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Just A Little Bit Married
Just A Little Bit Married
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Just A Little Bit Married

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“Wilderness doesn’t count. Somewhere in this town there must be a roof and indoor plumbing,” she warned.

“There is. Trust me.”

“I thought we were clear that I don’t trust you.”

He was going to do his damnedest to change her mind about that.

* * *

Rose was uneasy after Linc bypassed the Blackwater Lake Lodge and kept driving. Finally he turned right and pulled into a long driveway leading to a big house at the top of a rise. The sun was just going down behind the majestic mountains, but there was still enough light to see that the grounds were stunning. A carpet of perfectly manicured green grass was surrounded by flowers and shrubs.

He stopped the SUV by a brick walkway leading to gorgeous double front doors with oval glass insets. “I think this will fit your definition. There’s a roof and indoor plumbing. The rest of it isn’t bad, either.”

“This can’t be your place because you said it’s a condo and currently unlivable.” She left her seat belt buckled. “What’s going on? You said you’d handle expenses and accommodations but—”

“This is my sister’s place. She lives here with her husband and daughter.”


“Because they’re married and need a place to raise their child.” His tone was wry.

“No. Why aren’t we at a hotel?”

“As we established there’s only one in town and I couldn’t get a reservation. Late spring is nice here in the mountains and it’s becoming a popular tourist destination.”

Rose studied him. He was looking awfully darn pleased with himself, but it felt like he’d pulled one over on her and she didn’t like it a bit. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but—”

“And here’s my sister now.” He pointed to the open front door.

Rose saw a little girl run outside, followed immediately by a man and woman. Linc exited the car and came around to her side to open the door. His family didn’t look intimidating but what did she know? These people were related to him.

Rose got out and muttered under her breath, “You should have warned me about this.”

“If I did, would you have taken the job?”

That was a good question. Probably she would have but he hadn’t given her the chance to decide. Again.

“Linc!” His sister threw herself into his arms.

He grabbed her and lifted her off the ground in a big hug. “Hey, baby sister. You look good.”

“You, too.” Then she smiled at Rose. “Hi. I’m Ellie McKnight.”

“Rose Tucker.” She shook the woman’s hand as the two men greeted each other.

“This is her husband, Alex, and this munchkin is their daughter, Leah.”

“Nice to meet you.” Rose smiled at the little girl observing the hectic scene from the safety of her handsome father’s strong arms. “She’s beautiful.”

“Just like her mom,” Alex said proudly.

Ellie took the child and said, “Honey, why don’t you help Linc bring their bags inside.”


“Rose, welcome to our home.”

“Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality, but if it’s too much of an inconvenience I can find something—”

“Absolutely not. It’s been too long since I had a good visit with my brother. We’re happy to have you and I’m glad you agreed to stay with us.”

It would probably be rude to say she hadn’t agreed to anything because he hadn’t shared the trip details with her. So, she kept that to herself. Linc, however, was going to get an earful.

Ellie led her past the living and dining rooms into the huge kitchen–family room combination. There was a river-rock fireplace on one wall with a big flat-screen TV above. Leather sofas and cloth-covered chairs formed a conversation area in front of it and the thick, neutral-colored carpet was littered with pink toys and dolls. When her mom set her down, Leah plopped herself in the middle of it and started playing.

Moments later the men joined them and Alex informed his wife, “Bags are by the stairway. I wasn’t sure where you wanted everyone.”

“Thanks, honey. I think Linc and Rose might want to catch their breath.”

Rose doubted that would happen, at least for her. Since the moment Linc had showed up in her life again she felt as if she’d had the air knocked out of her. Then on the plane he’d confessed that after her he’d never again considered marriage. What did that mean? Had it been awful with her? Resentment pointed her in that direction, but when he’d said it there was a wistful, sad look on his face. And now he’d brought her to stay with his sister. This must be how Dorothy felt when the tornado dropped her in Oz. Rose was definitely not in Texas anymore.

“Can I get you something to drink? Are you hungry?” Ellie asked. “I’ve got some appetizers to put out and we’ll have dinner in a little while.”

“I hope you haven’t gone to any trouble,” Rose protested.

The other woman waved away her concern. “It’s cheese and crackers and Alex is going to grill. Very easy.”

Linc looked at her. “How about a glass of wine?”

“That would be nice. White?”

“Done,” Ellie said. “And Linc will want a beer.”

“I’ll take care of the drinks, sweetie,” her husband offered.

Rose stood beside Linc on the other side of the huge kitchen island and watched the attractive couple work together. A smile here, a touch there. A closeness and intimacy she’d never had the chance to form with Linc. Envy and regret mixed with her lingering anger at what he’d done to them.

When everyone had drinks Ellie held up her wineglass and said, “Let’s drink to me.”

Linc grinned and said, “Now why would we do that?”

“Because I talked you into moving to Blackwater Lake, which makes me pretty awesome. You’re going to thank me for this.”

Alex touched his longneck beer bottle to his wife’s glass. “I thought you were awesome even before your brother bought his condo. And I thank my lucky stars every day that you came into my life.”

Rose wanted to hold on to her envy and dislike of these two, but she was powerless. They were so cute, so friendly. She tapped her glass to theirs. “I think you’re awesome for wanting to put up with your brother as a full-time resident.”

There was a funny look on Linc’s face when he joined the toast. “To my favorite sister.”

