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Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion! Second edition. The life and death of the Pioneer Base «Oceanrybflot»
Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion! Second edition. The life and death of the Pioneer Base «Oceanrybflot»
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Remember this! Don’t let it sink into oblivion! Second edition. The life and death of the Pioneer Base «Oceanrybflot»

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I’ve always heard, “Faith, faith.” When I got home, I told my mother how my father shouted, “Faith, faith.” My mother asked my dad what Faith he was calling all the time. Dad laughed and said that “faith” is not a girl Vera, but a “vira” that means up. This word is used by all sailors.

Soon my father was sent to study at Mamonov “academy” as it was called at that time. In 1949, navigators for the fishing fleet were produced. And Dad started walking as an assistant captain. In this photo, my father and mother when Dad became the captain’s assistant. At one time he was an assistant captain at Chechetkin Arkady Vasilyevich. They had Markov Ilya as a mechanic. The Markovs lived above our apartment at 22 Railroad Street. I knew his wife, Douro, and his daughter Galya. Captain Dad began to work on MRT-256. They had a mechanic for Chehotkin Yuri. They then fought for the Passing Red Banner.

Once it was raining heavily, and I saw a picture of Dad on the board of honor. It was attached by buttons. I took it off and brought it home. My mom told me I shouldn’t have taken my dad’s picture. After all, he took the first place and the Passing Red Banner. But I didn’t want my dad’s picture to get wet in the rain. In our house lived the head of personnel Panfilov Vasily Mihailovich. He would often come to us for boiling water at lunch. Mom showed him a wet photo of Dad. The situation was corrected and soon the photo of my Dad was already on the board of honor under the glass.

The captains Ermolaev and Khoroshavin.

Family Khoroshavins.

Then the Panfilov family went to Tyumen. I also remember dad getting money for the team. I took them to the newspaper and in the net through the ravine, and my mother gave money to the wives of fishermen. I was 11 years old.

The captains of my childhood are Azarenko, Gorbachev Nikolai Petrovich, Dubrovin Titus, Medvedev, Chechetkin Arkady Vasilyevich, Firsov Alexander, Zimovin, Novostavsky, Ivanov, Yermolayev, Burdygo, Lysenko Ivan. Ivan Lysenko was a Hero of the Soviet Union. With his wife Anna and son, they lived in our house. I remember that his the Party sent somewhere to the East. And they left as a family. In the previous photo in the port are captains Yermolayev and Khoroshavin. I remember the mechanics – Markov Ilya, Baltukhov Vasily, Tilman Ludwig, Tabakov Nikolai, Balagurchik Victor. My brother Khoroshavin Nikolai was also a motorist and mechanic. The heads of the UTF were Ermoshkin, Sobolev, Kashirin. In this photo, which was taken in July 1957, Misha’s grandson was one year old.

Nikolai Andreevich and Galya.

Nikolai Andreevich has another granddaughter Galya. Pictured below in 1971, she shows her grandfather how to dance at a kindergarten party. Two great-grandchildren. Nikolai Nikolaevich walks in the sea from Kaliningrad on ships under someone else’s flag. There are two other

Captains Butov and Gorbachev N.P.

great-great-grandchildren – Alexander Nikolaevich is studying at the school for mechanics and Dmitry Mikhailovich is studying to be a navigator. Soon too will go to sea.

I would like to remind you about Captain Gorbachev Nikolai Petrovich. He’s a member of Great Patriotic War. He has the Order of the Red Star. During a storm in the Baltic in 1949—50, they in a trawl brought on board a bomb with iprit. The captain did not allow the team to her, and he suffered for it. He went to the hospital, four fingers were removed on one hand. Eyes began to see badly. Uncle Kolya had to go ashore. He started working in the control room.

In this photo to the left of the pope – son Nicholas, on the right – grandson Michael.

