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Windmills of the Gods
Windmills of the Gods
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Windmills of the Gods

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God Almighty! He was trying to communicate with a drunken moron. He said patiently, ‘It’s a little town outside of Paris. Angel will know.’

‘I need ’nother drink.’

An hour later, Neusa was still drinking. And this time Harry Lantz was encouraging her. Not that she needs much encouragement, Lantz thought. When she’s drunk enough, she’s going to lead me to her boyfriend. The rest will be easy.

He looked over at Neusa Muñez staring filmy-eyed into her drink.

It shouldn’t be hard to catch Angel. He may be tough, but he can’t be very bright. ‘When is Angel coming back to town?’

She focused her watery eyes on him. ‘Nex’ week.’

Harry Lantz took her hand and stroked it. ‘Why don’t you and I go back to your place?’ he asked softly.


He was in.

Neusa Muñez lived in a shabby, two-room apartment in the Belgrano district of Buenos Aires. The apartment was messy and unkempt, like its tenant. When they walked through the door, Neusa made straight for the little bar in the corner. She was unsteady on her feet.

‘How ’bout a drink?’

‘Not for me,’ Lantz said. ‘You go ahead.’ He watched as she poured out a drink and downed it. She’s the most ugly, repulsive bitch I’ve ever met, he thought, but the million dollars is going to be beautiful.

He looked around the apartment. There were some books piled on a coffee table. He picked them up, one by one, hoping to get an insight into Angel’s mind. The titles surprised him: Gabriela, by Jorge Amado; Fire From The Mountain, by Omar Cabezas; One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Garcia Marquez; At Night The Cats, by Antonio Cisneros. So Angel was an intellectual. The books did not fit with the apartment or the woman.

Lantz walked over to her and put his arms around her huge, flabby waist. ‘You’re damned cute, do you know that?’ He reached up and stroked her breasts. They were the size of watermelons. Lantz hated big-breasted women. ‘You’ve got a really great body.’

‘Huh?’ Her eyes were glazed.

Lantz’s arms moved down and stroked her fat thighs through the thin cotton dress she wore. ‘How does that feel?’ he whispered.


He was getting nowhere. He had to think of an approach that would get this amazon into bed. But he knew he had to make his move carefully. If he offended her, she might go back and report him to Angel, and that would be the end of the deal. He could try to sweet talk her, but she was too drunk to know what he was saying.

As Lantz was desperately trying to think of a clever gambit, Neusa mumbled, ‘Wanna fuck?’

He grinned in relief. ‘That’s a great idea, baby.’

‘Come on ’n the bedroom.’

She was stumbling as Lantz followed her into the small bedroom. It contained one closet with the door ajar, a large unmade bed, two chairs and a bureau with a cracked mirror above it. It was the closet that caught Harry Lantz’s attention. In it he glimpsed a row of men’s suits hanging on a rack.

Neusa was at the side of the bed, fumbling with the buttons on her blouse. Under ordinary circumstances, Harry Lantz would have been at her side, undressing her, caressing her body and murmuring exciting indecencies into her ear. But the sight of Muñez sickened him. He stood there watching as her skirt dropped to the floor. She was wearing nothing under it. Naked, she was uglier than when dressed. Her huge breasts sagged, and her protruding stomach shook like jelly as she moved. Her fat thighs were a mass of cellulite. She’s the grossest thing I’ve ever seen, Lantz thought. Think positively, Lantz told himself. This will be over in a few minutes. The million bucks will last forever.

Slowly, he forced himself to get undressed. She was propped up in bed, like a leviathan, waiting for him, and he crawled in beside her.

‘What do you like?’ he asked.

‘Huh? Choc’late. I like choc’late.’

She was drunker than he had thought. That’s good. It will make things easier. He began to caress her flabby, fish-white body. ‘You’re a very pretty woman, hon. You know that?’


‘I like you a lot, Neusa.’ His hands moved down towards the hairy mound between her fat legs, and he began to make small, titillating circles. ‘I’ll bet you live an exciting life.’


‘I mean – being Angel’s girl friend. That must be really interesting. Tell me, baby, what’s Angel like?’

There was a silence, and he wondered if Neusa had fallen asleep. He inserted his fingers in the soft, damp cleft between her legs, and felt her stir.

‘Don’t go to sleep, sweetheart. Not yet. What kind of man is Angel? Is he handsome?’

‘Rich. Angel, he’s rich.’

Lantz’s hand continued its work. ‘Is he good to you?’

‘Yeah. Angel’s good t’ me.’