“I’m your only sister.”

“I knew there was a reason you had to be my favorite because you’re a pain in the neck.”

“Takes one to know one,” Rose said, meeting his gaze as she took a sip of her wine.

“I like her,” Ellie said enthusiastically to the two men. “Linc told me you’re friends. How did you meet?”

“At work,” Linc said, jumping right in.

It took Rose a couple of beats to realize Ellie was clueless about their relationship, the fact that they were married and Linc had left her. Women had a way of picking up details, especially personal ones, so if his sister was clueless it was a good bet that the rest of his family was, too.

“Did you decorate Linc’s offices in Dallas?” Ellie persisted.

“No,” Linc answered for her again.

Rose didn’t miss the fact that he looked more than a little uncomfortable about the turn this conversation was taking. Apparently when he was handling accommodations he hadn’t factored in the part where his sister would be curious about them. It wasn’t often that someone got what was coming to them so quickly or that the wronged party was around to see. He was getting what he deserved and she was a witness, so karma would have to forgive her for gloating.

She was waiting for more questions, but Leah chose that moment to toddle over and grab her mother’s jeans-clad leg. She started to whine and, when picked up, pointed to the crackers-and-cheese plate on the island.

“Someone’s hungry,” Ellie said, quickly kissing the rosy-cheeked little girl before handing her to her father. “I don’t want her to fill up on snacks. Honey, if you could put her in the high chair and feed her that would help. It would be better if she eats before we do.”

“Gotcha, little bit,” he said, tickling his daughter to make her giggle.

“While you do that, I’ll show Linc and Rose to the guest wing so they can freshen up.”

The three of them grabbed the bags and took them upstairs, following Ellie to the end of the long hall.

“So, it’s a guest wing,” Linc said. “Aren’t you the grand one?”

“No. Just awesome.” Ellie grinned at him, then pointed out the two large bedrooms connected by a bathroom. “Rose, I’m putting you in the one with the window seat that faces the backyard and mountains. Dallas is flat and I thought you might enjoy a different view. Linc, you take the other one.” A piercing wail came from downstairs. “I’d better go help Alex. Hungry and tired is not an attractive combination on my daughter. See you two in a few.”

Alone in the hall Rose met Linc’s gaze. “So, your sister doesn’t know we were married.”


“You kept me a secret—”

“No.” He took her arm and tugged her into his bedroom, then shut the door. “Not a secret.”

“When you withhold significant life details from your favorite sister it kind of falls under the heading of secret.”

“That was a complicated time.” He didn’t look happy.

Tough, she thought. “You were ashamed of me.”

“No.” His voice was sharp. “Not you. It was all me. My bad. Then I took a long break from everyone and everything. After that there was no point in saying anything.”

“So now we’re in Blackwater Lake and staying with your sister. Arrangements that you made and didn’t see fit to share with me.”

“Look, I know you’re miffed—”

“That’s way too nice a word for what I’m feeling,” she snapped. “But there’s a silver lining.”

“What’s that?” There was a wary look in his eyes.

“You didn’t think it through about how to explain me.”

He nodded grimly. “I thought you were enjoying that a little too much.”

“Actions have consequences—even after ten years. Especially if you keep secrets.”

“Look, Rose, I was a jerk.”

“Was?” She folded her arms over her chest.

“I apologized for it and I’m handling the divorce,” he continued, ignoring the dig. “I groveled.”

“Yes, you did.” She would give him that.

“Ellie and I are close. She’s the one who convinced me to come back after I left—”

“And you don’t want your favorite sister to know how big a jackass you are,” she mused.

“I’m not comfortable with the jackass part,” he said, “but essentially you’re right. I’d consider it a big favor if you would keep the details of our relationship just between us.”

Rose was loving this. Confident and unflappable Lincoln Hart was insecure and uneasy. “You know, this is a very unfortunate time for you to find out that what they say about reaping what you sow is true.”

“Could you be a little more specific?” Tension tightened his jaw.

“I don’t trust you,” she reminded him.

“So you’re going to rat me out to my sister?”

Rose shrugged, then walked through the connecting bathroom and closed the door behind her. This was too sweet. She was charging him an arm and a leg for this decorating job, which was pretty great all by itself. But now she had leverage and that was priceless.

Chapter Four (#u47d1e089-baa1-55be-9aa5-91ac3764f12a)

The morning after their arrival at his sister’s, Linc waited a decent length of time for a sign that Rose was finished in the bathroom they shared. He’d been a gentleman; ladies first. But the longer it went on the more certain he was that this was revenge.

He knocked lightly on the door. “Are you going to be finished in there sometime in the next millennium?”

“Come in,” she answered sweetly.

He did and there she was, putting on makeup and wearing nothing but a satiny pink robe that tied at her small waist and outlined her breasts. For several moments staring was his only option because he was pretty sure he’d swallowed his tongue. Her legs were smooth and tanned. He knew that because a lot of leg was showing due to the fact that the robe stopped way above her knees. Her feet were bare and the pink-polished toes did things to his insides that had never been done before.

Without looking away from the mirror Rose said, “One would think you’d never seen me put on makeup before and we both know you have.”

It was true. He had seen her do this ordinary thing that women do, but now this was so much more intense and he wasn’t sure why. Rather than directly address her comment he said, “I didn’t know you were such a bathroom hog.”