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Witch's Honour concludes the lyrical, richly atmospheric and enthralling tale begun in Prospero's Children and continued in The Dragon-Charmer. Spellbinding in its depiction of pla...
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The second part of the captivating Sangreal trilogy from the author of ‘Prospero’s Children.’Lately, Nathan Ward’s dreams have been transporting him to a desolate city, whose peopl...
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The concluding part of the captivating Sangreal trilogy from the author of Prospero’s Children.Like most young people, when Nathan Ward sleeps, he has adventures. But unlike most p...
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The first book in a brand new trilogy from the author of Prospero’s Children.Bartlemy Goodman, is one of the Gifted. An albino of Greek parentage, he was born in Byzantium amidst t...
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English fantasy at its best, The Dragon-Charmer follows the exciting debut from Jan Siegel, Prospero’s Children.Twelve years have passed since the traumatic events that took place...
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English fantasy at its finest, the first in this exciting new trilogy steps into the gap that exists between The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Clive Barker’s Weaveworld.A my...
В этот день...
29 июня 1900 года родился Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери (Antoine Marie Roger, Vicomte de Saint-Exupery) (ум. 1944), французский писатель.
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