Mikhail’s grandson Mikhail Kolyakov worked for a long time as a cargo assistant to the captain of the “Ural Mountains” from Reftransflot. The newspaper “Mayak” No. 6 (3895) of February 11, 1992 placed a photo of Mikhail Vasilyevich, when he was in charge of the work on the delivery of fish products in the port of Kaliningrad. The author of the note describes Michael as a neat and thorough person.

“Ural Mountains” in the port of Kaliningrad.

Mikhail Vasilyevich.

Tamara Nikolaevna looks very good in her years. She keeps as a memory everything connected with the family Khoroshavins. She is sure that the second edition of the book about the Pioneers base of the ocean fishing fleet will see the light of day and find its sponsor, which will allow presenting the book to still living veterans of the base. It just so happened that Tamara Nikolaevna was left alone. Her second husband, Nikolai Petrovich (pictured below), also died. He worked as the captain’s first assistant at Reftransflot. And his father, Khoroshavin Nikolai Andreevich, died on May 9, 1994. Beautiful children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren help to live on.

Tamara Nikolaevna.

Nikolai Petrovich.

In July 1949, the first herring expedition was organized. Every worker who works for a young enterprise has sought to bring a part of his work into the common cause. People tried to do more in a shift.

UTF fish production figures for the 4th Five-Year Period (1946—1950)

Year According to Plan (tons) Actual catch (tons)

1946 1054,7 1060

1947 1112,8 1245

1948 4108,45 7630

1949 6065,8 5880

1950 11085,0 10900

Total: 23426,7 26715

In 1951, the first six SRT-class vessels built in the GDR arrived. This is the Sag Neptunwerft plant in Rostock (GDR). The average fishing trawler was rivete without a guarter-desk. Characteristics of the vessel: length – 38.5 m., width – 7.2 m., precipitation in cargo – 3.1 m. Water displacement is the largest – 436 tons. The payload is 110 tons. Autonomy – 25 days. The main engine has a capacity of 300 hp. The number of beds is 26. Speed: 9.0 knots.

Albert Dergachev.

On one of these vessels – SRT – 618 “Bear” I went on my first fishing voyage.

For the first time, UTF fishermen began to fish herring in the Atlantic Ocean for 4 months. In the same year, they are the initiators of the production of products of an improved range – herring special ambassador. Fish production increased to 12.81 thousand tons. They did not forget to think about the leisure of fishermen in the UTF.

In 1951, the Fishermen’s Culture House opened in Pioneersk. It became a place of attraction for fishermen during the period of parking in the port.

In 1949, the future captain Dergachev, Albert Anatolyevich, also got a job at UTF.

I was a senior assistant captain at the SRTM Sun. He was remembered by absolutely everyone who knew him. But I wasn’t destined to go to Iraq with him.

Evgeny Gushchin, a member of the Pioneersk Association of Sea Captains, speaks warmly of Dergachev. At the SRTR-9092 Opochka, where Dergachev was the captain, Evgeny came as the captain’s third assistant. He worked with him for a long time. On the same ship Eugene climbed the captain’s bridge. Much can be said about the cheerful and hard-working captain from Odessa.

I offer you a note about Dergachev “Memory of a Friend” of the veteran of PPORF, senior mechanic Ershov D.V., which he wrote in my blog. I follow the author’s style.

“In front of me is a photo. Albert Dergachev. It’s just Alik to me. On the backside of the photo, I read: “In memory of a friend… etc. I see not just letters written on paper, so dark, immovable, on white photo paper, and I see instead of the images of voluminous, colored, movable. Now I live with these memories. This is it – everything before my eyes.

In mid-October 1949, according to the schedule, a passenger train “Odessa – Moscow” started from the Odessa station. In one of the seat wagons, there was a group of recruits to work in the city of Kaliningrad in order to replenish the ranks of the fleet of the fish industry. Dergachev Albert was also part of this group. This nineteen-year-old boy studied at some art school for a year and had to leave for material reasons. He earned the three on the courses and therefore was deprived of scholarships.