‘I’m going to be good to you, too, baby.’ His voice was soft. His problem was that everything was soft. What he needed was a million-dollar erection. He started thinking about the Dolly sisters and some of the things they had done to him. He visualized them working on his naked body with their tongues and fingers and nipples, and his penis began to grow hard. He quickly rolled over on top of Neusa and inserted himself into her. God, it’s like sticking it in a fucking pudding, Harry Lantz thought. ‘Does that feel good?’

‘Ess okay, I guess.’

He could have strangled her. There were dozens of beautiful women around the world who were thrilled by his lovemaking, and this fat bitch was saying Ess okay, I guess.

He began moving his hips back and forth. ‘Tell me about Angel. Who are his friends?’

Her voice was drowsy. ‘Angel got no fren’s. I’m his fren’.’

‘Of course you are, babe. Does Angel live here with you, or does he have his own place?’

Neusa closed her eyes. ‘Hey, I’m sleepy. When you gonna come?’

Never, he thought. Not with this cow. ‘I already came,’ Lantz lied.

‘Then le’s go to sleep.’

He rolled off her and lay at her side, fuming. Why couldn’t Angel have had a normal mistress? Someone young and beautiful and hot-blooded. Then he would have had no trouble getting the information he needed. But this stupid bitch –! Still … there were other ways.

Lantz lay there quietly for a long time, until he was certain Neusa was asleep. Then he carefully arose from the bed and padded over to the closet. He switched the closet light on and closed the door so the light would not awaken the snoring behemoth.

There were a dozen suits and sports outfits hanging on the rack, and six pairs of men’s shoes on the floor. Lantz opened the jackets and examined the labels. The suits were all custom-made by Herrera, Avenue La Plata. The shoes were made by Vill. I’ve hit the jackpot! Lantz gloated. They’ll have a record of Angel’s address. I’ll go to the shop first thing in the morning and ask a few questions. A warning sounded in his mind. No. No questions. He had to be more clever than that. He was, after all, dealing with a world-class assassin. It would be safer to let Neusa lead him to Angel. Then allI have to do is tip off my friends in the Mossad and collect the reward. I’ll show Ned Tillingast and the rest of the fucking CIA bunch that old Harry Lantz hasn’t lost his touch. All the bright boys have been chasing their asses trying to find Angel, and I’m the only one smart enough to pull it off.

He thought he heard a sound from the bed. He carefully peeked out of the closet door, but Neusa was still asleep.

Lantz turned out the closet light and walked over to the bed. Muñez’s eyes were closed. Lantz tiptoed to the bureau and began looking through the drawers, hoping to find a photograph of Angel. That would be a help. No luck. He crept back into bed. Neusa was snoring loudly.

When Harry Lantz finally drifted off to sleep, his dreams were filled with visions of a white yacht crowded with beautiful, naked girls with small, firm breasts.

In the morning when Harry Lantz awakened, Neusa was gone. For an instant, Lantz panicked. Had she already left to meet Angel? He heard noises in the kitchen. He hurried out of bed and slipped into his clothes. Neusa was at the stove.

‘Beunos dias,’ Lantz said.

‘Wan’ coffee?’ Neusa mumbled. ‘I can’t fix no breakfast. I got ’n appointment.’

With Angel. Harry Lantz tried to hide his excitement. ‘That’s fine. I’m not hungry. Why don’t you go and keep your appointment and we’ll meet for dinner tonight.’ He put his arms around her, fondling her pendulous breasts. ‘Where would you like to have dinner? Nothing but the best for my girl.’ I should have been an actor, Lantz thought.

‘I don’ care.’

‘Do you know Chiquin on Cangallo Street?’


‘You’ll like it. Why don’t I pick you up here at eight o’clock? I have a lot of business to attend to today.’ He had no business to attend to.


It took all his willpower to lean over and kiss Neusa goodbye. Her lips were flabby and wet and disgusting. ‘Eight o’clock.’

Lantz walked out of the apartment and hailed a taxi. He hoped Neusa was watching from the window.

‘Turn right at the next corner,’ he instructed the driver.

When they had turned the corner, Harry Lantz said, ‘I’ll get out here.’

The driver looked at him in surprise. ‘You wish to ride only one block, señor?’

‘Right. I have a bad leg. War wound.’

Harry Lantz paid him, then hurried back to a tobacconist’s shop across from Neusa’s apartment building. He lit a cigarette and waited.

Twenty minutes later, Neusa came out of the apartment building. Harry watched as she waddled down the street, and he followed her at a careful distance. There was no chance of his losing her. It was like following the Lusitania.

