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Biocomplexity of Plant-Fungal Interactions – Darlene Southworth

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Plants interact with a wide variety of organisms in their natural growing environments. Key amongst these relationships is the interplay between plants and diverse fungal species that impact plants in complex symbiotic, parasitic and pathogenic ways. Biocomplexity of Plant-Fungal Interactions explores a broad spectrum of research looking at both positive and negative interactions of these relationships on plants and their ecosystems. Biocomplexity of Plant-Fungal Interactions takes a more holistic view of the plant-fungal interactions than most traditional volumes on the topic. Focusing on the truly complex biological interplay among plants and fungi, as well as other organisms—mammals, insects, bacteria, viruses, this book provides a unique perspective on this fundamentally important relationship. Chapters are written from molecular, evolutionary and ecological perspectives to provide readers with a full understanding of the diverse implications of plant-fungal interactions. Written by a global team of experts from varied scientific backgrounds, Biocomplexity of Plant-Fungal Interactions will be an essential title for readers looking for a better understanding of the diverse array of interactions between plants and fungi in natural ecosystems.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118314142

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