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Интервью на английском: Подготовка к 3 заданию ЕГЭ. Сдай устную часть на максимум!
Интервью на английском: Подготовка к 3 заданию ЕГЭ. Сдай устную часть на максимум!
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Интервью на английском: Подготовка к 3 заданию ЕГЭ. Сдай устную часть на максимум!

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Interviewer: What types of books do you think have had a significant impact on society or culture? Why do you think these works are important?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Do you think that literature has the power to change the world? Why or why not?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Have you ever read a book that challenged your worldview or made you see things from a different perspective? If so, can you describe your experience?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a more informed and engaged reader in terms of societal issues?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

Sample answer

Interviewer: Can you describe how you think literature can influence society? What role does it play in shaping cultural attitudes and beliefs?

Student: Literature has the power to shape cultural attitudes and beliefs by exploring and exposing societal issues through characters and stories. Books such as «Crime and Punishment» by Fyodor Dostoevsky can challenge readers to reflect deeply on their own morality and values, thereby changing how they view themselves and the world around them.

Interviewer: What types of books do you think have had a significant impact on society or culture? Why do you think these works are important?

Student: I believe that books that address social justice issues such as racism, sexism, and inequality have had a significant impact on society. Examples include «To Kill a Mockingbird» by Harper Lee, «The Color Purple» by Alice Walker, and «Crime and Punishment» by Fyodor Dostoevsky. These books are important because they bring attention to important issues and inspire readers to take action for positive change.

Interviewer: Do you think that literature has the power to change the world? Why or why not?

Student: Yes, I strongly believe that literature can change the world. By reflecting on important societal issues and presenting different perspectives, literature has the potential to inspire people to take action and make positive changes in society. Books can provide hope, educate, and help people empathize with others who may be different from themselves.

Interviewer: Have you ever read a book that challenged your worldview or made you see things from a different perspective? If so, can you describe your experience?

Student: Yes, «Crime and Punishment» by Fyodor Dostoevsky challenged my worldview and made me see things from a different perspective. The book explores the theme of morality and guilt through the character Raskolnikov, who commits a murder and is tormented by his conscience. Reading this novel made me reflect on my own values and beliefs about right and wrong.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a more informed and engaged reader in terms of societal issues?

Student: My advice would be to read widely and diversely, including books that address important societal issues. It’s also important to engage in meaningful discussions with others, both online and in person, to gain different perspectives and deepen one’s understanding of these issues. Lastly, taking action to support causes related to these issues is crucial in creating positive change in society.

The importance of diversity in literature

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the importance of diversity in literature. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: Can you describe why you think it’s important for books to have diverse characters and representation? How can this help readers relate to different perspectives?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What types of books do you think do a good job of representing diverse voices? Why do you find these works impactful?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Do you think that reading books with diverse characters or perspectives can help reduce stereotypes and prejudice? How so?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Have you ever read a book that opened your eyes to a different culture or way of life? If so, can you describe your experience?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What advice would you give to authors who want to write more diverse stories? How can they approach this topic authentically and respectfully?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

Sample answer

Interviewer: Can you describe why you think it’s important for books to have diverse characters and representation? How can this help readers relate to different perspectives?

Student: I believe that it’s important for books to have diverse characters and representation because it allows readers to see themselves or people like them in literature. Additionally, exposure to diverse characters and perspectives can broaden readers’ knowledge and empathy towards others, ultimately leading to a more accepting and inclusive society.

Interviewer: What types of books do you think do a good job of representing diverse voices? Why do you find these works impactful?

Student: I think that books written by authors from diverse backgrounds and experiences tend to do a good job of representing diverse voices. These works are often impactful because they provide representation for marginalized groups and expose readers to stories and perspectives that may not have been heard before.

Interviewer: Do you think that reading books with diverse characters or perspectives can help reduce stereotypes and prejudice? How so?

Student: Yes, I definitely think that reading books with diverse characters or perspectives can help reduce stereotypes and prejudice. When we read about people from different backgrounds and cultures, it humanizes them and breaks down preconceived notions we may have had before. This can help us see people as individuals rather than just members of a group, and ultimately lead to greater empathy and understanding.

Interviewer: Have you ever read a book that opened your eyes to a different culture or way of life? If so, can you describe your experience?

Student: Yes, I have read a book called «Quiet Flows the Don» by Mikhail Sholokhov, which explores the lives and struggles of Cossacks during the early 20th century. This book exposed me to a way of life and culture that I was not familiar with before, and helped me better understand the history and traditions of the Cossack people.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to authors who want to write more diverse stories? How can they approach this topic authentically and respectfully?

