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A Precious Gift
A Precious Gift
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A Precious Gift

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A Precious Gift
Karen Rose Smith

On the surface, Brian and Carrie Summers had a fairy-tale marriage, but a crisis threatened their otherwise peaceful union. Carrie had never revealed the dark secrets of her past that caused her infertility, and so, exploring the prospects put a strain on their marriage that neither of them had expected.Brian had had an unhappy childhood and believed he needed a child in order to be truly happy. So when he and Carrie seemed to fight more and more, he wondered whether they were meant to be parents after all. In these tough times, could he see that their love was stronger than any obstacle and that his precious wife was all the family he needed?

“We’re going to have a baby, Mrs. Summers.”

Carrie grinned at her husband until the reality hit her. “We have to get ready!” The mother’s due date was in three weeks. “There’s so much to do—a nursery, a layette…”

“We’ll get it done,” Brian said soothingly. “In fact, we can probably get lots of things done in one night. Why don’t you start looking into baby furniture, pick out what you want and we’ll go look at it all together.”

Carrie couldn’t believe Brian was going to be home early enough to spend time with her, shopping, discussing their baby’s birth. This child was going to change their lives…for the better.

When Brian bent his head to kiss her, Carrie felt tears coming to her eyes. His lips were gentle on hers at first, then he deepened the kiss. She felt his intensity and hunger and need.

As he broke away, she felt shaken. “I’m looking forward to tonight.”

“So am I,” Carrie said in response. She could only hope that everything would be okay now, and the problems they’d had in the past would disappear once they held their son.


Award-winning and bestselling author Karen Rose Smith has seen more than sixty-five novels published since 1992. She grew up in Pennsylvania’s Susquehanna Valley and still lives a stone’s throw away with her husband—who was her college sweetheart—and their two cats. She especially enjoys researching and visiting the West and Southwest, where her latest series of books is set. Readers can receive updates on Karen’s releases and write to her through her Web site at or at P.O. Box 1545, Hanover, PA 17331.

A Precious Gift

Karen Rose Smith (

Be a part of

Because birthright has its privileges and family ties run deep.

One woman lived with a secret that threatened her marriage. Would she find the courage to face the man she loved?

Carrie Summers: She had a past she couldn’t share with Brian. With the mounting tension over her inability to conceive, Carrie didn’t know how much more their marriage could take. She just hoped that her precious husband would love her no matter what.

Brian Summers: He loved Carrie so much, and they wanted to have a child together. But infertility issues were taking a heavy toll on their relationship. Could he convince her to trust him—that nothing could change his feelings for her?

A teenager in trouble, Lisa Sanders wanted to help the Summers family. But would she be able to help herself?

To Carolyn, Susan and Edie—my supporters and cheerleaders on this book journey. I’m so glad we’re friends.

To my husband, Steve—thank you.

Love, Karen.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen



Carrie Summers paced the blue-and-white tiled general reception area in Children’s Connection. Her husband was fifteen minutes late for their appointment at the agency, and she was afraid that meant Brian had changed his mind about adopting. They’d answered question after question and submitted to a home study that was now finished. This was their last meeting with the caseworker before they were put into the system.

Brian was never late.

He was a man of his word—a man she’d always been able to depend upon. But for the past three years of their five-year marriage, tension had built between them. When they’d married, Carrie had been so in love, so absolutely sure their wedding vows would be everlasting. However, she had a secret, and the repercussions of that secret were pushing them apart.

If only Brian could embrace the idea of an adoption wholeheartedly. If only Brian could accept an adopted child as his own.

“Are you ready?” a deep male voice asked.

She’d been watching the double glass doors leading outside to the unusually sunny January day. Rain always fell on Portland, Oregon, this time of year. Now she swung around and faced the man whose voice always vibrated through her like a heartfelt song.

“Where did you come from?” she asked with a smile, trying to hide her anxiety over his lateness.

“There was something I had to do before this meeting.”