By nature he was a romantic with a soft docile character with a humorous bias. He occupied the bottom shelf in the compartment and immediately pulled out a notebook and pencil. He put it all on the table. After drinking a regular cup of tea, Albert took up a pencil and began to work on a notebook with detach sheets. Soon there was a sketch, which depicted a glass of tea on the table and a hand next to it, showing a combination of three fingers. With some sly indifference, he tore off a leaf and left his in the middle of the table.

In the neighboring compartment behind the partition unfolded events of a other nature. Someone Nikolai Savinkov with a guitar in his hands, squirting a song about how “once on the train sat one military, ordinary businessman and a smart man. He was a lieutenant, and for ladies’ pens he was a general.” Everyone sitting in the compartment listened attentively to the song. Albert joined them. Next Savinkov in the next song told about: " … how people get married and how they live…” with the promise that “the bells will sing about it now.” And the song ended with the edification: “Oh you, men who are gullible of you, do not abandon your wives for an hour, and if you leave, it is plaintively not howing, when the house gets a brownie.”

And the train was moving further to the northeast while in Ukraine. At each station, the sellers, approaching the train, tried their best to sell their goods. Mostly it was fruit. This year was a success for the harvest of apples. There were a lot of apples and some passengers cheaply took apples with bags for arrival in Kaliningrad. Albert also bought a bucket of apples straight with a bag. And by the evening there was a picture in which the apple with two plums on the sides was flaunted. The apple was with a human face and the signature “Still muzzle” at the bottom.

In Moscow, the group moved to the train Moscow – Kaliningrad, where and arrived in this glorious city, where he had to work and live. The city was struck by the devastation caused by the war. This is what the destroyed Carthage imagined in the imagination according to the description of historians. But at the same time he drew attention to himself with his green attire. This is a real garden city in ruins, a garden in which among the great variety of the plant world flaunted apple trees, abundantly decorated with fruits. There was a certain primness in this. And the weather was so fertile. Almost like in Odessa. Exactly, as in Odessa. For there very often in autumn, for the second time in the year white acacia blossomed. Here in Kaliningrad in October 1949, the white acacia blossomed, apparently, for the second time.

Romantics from Odessa liked the city of Kaliningrad very much. I also liked the bazaar, which unfolded in the square “Three Marshals”, now it is Victory Square. Right on the asphalt from the litter flaunted an incredible variety of goods, where the different people, military and civil species. One man drew attention to himself with his homeric laughter, looking at some weight. Newly-baked Kaliningraders paid attention to it with perplexed curiosity. The man, waking up, turned to onlookers from Odessa:

– You know, I bought from the grandmother for only 50 rubles, that’s. Understand? It’s a 200 gram weight from the standard. Do you understand? No, you don’t understand anything. It’s platinum. The pla-ti-num! he exclaimed, shaking his weight. I’m a physics teacher. It’s clear to you. That’s it.” He turned and went about his business.

The bazaar is probably really good, since even platinum weights are sold, and even so cheap. But still it can not be compared with Odessa “bring.”

We lived in a hotel for three days. It was located on Chestnut Alley. Every day we registered on Tchaikovsky Street, where the Baltgosrybtrest was located. Then part of it young people were sent to the village of Pioneersk, where UTF (trawling fleet management) was located. The UTF was greeted with joy. The head of the human resources department Anufrievsky greeted everyone personally, shaking hands. He turned out to be a polite, good-natured and optimistic man, quite mobile. His appearance was very similar to that of the brave soldier Schweik from the illustration in Hasek’s book “The Brave Soldier Schweik”. He’s not old, but you can’t call him young. They said he was an superintendent at the front, an officer.

Albert Dergachev at the audience for a long time carefully looked at Anufrievsky and when he left the office, took up his notebook and for fifteen minutes drew something. Then he quickly went back into the office, clarified something about the trip to Tallinn. Almost the whole group of visitors was sent to receive ships in Tallinn. This time Albert thoroughly took up the pencil and fifteen minutes later on a piece of notebook appeared a portrait of Anufrievsky in full-face with a striking similarity.

