Subsurface Hydrology (David W. Hyndman)
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Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 171. Groundwater is a critical resource and the PrinciPal source of drinking water for over 1.5 billion people. In 2001, the National Research Council cited as a «grand challenge» our need to understand the processes that control water movement in the subsurface. This volume faces that challenge in terms of data integration between complex, multi-scale hydrologie processes, and their links to other physical, chemical, and biological processes at multiple scales. Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes presents the current state of the science in four aspects: Approaches to hydrologie data integration Data integration for characterization of hydrologie properties Data integration for understanding hydrologie processes Meta-analysis of current interpretations Scientists and researchers in the field, the laboratory, and the classroom will find this work an important resource in advancing our understanding of subsurface water movement.