Brian Summers was six foot two, muscular, incredibly fit and more handsome than any man Carrie had ever seen. His thick tawny hair waved over his brow, and he kept it in a clipped style to suit his image—that of a real-estate developer on the go, a millionaire who cared less about his appearance than the powerhouse deals he brokered. When they’d first met, she’d known he’d spoken to her at that cocktail party because she’d looked like the model she’d been. Although her black dress had been demure and classic, his eyes had lingered often on her dark-red hair and the angles of her face, as well as her figure. Their attraction had been mutual, and that night she’d hoped Brian could see beyond her outward appearance. He’d seemed to, and that was why she’d fallen in love with him.

“You’ve had a meeting in the hospital?” Land development deals didn’t usually begin at Portland General.

“No, nothing like that.”

Just then, the door to the inner offices opened and a middle-aged brunette smiled at them. “Are you Carrie and Brian Summers?”

They answered in unison. “Yes.”

“You’ll be meeting with me today.” She extended her hand first to Brian and then to Carrie. “I’m Trina Bentley.”

“We’ve gone through this whole process with Stacy Williams,” Brian said with a frown.

“Yes, I know you have. Stacy’s out with the flu. Since this last meeting is simply a formality, I told her I’d take it for her so we can give you the official okay and find you a baby. Come on back to my office.”

In their first years together, Brian had always been solicitous of Carrie, often showing affection by a touch of his hand on her shoulder, his arm around her waist. They hadn’t touched as much recently, not since the in vitro attempts had failed. Now as they walked side by side, the sleeve of Brian’s suit jacket brushed her arm. She felt the jolt of his close proximity through the sleeve of her cream wool dress.

Everything about Children’s Connection was bright and welcoming, including Trina’s office. It was pale yellow with a bulletin board on one wall covered with pictures of children from infants to teenagers.

The caseworker motioned to the two upholstered chairs in front of her desk. “Have a seat. I promise I’ll make this as painless as possible.”

Carrie stole a glance at Brian. He hadn’t liked discussing the details of his life with a stranger. He was a private man, and he hadn’t appreciated answering questions about his work habits, family history and finances. The poking and prodding into his personal and business life had rankled. Yet today he seemed calmer, more accepting about the whole thing, and Carrie wondered why.

Opening the folder on her desk, Trina glanced over the pages as if she were familiar with them. “I’ve read through everything including the home-study report.” Leaning back in her chair, she focused her hazel eyes on Carrie. “You’ve been through a lot.”

Panicking, Carrie felt her mouth go dry. Could this woman somehow know…?

Trina went on, “You had the procedure to try to unblock your tubes, two in vitro attempts, and I suspect the usual temperature taking and ovulation charts before all this began.”

Carrie nodded.

“You must want a child very much.”

“I—we do.”

Although Trina’s gaze was kindly, she obviously had a mission today as she continued. “As the oldest of four sisters, you did quite a bit of mothering. Some women who have that responsibility thrust on them seem to run in the other direction. But the psychologist’s evaluation suggests that although you haven’t had much practice since then, you’re a nurturing woman who can’t wait to take care of someone again.”

“That’s true,” Carrie agreed honestly.

“She also noted that you haven’t modeled in three years. It seems you’ve filled your time with working for charities, volunteering at the hospital in the children’s ward and being available whenever your husband needs you.”

Now Brian shot Carrie a curious look. They’d interviewed with the psychologist separately as well as together. This had come up during her one-on-one interview.

“Why do you need to be available for your husband?” Trina asked.

Feeling Brian shift in his seat, Carrie knew his gaze was on her. She looked directly at Trina. “Brian has a lot of social contact with clients. We often give cocktail parties and dinners, and sometimes I go out of town with him.”

“Carrie has always been an asset,” Brian interjected. “She’s good at public relations and is easy to talk to.” His tone was even, but there was an edge to it, and Carrie knew he wondered where this was going.

“I see,” Trina mused. “I guess I’m concerned how you’ll feel about that when a child is demanding her attention and she can’t fly out of town, or maybe even hostess a dinner.”