In the afternoon, deputy head of UTF Belokurov announced the sending of the entire group in 3 or 4 days. In the meantime, they took the bus to the hostel, which was located in Primorye. The next day four of the group of Odessans decided to go to the forest. These young people have never seen the forest before. Fortunately, there’s a forest nearby, why not see it?

It is said – done.

They went in, saw some mushrooms, even beautiful ones. We can carry as much as we can in our hands. It didn’t seem to go far, but we got lost. We went out on the road, but do not know where to go. The old man met us and explained, where to go.

– “Where will you from be? – grandfather asked. – Yes, we are newcomers, from Ukraine, get a job at sea on a fishing fleet. “Ah, so you need Neukuhren. It’s just there down this road. Grandfather waved his hand, pointing the direction. We went on this road in the specified direction. We reached the village with the name Raushen and there we found out that we had to go in the opposite direction. That Primorje is Gross Kuhren, and Neukuhren is Pioneersk. A soldier intervened in the conversation, who was going to Klein Kuhren via Gross Kuhren. He serves on Brusterort and offered to let down, he says, the place empty. So we reached Gross Kuhren (Primorje). In the dormitory met us a lot of questions: where were, what saw, why so long? The roommates politely invited to taste what they prepared on the occasion of a new acquaintance.

Someone Zjablesov talked at the same time:

– Eat, guys. It’s not fishy, but it’s fragrant. I prepared, just like at home. They brought fish here, but I cooked a whole pan, all had enough and even remain. It’s not known now where to put. Two days later, the commandant of the hostel announced that tomorrow the group should appear before the chiefs ready to leave. What and was done. A gloomy morning of the October months they arrived in Tallinn. Five new vessels such as MRT of wooden hulls were moored at the port. All had fish names: Nelma, Shark, Kizhuch, Octopus, and Medusa. Albert Dergachev was on the MRT “Nelma” where the captain was Polyansky Semyon Davidovich, a young man of short stature, medium fatness, a graduate of Kherson maritime school. Pious, moderately loyal, courteously demanding, Jewish in origin, and, of course, not devoid of humor. He was originally from Odessa, and that says a lot. Due to lack of people, minimal teams were organized, able to drive the ship to port Pioneersk. And there the teams were supplemented to the full squad of 11 people. They were equipped, supplied, and urgently left for the Baltic. The country needed fish. MRT-268 “Nelma” has passed all stages of education and already in November 1949 a strong team was created, united and friendly, but with one feature. The peculiarity of this was that all Nelmmov names were given to be Jewish, regardless of their actual nationality. The initiator of this idea was Dergachev or in Hebrew Beanya (a sailor in a ship’s role), Monya – a motorist, Izya – a sailor, Abram – radiooperator, master of extraction – Laiba with the prefix “Old”. There was also Amya, Moni’s friend and countryman. The actual name of Mosti is Ivan. Ivan’s name by origin is also Jewish from Yokanaan (gift of God), but it is not sound in these conditions. Monya and Matoia arrived in UTF together and they are both from Vologda province. Monya in Murmansk studied to be a motorist. In the personnel department of UTF, they were received by Inspector Maria Vasilyevna Kameneva, former secretary of Sergei Mironovich Kirov during the events in Astrakhan in 1922. When they filled out the questionnaire on Ivan, Maria Vasilyevna asked:

– Are you Russian?

– “No, I’m Harowski,” he replied.

– What kind of nationality is that? She was perplexed.

– “Yes, I do.” He is Russian, and I am Kharovskiy,” Ivan said, pointing to a friend.

– “Oh, don’t listen to him. He’s Russian, but only from the Kharov district, and I’m from the Russian district. There are such areas in the Vologda region.

