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Student's Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies – Connie Sarros

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The easy way to eat vegetarian on campus Vegetarianism is growing rapidly, and young adults?including college students?are leading the charge as more and more of them discover the many benefits to adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. However, there are limited resources for budget-conscious students to keep a vegetarian diet. Student's Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies offers the growing population of vegetarian students with instruction and recipes for fast and fun vegetarian cooking. Personalized for students, it comes with quick-fix recipes, a variety of creative meal ideas, and money-saving tips. Plain-English explanations of cooking techniques and nutritional information More than 100 recipes for making vegetarian dishes that are quick, easy, and tasty Budget-conscious shopping tips When dining halls are inadequate and restaurants become too expensive, Student's Vegetarian Cookbook For Dummies has you covered!

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118089101

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