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What If We Fall in Love?
What If We Fall in Love?
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What If We Fall in Love?

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What If We Fall in Love?
Teresa Southwick

He had a secret–and it was a doozy! Sheriff Grady O'Connor's twins–the girls he loved more than anything–were actually fathered by Jensen Stevens's late husband. And now their uncle wanted to claim them for their legacy. Well, not while Grady was in charge!So Grady went to lovely Jen and asked her…to be his lawyer! Surely her sharp wits and agile mind would figure a way out of this predicament. But Grady hadn't counted on sitting by Jensen day after day, smelling her perfume, looking into her eyes….And soon the stalwart sheriff was wondering what else might happen behind closed doors….

“What can I do for you?”

Her eyes darkened to a shade of hunter green. “You can tell me what my dead husband’s brother has to do with you and your children.”

He felt like he’d been sucker punched. “What are you talking about?”

“The rumor is that Billy Bob Adams is the one suing you for custody of the girls…. Is it true?”

She wasn’t going to let it drop. She was going to force him to tell her something that would rock her world.

He let out a long breath. “Okay. You want it straight?”

“That’s what I just said. Why would my dead husband’s brother sue for custody of your children?”

“Because he’s their uncle, Jen. Your dead husband is the twins’ biological father.”

What If We Fall in Love?

Teresa Southwick (


is a native Californian who has been transplanted to Texas. Having lived with her husband of twenty-five-plus years and two handsome sons, she has been surrounded by heroes for a long time. Reading has been her passion since she was a girl. She couldn’t be more delighted that her dream of writing full-time has come true. Her favorite things include: holding a baby, the fragrance of jasmine, walks on the beach, the patter of rain on the roof and, above all, happy endings.

Teresa has also written historical romance novels under the same name.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve


Chapter One

There was something about a man in uniform. And Sheriff Grady O’Connor was definitely something.

Jensen Stevens didn’t expect to notice. She couldn’t remember the last time a good-looking guy had gotten her attention. But as the sheriff moseyed up the bleacher stairs at the north Texas high school rodeo championships, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. After years in suspended animation her feminine radar suddenly switched on to signal a hunk at four o’clock.

Grady was a local rancher as well as Destiny’s acting sheriff. It was disconcerting that once he’d snagged her attention, she couldn’t seem to disengage. She wondered if he looked as good in cowboy duds as he did in his lawman ensemble. His short-sleeved tan shirt and matching khaki pants with the brown-and-beige stripe down the leg suited him to a T. No doubt about it—he was walking, talking hero material.

This was only the second time she could remember her heart skipping a beat at the sight of a man. The first was a decade ago and she’d married him.

“Hello, Counselor.” Grady sat his long, lanky self down beside her.

“Hello, Sheriff.” A loud crackling came over the public address system. “Sounds like they’re having trouble with the mike.”


He removed his dark brown Stetson and ran splayed fingers through his short, military-style brown hair. After propping his boot on the bench in front of him, he rested his forearm on a thickly muscled thigh and tapped his hat against his leg. His uniform looked freshly pressed, in spite of the evening heat and humidity typical of Texas in June. The shirt hugged the contours of his impressive chest and detailed his attention-getting physique. Reflector aviator sunglasses were tucked into one of his pockets.

“Long time no see,” she said.

“Not that long. I saw you four days ago. On the first day of the championships when you rolled back into Destiny in that sweet BMW convertible.”

“Okay. But not since then.” At least, not close enough to stake out her comfort zone. Like now. She’d only seen him from a distance, taking care of rodeo security.

In high school they’d hung out in the same group of kids who rodeoed. Then life intervened and they’d gone their separate ways. Since they’d reacquainted several days before, she hadn’t really thought about him. Apparently distance was her friend. Because now she couldn’t help thinking he was like an allergic reaction. The first exposure had produced a mild warning. The second—watch out.

Grady was not hard on her eyes with his well-shaped nose, nice mouth, soft-looking lips not too thin or too thick. His jaw was square and rugged the way a guy’s jaw should be. He was a man who would turn female heads wherever he went. The rodeo was being held on her sister’s ranch and Jensen had been a spectator every night since arriving. She was grateful that, until now, she hadn’t spectated much of the sexy sheriff.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked.

“Yeah. I like watching,” She cleared her throat. “It’s fun to observe the high school kids interact with each other. I can’t believe I was ever that age.”

“Right. You’re practically ready for assisted living at Leisure Village.”

She laughed, then smoothed her palms over the skirt of her floral cotton sundress that didn’t come close to covering her knees. When she saw him glance in that direction, she very much wished she’d worn jeans and boots.

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah,” he said.

She looked back at the arena where the John Deere tractor was smoothing the dirt for the last three events of the championships.

“I do get nervous for the competitors,” she admitted. “I heard an announcement that sounded like Mitch Rafferty was going to hold a spur-of-the-moment bull-riding seminar,” she said, feeling a knot of anxiety tighten inside her.

“I heard it, too. That event is coming up.”

Jensen met his laserlike blue gaze and knew he was warning her. And she knew why. “Ten years ago tonight Zach won the event.” Then he’d asked her to run away with him and get married.

“Yeah, how could I forget.”

She’d agreed and followed the professional rodeo circuit with the man she had loved. They’d had one year together. Then he’d taken a kick to the head and been killed instantly at a rodeo in Las Vegas.