Pavel Kirov, a countryman of Beni, had the pleasure of visiting a friend on “Nelma” in one of the parking lots anchored in the inner raid of the Baltiysk. Usually, the ships ran on a raid, hiding from the weather. Ships were anchored, moored to each other, and went to visit. Pavel was greeted very kindly and even with a concert, and he was surprised and amazed. – “Here, meet. The handsome man – a gift to Indian women on the day of March 8 – introduced Albert to the community and himself in a new capacity.

– “In order to you know. I’m Benya, this is Monya, here’s Motya, Izya, Abram. Meet. No, I’m not that Bene Creek. I’m just Benya, and there’s Old Leiba in the corner. In order to you know. We have time to rehearse, and now you listen to our “Jewish march” first.

And that’s when it started. Abram took out the balalaika. Monya, Motya, and Izya took out the combs, attached the tissue papers to the combs, and began to make sounds from the famous song in Odessa “The old lady hastily crossed the path.” Benya was drumming on something like a pot. It turned out quite collapsible, and even all the participants at the same time experienced pleasure.

– “Now listen and appreciate the overtures from the opera ‘Carmen’ by our orchestra,” Benya said, and waved his hand. This struck Pavel with the likeness that skidded back to the gallery of the Odessa Opera House, when, having received a scholarship, he and his classmates together bought 2 loaves of bread and a kilogram of halva, satiated, listened to the opera “Carmen”. It was 1948 hungry year. And now, in this place, in these conditions it was amazing. These guys achieved what seemed to be incredible. It’s in a cubicness in such a cramped way, with tools like that, and that play it.

At the end of 1952, Albert Dergachev was sent to the SHUKS (Mamon Academy, navigator training courses). Then there was the correspondence department of the maritime school. In 1960, he became the captain of the SRTR – 9092 Opochka. In the spring of 1963, a meeting of the Svetlogorsk City Committee of the party was convened, where friends, Albert Dergachev and Pavel Kirov met… – “Oh, hello! I am very glad to see you. Are you also a member of the town hall or what? – Pavel said.

– “No, I don’t think so. I’m kind of a guest. Invited here.

– Well, tell me, like life, what is new?

– " I came from the seas, it seems to have worked well. You probably know everything. Our wives work together, and children are in the same class. But we don’t have to meet very often. You, I know, are a donkey on the shore. What’s going on?

– You know, they asked to organize a fuel shop at the workshops and got stuck, for a year now. The first secretary of the town hall Zubkov appeared in the hall, and the procedure of the meeting began, interrupting the conversation. At this meeting, the captain of SRT-4507 Dergachev was elected to the honorary presidium. His crew fulfilled the plan by 125%.

After considering a number of issues of intra-party work of the party’s city committee, Dergachev was given a call to tell about the achievements of the team under his leadership.

– I can’t say that this year was out of the lungs. But the team, overcoming difficulties, had success. The team came together, cohesive, and worked skillfully. Everyone understood why they went out to sea and how to cope with the task. Everything was subordinated to the only goal – the implementation of the plan. The team tried. It was hard, of course. The Atlantic is not the Black Sea, where the fisherman Sonia moored the barkas in front of the sailor Bones. I am grateful for the attention of the meeting to the fishermen. It’s impressive and inspiring for the future.

– What are your plans for the future? The first secretary asked.

– The ship is getting on medium repair, and I am going to fly to Odessa for the holiday of the cheerful Duke, with relatives to see. And on arrival again in the sea, – Albert replied.

It’s been a while…

Pavel Kirov and Dergachev Albert met at the passing of Tuberculosis Sanatorium, where their wives worked.

– Well, how is Odessa? Pavel asked.

