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Серия: Без серии
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With long blond hair and painted red nails, beautiful Georgette Ecklington didn't look like a mechanic. But the latest hire at Bob and Bart's Auto Repair could recognize a faulty c...
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When lovely Lacey Dachin signed on at the clothing shop next door, it looked as if fun-loving Randy Reynolds had found a potential lunch partner.Meals could be lonely for a single...
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Playing guitar for his church's worship team was not going as well as Adrian Braithwaite expected. Which was why he was thrilled to find a talented keyboardist in new church member...
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Falling out a window…into love It was certainly not the way Marielle expected to meet a man – any man – but when she visited the gentleman she'd helped save from an accidental plun...
В этот день...
19 декабря 1848 года ушла из жизни Эмили Бронте (Emily Jane Bronte) (родилась в 1818г.), английская писательница ("Грозовой перевал", "Душа моя не из трусливых").
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Детство. Время открытий. Время удивляться всему в мире. Радоваться, грустить, искать себя...