The following nine years had been profoundly painful. Only work had helped. College classes and then law school had taken the edge off her acute loneliness. Now she just had her memories, and that was enough. She wouldn’t take another chance. She would never hurt like that again.

Grady rubbed his index finger over the crown of his hat. “After intermission there’s pole bending then barrel racing. Last is bull-riding,” he said, studying her intently. “Mitch was national champion. He’s a good one to give the kids pointers—to avoid mistakes that could cause injuries.”

Lord, she hoped that wasn’t pity she saw in Grady’s eyes. She didn’t need anyone to feel sorry for her. Life was a series of trade-offs. She’d lost the love of her life, but she had a career as a family law attorney, even if she would never have a family of her own.

“I haven’t been to the rodeo since Zach died,” she admitted, not sure why she was sharing that piece of information with him.

“Why now?”

“Good question.” She stared into the distance. “Probably motive and opportunity. I’ve been too busy to go out of my way. And I guess I just didn’t want to.”

“Why didn’t you keep his last name?”

“Adams?” She looked at him and thought for a moment. “I’m not sure. Maybe because we were only married a year. Maybe because my folks didn’t approve of us running off. Maybe because I never changed any of my legal documents.”

Because they’d traveled to rodeos all over the country, she’d never bothered to change her name on her driver’s license or with the social security department. And then she’d lost him. It was too late.

“How long has it been since you’ve been back to Destiny?” he asked.

“About six months. I was here for the holidays.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“It seems I never run into you on my visits home. I guess Kasey and Stacey and the ranch keep you pretty busy.”

“Those girls could use a full-time bodyguard,” he agreed. “But the fact that I haven’t seen you, at least in a professional capacity, is good news. That means I never had to run you in for disturbing the peace.”

He grinned suddenly and she was grateful to be sitting down. The humor transformed his face, chasing away the frown lines and seriousness. Oh, my. Cool, calm and detached, he was attractive enough to earn the attention of card-carrying man haters. But the amused expression he wore now made him downright devastatingly gorgeous.

She swallowed the sudden thickness in her throat. “As an officer of the court, getting arrested for anything wouldn’t be good.”

“True enough. So how do you like being back? What do you think of the changes Taylor’s made on the Circle S?”

Question number one translated: Do you still have feelings for Mitch Rafferty, the guy you dumped before marrying Zach? Subtext of question number two: Do you resent the fact that your little sister has turned the family ranch into a Texas-style bed-and-breakfast?

She decided to ignore number one and go to question two. “I’m so proud of Taylor I could just bust. She’s done a terrific job. There’s no doubt in my mind that the dude ranch will be very successful for her.”

After their father’s death from a heart attack, her younger sister had taken on a mortgage to buy out Jensen and their mother, financing her retirement to Dallas. To pad her profit margin in case of natural disasters or a drop in beef prices, Taylor had followed her dream of taking in guests to show them the joy and excitement of the Western lifestyle. Based on advance reservations, she was going to be wildly successful.

“What about Mitch?” Grady’s eyes held a gleam of interest.

Jensen wanted to forget how young and stupid she’d been when she’d selfishly hurt Mitch. But he and Mitch were friends. Of course he would care.

“We talked the day I arrived and worked everything out. I apologized for my youthful stupidity and he graciously accepted. Then I gave him my blessing to court Taylor and welcomed him to the family.”


“Does the word duh mean anything to you, Sheriff? I think your powers of deduction need some fine-tuning.”

“Could you be more specific?”

“Mitch is in love with Taylor.”


“He always has been.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Cross my heart,” she said, doing just that. “I know what I’m talking about. He had a chip on his shoulder when we dated, but he could always talk to my sister. I think they’ve had a thing for each other since way back when. If I hadn’t handled things so badly all those years ago, he might not have left town. The two of them would have gotten together a lot sooner.”

“They’re not together now—”

A loud crackling noise over the public address system interrupted him. Then the weirdly echoing sound of an obviously open microphone filled the stands.

“I love you, Mitch.”

Jensen raised an eyebrow. She couldn’t see the two, but she recognized her sister’s voice.

“Now the damn mike works.” The voice was definitely Mitch’s and more than a little exasperated. Then there was a click and the PA system was shut off.

Jensen couldn’t resist flashing a smug smile at Grady. “That was Taylor and I rest my case.”

“You win, Counselor.”

She wouldn’t call herself a winner—especially in love. But she couldn’t be happier that Taylor had finally declared her feelings for Mitch. It was way past time for her to get it right with the man she’d loved since she was fourteen years old.

Grady studied the beautiful woman to his right. Jensen Stevens was a male fantasy in a floral cotton sundress. She was a tiny little thing, five foot two if she was an inch. Her red-highlighted brown hair tickled her shoulders with every lively movement of her head. Big, expressive green eyes regarded him in a completely self-satisfied way and for the life of him he couldn’t work up the will to care.

Grady followed her gaze as it shifted. She was looking down at Mitch and Taylor, who were strolling off by themselves, talking earnestly, with their arms around each other’s waists as they stared deeply into one another’s eyes.

“They win,” she said wistfully.

“I guess so.”

If Jen was right, Mitch and Taylor had been in love for a long time. Grady hoped his friends would find couple happiness, even if he didn’t believe it existed. He’d never experienced the emotion himself.