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Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year
Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year
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Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year

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Tips for the Year

Plans should not be set in stone this year. Be open-minded and make the most of the situations that arise. With flexibility, you can see more happen. Also, develop your ideas and personal interests, as you can enjoy some good results.

Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Monkey

The Monkey year has energy and is a time of considerable activity, but during it Tigers will need to exercise care. Rather than proceed regardless, they should look to consolidate their position and make the most of situations as they are. Hasty or ill-thought-out action could bring difficulties and Tigers need to watch their sometimes over-zealous nature.

At work, rather than looking too far ahead, Tigers should concentrate on the tasks in hand, and, if relatively new to their position, familiarize themselves with the various aspects of their role. All Tigers should aim to work closely with their colleagues this year rather than operate too independently. Not only can more be accomplished that way, but Tigers will find themselves better placed to benefit from opportunities. There can be good possibilities for them to build on their position this year, whether through training, extending their responsibilities or taking part in new initiatives.

However, while steady progress can be made, they do need to be aware and focused. Sometimes office politics or the attitude of another person could concern them. If so, they should do their best to defuse the situation and not let it distract them from their duties. Some parts of the year will require Tigers to tread carefully, but their diligent and perceptive nature can be of value in tricky situations.

For those seeking change or looking for work, Monkey years can be challenging. Extra effort can yield results, however, and commitment and willingness to learn can lead on to other possibilities. Monkey years are times to build steadily, to learn and, in many instances, to prepare for future progress.

Although in many ways Monkey years ask a lot of Tigers, they also offer scope and, as far as their personal interests are concerned, Tigers can very much enjoy the way their activities develop. In some instances, new projects could be particularly inspiring, while in others, new equipment will offer the chance to do more. Tigers have a keen and inquisitive nature and, despite other commitments, time spent on their own projects can do them a lot of good.

In addition, travel could appeal, and as well as any trips they have planned, some Tigers could benefit from late offers or unexpected (but welcome) opportunities.

Financial prospects are reasonably aspected, and if they control their budget carefully, Tigers will be pleased with the way many of their plans and purchases proceed. By taking the time to consider their options, they can make some good decisions and, where household items are concerned, their eye for style and suitability will serve them well. Tigers have a talent for knowing what looks good!

However, where important correspondence is concerned, especially any related to finance, Tigers do need to attend to this carefully and promptly. Delays or mistakes could cause problems. As with so much this year, extra attention will make a difference.

Domestic life will be busy for many Tigers, but also marked by some notable celebrations, including some personal achievements and family milestones. Any ideas that Tigers put forward, whether for travel, visits or improvements to the home, can lead to much going ahead. However, with busy schedules, it is important there is good cooperation between all involved. Any extra support Tigers can give will be of great value.

Although often busy, they will welcome the social opportunities that come their way this year, especially those connected with their personal interests. Surprise invitations could be a feature of the year and Tigers could also enjoy occasions that just seem to happen. But there could be snags as well. In some instances, changing circumstances may lead to some friendships falling away or a disagreement with another person could cause some anguish. Monkey years can have their challenging aspects. Tigers, do tread carefully and be alert to areas of possible difficulty.

Tigers will face pressures this year and will need to be mindful of others and aware of prevailing situations. However, while the Monkey year can have a tempering influence on the enthusiastic Tiger, it also has its value. Personal interests can develop well and travel be appreciated. At work, skills gained can prepare the way for future opportunities. In their relations with others, Tigers need to be mindful and alert to awkward undercurrents, but, with care, they can fare reasonably well and often negate the more awkward aspects of this busy and fast-moving year.

Tips for the Year

Make the most of situations as they are. Liaise, engage and build support. This is no time to go it alone or be too single-minded. Spend time with your loved ones and look to develop your skills and interests. The effort you put in now can bear important fruit in the future.

Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Rooster

Tigers can make good progress this year, but need to channel their time and energy well. This is a time for concerted effort, as Rooster years favour structure and good planning. For Tigers who feel they have been drifting of late, this is an excellent year for reappraisal, but to fully benefit, they need to decide on their route and act.

At work, prospects are encouraging, and the experience and in-house knowledge of many Tigers may lead to an increased role. For those who have been in the same position for some time, promotion and/or a new position could beckon, bringing with it new incentive. Tigers who work in a creative environment could particularly impress this year and see some potentially exciting developments. All Tigers can make their talents count in the Rooster year and during it they should look to network and get themselves and their work better known. Resolute, inspired and keen, they can make these rewarding times.

Prospects are also good for Tigers who feel in need of a change and those seeking work. These Tigers should actively investigate openings and make enquiries. Advice from employment agencies, professional organizations and contacts could be helpful. Action taken now can lead to what can be important and timely developments.

This can also be an improved year financially. Many Tigers will benefit from a welcome increase in income, but to make the most of this they need to remain disciplined, otherwise anything extra could be quickly spent or absorbed into everyday spending. They also need to guard against impulse buying, otherwise hasty purchases could be regretted later. Ideally, major purchases need to be carefully considered. This is a year requiring (and rewarding) good control over budget.

Travel could be on the agenda of many Tigers, and here again planning will be rewarded. Some Tigers may particularly appreciate visits made to family or friends living some distance away.

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