwear. Obviously, they arrived more recently on the rehabilitation and management of the center in the person of the head physician did not have time to report on hospital orders. Foreigners were talking animatedly about something, slowly heading into the dining room. Leonid curiously watched the group of Bengalis. At the entrance they were met by the head physician himself and brought to a nearby alcove, which were scattered in secluded areas of the park. Leonid same proceeded inside. With Bengalis he faced, leaving the dining room. They were already dressed in European fashion in colorful sleeveless prudently tucked into wrinkled cotton trousers tightened with leather straps.

Library building was located a few meters from the dining room and the reading room, where he came in, was a fragrant scent of oriental spices wafting from there.

Lyudmila Petrovna, the librarian of the center, who worked for decades as a librarian, greeted him with a charming smile, hiding, as it seemed to her age.

– Can I help you, young man? – Playfully sparkling gray eyes, she met a visitor.

– Hello, Lyudmila Petrovna! – Leonid politely said hello.

– You can just, Luda! – Clarified librarian. A smile slowly left her face and to keep the last glimpses of kindness, smile fading. Leonid had, squeezing out words like hardened toothpaste from a tube:

Lyudmila- Pet… Luda, I would library network search find something.

On the re- shining face Lyudmila Petrovna friendly display the lines around his gray eyes shining with youth: Of course, of course, young man! And if I may ask?

– Do not wait for an answer, she added: – Probably poems about passionate love, a lonely young man in a lonely suffering for it, girl?

– With her eyes rolled back in the romantic impulse to an imaginary novel about two lovers hearts.

– Yes! – He would say “Oh no!” – But in time he changed his mind, adding:

– You Lyudmila probably wrote poems in … – faltered again got better – in school.

– Yes you are, young man, I am writing them now! Listen to this:

“.. A quiet, suave, walking,

The night is filled with thee;

The street is gone!

Morning, Dark dawn,

Radiantly play of,

The trail led!

The day came on the clear light,

And the beam, dressed in amber,

Glowed with fire!

There just are not you with me!

I have not warmed thee!

Paint fade in the afternoon!..”

Lyudmila Petrovna sighed with her eyes moist. Have not seen it met the love working here in a rehabilitation center for many years librarian.

In order to comfort the poor woman, and Leonid said he also wrote poetry. The eyes have regained former librarian playfulness:

– Be sure to read! Do not be shy. I listen to you carefully! – It is a marginal, and somehow not natural for her age, curiously, stared her large gray eyes, Leonid, leaning his elbows on the counter, and his chin in the palms of both hands, prepared to listen. Leonid, embarrassed and blushing, began to recall the school poetry, once upon a time, dedicating their classmate, had a crush:

“I am, evening, I remember, we are with you!

Evening twilight lay down.

And look, girlish beauty

What kind of a captivated!

You are standing on the masonry of the stream.

And the slender poplar row.

You’re talking to me – I draw!

The trees rustle in the mood!

A, whose? Whose? Whose! —

Asked suddenly singing nightingale.

And the second song of the nightingale,

I said: – Be Mine!”

– What a lovely poem. Tell me, you did not try to print? – Recalling his bitter experience in trying, in some sort of provincial tabloid print at least something of his numerous love poems, said Lyudmila Petrovna.

Yeah me, somehow it never occurred to me. – Said Leonid – Lyudmila, so you betray me a laptop.

– Yes! Yes! Of course. Sit down over there for the best table, I’ll plug my system.

Leonid sat down at a specified location, and began to view, on a volume, shimmering bluish glow, a clear picture, information, changing it a touch of his fingers, as if pushed by an invisible keyboard.

He was interested in everything related to the nature of the gravitational attraction. Possible research in space ejection of matter, and the related phenomenon of phenomena. The desired article he found in catalog Academy of Sciences of the USSR for 1985. It Academician Valentin Kolesnikov Albertovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences has made a sensational discovery, entitled “Understanding the nature of the origin of gravitation”, dated April 24, 1985 year. Leonid read it in detail and decided to write for a deeper understanding. If you look at the forum by the comments made by scientists in the discovery and finding out there is no positive response, Leonid began to be written on sheets of writing paper with a ballpoint pen. Lyudmila Petrovna, stealthily observe the actions of Leonidas, followed by the monitor for its searches. After a while she came out from behind his counter, walked over to Leonid and put it on the table a copy of the article, which managed to capture on paper with your monitor. Krazimov looked at her surprised eyes:

– Lyudmila, thank you! But, I still will state its ordinary ballpoint pen on these sheets here in order to gain insight into the reasoning professors and may be supplemented their findings and observations.

– Sorry, Leonid, I wanted to help you. – Blushing, said the librarian.

– Let’s here, my copy handy to verify their findings.

The librarian went for a rack and delved into reading the book, and Leonid continued to rewrite the article in detail, presenting the thoughts of Professor, on paper, delving into the theory of the origin of the opening of Gravity:

“The Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR

Order of the Red

Banner Institute of Physics

24.04.1985g. №60.27- 1437

Academician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

prof. Kolesnikov, V.A.


Presentation of the modern science of gravitational force concluded in the framework of the law of universal gravitation, according to which: two material points are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional square of the distance between them [3], p.29.