– “Oh, what can I tell you?” Odessa is Odessa. It’s still the same. I thought something had changed there. Although, yes. My brother-in-law and I went to Ilyichevsk. They built such a gorgeous fish port there. It’s a sight. You know, there’s even “Tropics” moored. There in Ilyichevsk i saw Volodya Voronko. He had two flights to the Atlantic and now wants to return to Pioneersk. Well, you remember, he was one of five captains who were transferred to Odessa on the orders of the Ministry. And at the “new bazaar” met with Ilya Tarasenko. This is the one that was the head of the mechanical workshops at the port of Pioneersk. He quit and went to his home country – in Odessa. At first, his relatives allocated not that closet, not the barn, where he temporarily settled. You couldn’t get a job without a residence permit, and there was nowhere to sign. For two months he fought – without a result. Then he took and wrote a letter to the Polish Embassy with a request to give his family the opportunity to emigrate to Poland overlooking the settlement and work. He has a Polish wife. He does not know whether the letter reached Moscow or not. But soon he was summoned to the hill party for a conversation, after which the family was put in a two-room apartment, prescribed and arranged to work as a master of the boiler-hull shop of the ship repair plant – Marty.

What’s yours? – “No change,” Pavel replied. – “I often see your offspring in kindergarten. Your daughter’s all about you, you’ve been ridiculed. The nurse in the kindergarten is Nadezda Platonovna. And your daughter called her Odezda Pantalonovna. And this sweet woman, having become snugly, said: “You won’t get bored with these nice people. – “Yes, I remember, I want to tell you,” Albert stirred. “When my brother-in-law was driving back, he took a burst of laughter. Understand? There’s a lady on the bus and she’s chewing on something all the time. Jora pretended to be looking at something under her feet. “Are you looking on what” – the lady asked. “I see your hooves,” he said. She was confused and moved with an indignant look and changed places.

The next meeting of friends took place about five years later. Workers in the fishing industry have a characteristic feature – not often seen. And in Kaliningrad, it is a common occurrence. It is not for nothing that Gazmanov’s song was born in Kaliningrad: “You are a fisherman – I am a sailor, you are a sailor – I am a fisherman, we will not meet in any way…". Kirov and Dergachev met at the fork of the streets of Portovaj and Worker in Pioneersk.

– “Hi! How many years, how many winters! Pavel Alberta welcomed. “Well, I’ll say, Buddy, how long since the seas? What’.

– Yes, I’ve had a lot of time to get bored. I am now a deviator at Pioneersk port. Smirnova Anka died, then me in her place.

– What’s going on?

– “I’m sick. Now I even eat vodka with pills, – Albert answered with a half-serious tone.

– “Well, you do! How long is all this going to take? Pavel asked,

– “I hope not for long. I’ll be back in the sea. As it is sung in this song: “You can’t find better seas in the world, you will survive everything in the vast.” Well, what’s yours?

– “It’s a week, like the seas. The ship has put on repair and himself in business to the ears. The apartment was given in Kaliningrad, so I move, I am developing new apartments. I’m living with it.

– “And here our lionesses are coming. Come on, live in the apartment. I hope we’ll see each other. So long. Good luck,” Albert said, and, taking theatrically under his Madonna’s hand, retired.

It’s been another four years. Pavel wanted to visit the places of his former habitat in Pioneersk. In a chance meeting with a friend Lyudmila Voronko, he learned about the death of Albert. She said in a conversation that Albert Dergachev died while going to work. He crashed right on the tracks near the train station. An ambulance was called, which confirmed the death from cardiac arrest.

Thus ended the epic of Albert Dergachev – the captain of a long-distance voyage, the father of two cute daughters and no less sweet wife, Odessa to the bone, a good amazing man. This man could compete with the famous Kukryniks with his parody sketches. I remember an incident in a hostel in Primorye. Albert, being in reserve, lived in this dormitory for a while. There ruled on the rights of the commandant someone Nikulin, a former military, a participant in the war, a tanker quite strict views. During his stay (three days), Albert left a sexual mural on the wall at the bed. And it greatly shocked Nikulin from what he saw.

– What’s this all about? The commandant asked.