Neusa Muñez seemed to be in no hurry. She moved down Florida Street, past the Spanish Library, and plodded along the Avenida Cordoba. Lantz watched as she walked into Berenes, a leather shop on San Martin. He stood across the street and observed her chatting with a male clerk. Lantz wondered whether the shop could be a connection with Angel. He made a mental note of it.

Neusa came out a few minutes later carrying a small package. Her next stop was at a heladeria on Corrientes, for an ice cream. She walked down San Martin, moving slowly. She seemed to be strolling aimlessly with no particular destination in mind.

What the hell happened to her appointment? Lantz wondered. Where is Angel? He did not believe Neusa’s statement that Angel was out of town. His instincts told him that Angel was somewhere nearby.

Lantz suddenly realized that Neusa Muñez was not in sight. She had turned a corner ahead and disappeared. He quickened his step. When Lantz rounded the corner, she was nowhere to be seen. There were small shops on both sides of the street, and Lantz moved carefully, his eyes searching everywhere, fearful that Neusa might see him before he saw her.

He finally spied her in a fiambreria, a delicatessen, buying groceries. Were they for her, or was she expecting someone at her apartment for lunch? Someone named Angel.

From a distance, Lantz watched Neusa enter a verduleria and buy fruit and vegetables. He trailed her back to her apartment building. As far as he could tell, there had been no suspicious contacts.

Harry Lantz watched Neusa’s building from across the street for the next four hours, moving around to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. Finally he decided that Angel was not going to show up. Maybe I can get some more information out of her tonight, Lantz thought, without fucking her. The idea of having to make love to Neusa again sickened him.

In the Oval Office at the White House, it was evening. It had been a long day for Paul Ellison. The entire world seemed to be composed of committees and councils and urgent cables and conclaves and sessions and he had not had a moment to himself until now. Well, almost to himself. Stanton Rogers was sitting across from him, and the President found himself relaxing for the first time that day.

‘I’m keeping you from your family, Stan.’

‘That’s all right, Paul.’

‘I wanted to talk to you about the Mary Ashley investigation. How is it coming?’

‘It’s almost completed. We’ll have a final check on her by tomorrow or the next day. So far it looks very good. I’m getting excited about the idea. I think it’s going to work.’

‘We’ll make it work. Would you like another drink?’

‘No, thanks. Unless you need me for anything else, I’m taking Barbara to an opening at the Kennedy Center.’

‘You go ahead,’ Paul Ellison said. ‘Alice and I are due to entertain some relatives of hers.’

‘Please give my love to Alice,’ Stanton Rogers said. He rose.

‘And you give mine to Barbara.’ He watched Stanton Rogers leave. The President’s thoughts turned to Mary Ashley.

When Harry Lantz arrived at Neusa’s apartment that evening to take her out to dinner, there was no answer to his knock. He felt a moment of consternation. Had she walked out on him?

He tried the door, and it was unlocked. Was Angel here to meet him? Perhaps he had decided to discuss the contract face to face. Harry assumed a brisk, businesslike manner and walked in.

The room was empty. ‘Hello.’ Only an echo. He went into the bedroom. Neusa was lying across the bed, drunk.

‘You dumb –’ He caught himself. He must not forget that this stupid, drunken broad was his gold mine. He put his hands on her shoulders and tried to rouse her.

She opened her eyes. ‘Wha’sa matter?’

‘I’m worried about you,’ Lantz said. His voice throbbed with sincerity. ‘I hate to see you unhappy, and I think you’re drinking because someone is making you unhappy. I’m your friend. You can tell me all about it. It’s Angel, isn’t it?’

‘Angel,’ she mumbled.

‘I’m sure he’s a nice man,’ Harry Lantz said soothingly. ‘You two probably had a little misunderstanding, right?’

He tried to straighten her out on the bed. It’s like beaching a whale, Lantz thought.

Lantz sat down beside her. ‘Tell me about Angel,’ Lantz said. ‘What’s he doing to you?’

Neusa stared up at him, bleary-eyed, trying to focus on him. ‘Le’s fuck.’

Oh, Jesus! It was going to be a long night. ‘Sure. Great idea.’ Reluctantly, Lantz began to undress.

When Harry Lantz awoke in the morning alone in bed, memories came flooding into his brain, and he felt sick to his stomach.

Neusa had awakened him in the middle of the night. ‘You know wha’ I wan’ you to do to me?’ she mumbled. She told him.