Student: My advice to authors who want to write more diverse stories is to do their research and consult with people from the communities they are writing about. It’s important to approach this topic authentically and respectfully by avoiding stereotypes and tropes and instead focusing on creating complex and nuanced characters. Additionally, it’s crucial to recognize that representation is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and different groups may have different needs and perspectives when it comes to representation.

Sample answer

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the impact of technology on reading. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How has technology impacted your reading habits? Do you prefer physical books or e-books? Why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Do you think that the rise of technology has had a positive or negative impact on reading as a whole? Why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you think advancements in technology will continue to shape the future of reading and literature?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Have you ever used any online reading resources, such as audiobooks or online book clubs? If so, can you describe your experience?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to balance their use of technology with their love for reading?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

The role of reading in education

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the role of reading in education. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How has reading impacted your academic performance? In what ways has it helped you succeed in school?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Do you think that reading is an important part of education? How can schools encourage students to read more?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you think reading can help students develop critical thinking and analytical skills? Can you give any examples?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Have you ever been assigned a book for school that you didn’t enjoy reading? If so, how did you approach the task of reading it?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to improve their reading skills for academic purposes?

Student: _________________________

Sample answer

Interviewer: How has reading impacted your academic performance? In what ways has it helped you succeed in school?

Student: In my opinion, reading has greatly impacted my academic performance. Through reading, I have been able to improve my vocabulary, comprehension skills, and critical thinking abilities. Reading has exposed me to different perspectives and ideas, which has helped me develop a deeper understanding of various topics. Furthermore, reading has enabled me to perform better on exams and assignments as I am able to interpret and analyze texts more effectively.

Interviewer: Do you think that reading is an important part of education? How can schools encourage students to read more?

Student: Yes, I strongly believe that reading is an essential part of education. Reading helps students develop cognitive skills such as language acquisition, comprehension, and analytical thinking. Schools can encourage students to read more by providing access to a diverse range of books, setting aside time for independent reading, and incorporating reading into coursework. Additionally, educators can promote book clubs and reading competitions to create a sense of community and foster a love of reading.

Interviewer: How do you think reading can help students develop critical thinking and analytical skills? Can you give any examples?

Student: Reading can help students develop critical thinking and analytical skills by exposing them to new ideas and perspectives. For example, when reading a news article, students must analyze the information presented and evaluate its credibility. This requires critical thinking skills such as identifying biases and analyzing sources. Additionally, when reading literature, students must interpret and analyze characters’ motivations and actions, which allows them to develop analytical skills.

Interviewer: Have you ever been assigned a book for school that you didn’t enjoy reading? If so, how did you approach the task of reading it?

Student: Yes, I have been assigned books for school that I didn’t particularly enjoy. In such cases, I try to approach the book with an open mind and give it a fair chance. I also try to identify aspects of the book that I find interesting and focus on those elements. Furthermore, I often discuss the book with my classmates and teachers to gain different perspectives and insights.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone who wants to improve their reading skills for academic purposes?

Student: My advice would be to practice reading regularly and to read a variety of materials. Reading newspapers, magazines, and even social media posts can help improve reading speed and comprehension. Additionally, using tools such as annotation and note-taking can help increase engagement and retention of information. Finally, seeking feedback and guidance from teachers or tutors can provide valuable insights and strategies for improvement.

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

The future of readinG

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the future of reading. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How do you think the way we read books will change in the future? Do you see any new technologies or formats emerging?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Will physical books still be relevant in the future, or will e-books become the standard? Why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you think social media and online communities will impact the way we consume literature in the future?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Do you think that the rise of audiobooks and podcasts will change the way we approach reading and storytelling? How so?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What advice would you give to young writers who want to create literature for the future?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

Sample answer

Interviewer: How do you think the way we read books will change in the future? Do you see any new technologies or formats emerging?

Student: With the rapid advancement of technology, it is highly likely that the way we read books will continue to evolve in the future. We can expect to see more interactive and immersive reading experiences through the use of virtual reality and augmented reality. Additionally, AI-powered tools may allow for personalized reading recommendations and adaptive content based on individual reading habits.

Interviewer: Will physical books still be relevant in the future, or will e-books become the standard? Why?

Student: While e-books have gained popularity in recent years due to their convenience and accessibility, I believe physical books will remain relevant in the future. There is a certain charm and aesthetic appeal to physical books that cannot be replicated by e-books. Moreover, physical books allow for a multisensory experience, such as the texture and smell of the pages, which can enhance the overall reading experience.

Interviewer: How do you think social media and online communities will impact the way we consume literature in the future?