– “Panno,” Albert replied calmly. Nikulin looked in silence for five minutes and finally said-

– “Well, wow. And when did you do it? Oh, my! Okay, let it be. And you, I see, mastak however.

Sudden death kills three million people in the world every year. An hour ago he was absolutely healthy and suddenly… It’s a shame for your friends. It’s a shame because the fact is my loneliness, to some extent. A friend went into another world, and now there is no one who can ask, “Do you remember?…” And can I ask him the same question? This is the loss of a part of the memory of the general, mutual, subjective. The feeling of peace in time and space from the past goes away with a friend. Although we know that above us Damocles sword hangs constantly from the ceiling on horsehair. And yet… Let the memory be eternal.

Veteran of PBORF – Ershov D.V.”

That odessa in the midshipmans uniform, who arrived in Pioneersk at the age of 19, could not identify any of the captains of the Association of Sea Captains of the base. Therefore, I set myself the task to find a photo of Albert Anatolyevich, on which our captains would not hesitate to identify the famous fisherman. And this task was helped by Albert Anatolyevich’s wife Galina Petrova. Don’t be surprised, reader they have different surnames. They decided so by mutual consent in their youth. Galina Sergeevna worked as a nurse in the orthopedic sanatorium of Pioneersk for a long time before retiring. Now she is often visited by her daughters and granddaughters. Galina Sergeyevna captured my camera on March 4, 2018. She is by nature optimistic, cheerful, and feels good. Love for her husband carefully keeps.

Galina Sergeyevna

Albert Dergashev.

1951 – 1960. The arrival of young professionals, development of fishing areas. The first hero of Socialist Labour.

In connection with the replenishment of the fleet, the need for command personnel has increased. In Mamonovo, Kaliningrad region, in 1949, the school of improvement of the command began work. One of the first groups of ship mechanics were sent: Chenizhko G., Konachevsky A., Gibko, Kobzev A., Sukhanov S., Korshikov A., Tomachev A., Kochubey J., Nikonov, Bulavin, Kachanov, Lesov, Sesin S., Warsaw. In 1952, Viktor Nikolaevich Kashirin, who worked until 1960, was confirmed as the head of the UTF.

1953 is characterized by a large scale of socialist competition among the crews of ships of the North Atlantic Expedition and the Baltic. The best results were achieved: SRT-4130 (captain N.I. Sizov), who executed the plan by 110%, MRT-1 (captain V.G. Koroteev), who executed the plan by 132%. The socialist competition also unfolded at the Pioneersk fishery shop. The best in terms of production performance was recognized by a team of dried fish (from the word “to dry”) (Brigadier I.I. Murzina). The brigade performed production tasks by 180—250%. A brigade of sorters and packers (Brigadier M.I. Ladchinova) performed tasks for 150—170%. The winners of individual competitions were: of dried fish A.T. Bebeshko, the sorter A.A. Golubenko, loader A.E. Barantsev, cooper P.A. Makhov, who showed samples of Stakhanov’s labor. For the first time, in the Kaliningrad region at the Pioneersk Fish Factory, a batch of medical fat from cod liver has been developed. Since 1954, seasonal fishing has ceased. The extraction of Atlantic herring began all year round. This year it was mined 1.5 times more than in 1953. The equipment of the vessels with new engines has improved, their repair in the mechanical workshop has become faster than the Klaipeda and Svetlov factories.

On the basis of the order on the Baltgosrybtrest dated January 6, 1954, the Pioneersk Fish Factory merged with UTF. Victor Nikolaevich Kashirin became the head of a single fishing complex. 1955 is the last year of the fifth five-year period. Employees of the company sought to complete it with the best labor successes. Crew members of MRT-247 (Captain Ivanov K.P.) and MRT-255 (Captain Salikov I.I.) completed the annual task by September 26. 16 shipcrews completed the task on 112- 193%. The smoked products plan was 155.7%. UTF fish caught 905000 centners in five years.