The statement was akin to a grumble of thunder when the sky was still fair.

Finally Brian replied, “Dinners and parties are often held when a child would be asleep.”

“But children don’t always stay asleep, and they can be as unpredictable as the weather. I suppose I’m just wondering how you’ll cope with that.”

Carrie could practically see Brian’s shoulders tense as he replied, “Miss Bentley, I don’t know exactly how we’ll deal with that, but we will deal with it. I want a child as much as Carrie does. No couple knows for certain how their lives will be impacted by a baby. I can assure you a child of ours will always have the attention and care it needs.”

“When we began evaluating you as future parents, I think you had some doubts about adopting, didn’t you, Mr. Summers?”

This woman was obviously leaving no stone unturned. Carrie’s heart sped up.

“Yes, I did,” Brian answered honestly. “Family has always been important to me, and I always imagined I’d have three or four kids.”

“You grew up with your father.”

Carrie held her breath, waiting for Brian’s reaction. His childhood with Dutch Summers had been a difficult one. Dutch hadn’t held one job any length of time or brought home a paycheck often. Usually he gambled it away.

“Yes.” Brian’s quick answer said he didn’t want to go into all of this again.

But Trina didn’t take the hint. “Your mother abandoned you and your father when you were seven. Miss Williams’s report states your mother contacted you shortly after you were married but you have no contact with her now.”

“That’s right.”

“There are notes here that the noncontact is your choice. Can you tell me why?”

“I told Stacy why,” he responded gruffly.

“I know these questions seem prying, Mr. Summers, but extended family is important to children, too—grandmothers, grandfathers, cousins, uncles, aunts. Your wife’s family is still very much connected, but your father has passed on and your mother’s not in your life. Do you see that changing?”

“I don’t see it changing, at least not right now. My mother left and didn’t call or write for twenty-two years. If we make contact and try to start over, she could drop out of my life and a child’s again. As you said, my wife is still close to her family. We would have an extended family.”

Addressing Carrie, the caseworker asked, “How do you feel about your husband’s lack of a relationship with his mother?”

Carrie was still close to her family, but her own relationship with her mom and dad was complicated, more so than even Brian realized. “I trust Brian’s judgment,” she said simply.

When Brian leaned forward, Carrie could feel the intensity in him. “I was almost late to this meeting because I made a stop at the hospital nursery to have a look at the babies. I’ve always dreamed of having a family because mine wasn’t ideal. I never expected that would mean adopting a child. But as I stood there looking at the infants and their little hands, their big eyes, some of them crying, I knew I wanted a child with Carrie. If that means adoption, that’s what we’ll do.”

Turning to his wife, he took her hand in his. “We’ll have the family we’ve always wanted.”

The tenderness in Brian’s voice gave Carrie more hope than she’d had in months. For so long, she’d felt she was losing him. She couldn’t tell Brian what had caused her infertility problems. If she did, he’d walk away…as Foster had. However, if they adopted, her secret would be safe and their marriage could become strong again.

Tears pricked in her eyes and Brian saw them. He squeezed her hand.

Their interview went smoothly after that. After they signed more papers, Trina assured them they’d be in the system by noon. If a birth mother chose them, she’d notify them immediately.

When Carrie emerged into the lobby again with Brian, her heart felt lighter than it had in years. She knew babies didn’t “fix” marriages, yet their only problem had been her inability to bear children. This morning she’d almost felt close to her husband again, and that was what a baby was going to do for them—bring them even closer.

They stopped by the coatrack in the reception area and Carrie took her off-white winter coat from the wooden hanger. By her side, Brian lifted it from her hands and held it. When their gazes collided, she acknowledged again the one element that had drawn them together since the night they’d met—their attraction to each other. As she slipped one arm into the sleeve, Brian dipped his head and his lips were very close to her temple. His aftershave smelled of pine and woods, and a small tremble shimmered through her. She thought about tonight, holding each other, giving in to passion that never diminished between them no matter what else was happening.

As he helped her with her other sleeve, she asked hopefully, “Will you be home for dinner?”