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Cast in Flame
Cast in Flame
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Cast in Flame

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This wasn’t something Tara, the Avatar of the Tower of Tiamaris, had ever enforced. But Tara was awake, in a way that the Avatar of Castle Nightshade wasn’t. She’d asked the fieflord once why his castle didn’t speak directly to her; he’d replied that living within the folds of a sentient being was not one of his life’s ambitions.

What his actual life’s ambitions were, he’d never made clear.

“Teela, is Annarion talking to anyone? I don’t think he’s speaking to his brother at the moment.”

Teela replied without looking back. “I believe he is speaking with...something. He isn’t speaking a language I recognize or understand.”

“Would he know if he was speaking to your ancestors?”

“We prefer the ancestors, if we must speak about them at all; it’s not considered wise.”

“Probably wiser than walking into a sleeping, sentient building that’s having nightmares.”

“If the building hears us, it is not guaranteed to end our lives.”

“It might help preserve them,” Kaylin replied.

“No, Kaylin. Your Tara—and I am making assumptions on hearsay, because I have not visited the Tower in Tiamaris—was, in some ways, emotionally corrupt. You cannot assume that the other Avatars are likewise compromised. If their mission was to halt shadow and its contamination, we are—in the best case—irrelevant.”


“Can you hear Annarion?” Kaylin asked the small dragon.


“...Can he hear you?”

The small beast tilted his head to the left. All the way to the left; by the time he stopped, it was almost upside down, which made it hard to meet his eyes. He whiffled.

She would have pursued the line of questioning, but the ground beneath her feet—stone, and at that, rather plain stone—began to rumble. She looked to Teela and Severn; they’d both stopped walking. They hadn’t stopped moving; they were now on alert, and they scanned the halls and the walls that enclosed it, hoping to see danger before it dropped on their heads.

The small dragon wilted. So did Kaylin, as the walls to the left and right began to recede. The stone beneath their feet didn’t, but it expanded to fill the growing space. The ceiling above, however, faded from sight. In its place was something that didn’t resemble normal architecture in any way.

It looked a lot like sky, if sky were full of storm clouds and edged in flashes of luminescent light that refused to remain one color. The clouds were gray-green; they weren’t the roiling darkness of the shadows at the heart of the fiefs. Kaylin frowned; something was wrong—if you didn’t count the disappearance of ceiling and the sudden enlargement of the halls themselves.

The clouds weren’t moving; they were fixed. She revised her opinion of their composition; they looked like they were made of stone. She hoped there were support beams somewhere that kept them off the ground.

“Forward or back?” Teela asked, dragging Kaylin’s attention away from the heights.

Kaylin shrugged. Reaching into a pocket, she flipped a coin, caught it, and laid it against her forearm. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the result. “Forward.”

“What’s wrong?” Severn asked.

She grimaced and handed him the coin.

He held it up to Teela, trusting Barrani vision to show her what he could see up close. The coin had two sides—which anyone expected from a coin. The two images, however, were not the usual Palace and Emperor; they were the profiles of two familiar men. Nightshade and Annarion.

“Nightshade was forward?” Severn asked, as he handed the coin back to Kaylin.

“Nightshade landed face-up. There’s no way he was responsible for changing the coin,” she added. “Having his face on money is probably beneath him. If I had to guess, the Castle is making its opinion known.” She glanced up. “In more ways than one.”

* * *

Wider halls meant they could walk three abreast. Kaylin drew a dagger, although moving her arms made her skin ache. The small dragon was making his usual quiet noises; the rune that was glowing between his teeth didn’t seem to inhibit his version of speech.

“You’re thinking out loud again,” Teela said.

“I’m just trying to remember how Tiamaris took the Tower in the fief.”

“And you have to work that hard?”

“Very funny. The heart of the Tower in Tiamaris was covered in words. Very like the words on my arms—except that Tara could read them. I think, in total, they were meant to be the governing commands of the Tower; I’m not sure all Towers have identical words at their heart.

“But...there was one room—and room is a really bad description—that was also adorned with words in Castle Nightshade. It was where I first heard the word Chosen.” She hesitated again.

Teela’s exhalation was sharp enough to cut. Or should have been. “Out with it.”

“I—does Annarion know that I know...”

“No. I am not a child; I understand how to maintain privacy of thought and action from those with whom I’ve shared my name.”

Clearly implying that Kaylin didn’t. “I would have been lost in that room if I hadn’t had Nightshade’s name as an anchor. I didn’t take his name. I couldn’t see it. He offered it to me.”

“Why exactly did you require an anchor?”

“I don’t know, Teela. I just—I’m not sure I could have come back from wherever it was I got stuck. I couldn’t really see the Castle or the rest of the world clearly. I could see his name.”

“That is far too much information. I’m amazed Calarnenne isn’t screaming his lungs out.”

I have some concern for my dignity.

“You weren’t likewise trapped in Tiamaris.”

“No. But Tara was there. She was trying—inasmuch as she could—to guide me. I had to choose the words that would reaffirm her existence as a watchtower without the benefit of actual understanding.”

“But you don’t own the Tower.”

“No. I didn’t get a chance to fully finish whatever it was I was trying to do. Tiamaris kind of threw me out of the circle.”

“And Nightshade is likely to do the same?”

“I don’t think the situation’s the same. We’re not under attack here. By shadows,” she added. “The Tower defenses kick in on their own in emergencies; they’re open to suggestions— or commands—if the emergency isn’t the one they were built to handle.”

“You’re still hesitating, kitling.”

“I’m not sure we can all get to the heart of the Castle without passing your ancestors.”

“The ancestors.”


* * *

She hadn’t had to walk through the Long Halls to get to the forest at the heart of the Castle. Nightshade had opened doors which should have led to halls in any sane building; they’d opened to trees, instead. Kaylin had thought—for one long moment—that she’d stepped outside. She hadn’t. The forest grew within the Castle.

She’d been afraid of Nightshade, that first time.

It was not fear, he told her softly, but caution. Caution, when dealing with my kin, is not only wise, but necessary.

A stray memory of Teela stretched, catlike, across Kaylin’s narrow bed passed by; she made an effort not to grab it.

Even An’Teela. Perhaps, in her current situation, especially An’Teela.

I don’t understand why you can’t come to us.

I am not entirely mobile; the Castle itself demands most of my concentration.

Is Annarion aware that we’re approaching him now?

He should be. If he is not, consider why.

Kaylin exhaled. We need to bypass the ancestors.

Yes, sadly, I believe you do. Be cautious, Kaylin. It is not in your nature, but try. I think the possibility that they remain bound to the Castle’s environs during this upheaval is low. There is nothing in the Castle that presents more of a danger to you now.

She thought of him. He laughed; she could feel the warmth of his surprise and amusement. Yes, he replied. But I am only a danger to you should I decide that your death—at this moment—suits my purpose. It is your preservation that is proving more challenging—but that is oft true of mortals. The humor dimmed. If An’Teela can communicate at all with my brother, she must make the threat the ancestors pose clear.

I can’t imagine she’s not trying. Teela was unimpressed. Annarion would likely be less so.

Yes. But it may be enough to focus his fury; to narrow it. still my brother at heart, but we have both changed in inexplicable ways—to each other.

* * *

“I do not think it wise,” Teela said, when Kaylin hesitantly asked her to tell Annarion that danger times two was likely to pop up at any time.

“I know. But we don’t have Nightshade with us. We can’t circumvent the ancestors—if they’re still standing guard at the doors at all.” Kaylin slowed. She’d bypassed the ancestors on the way into the forest, the first time. They had had to walk through them to leave it.

Clearly it was easier to find one’s way into the heart of the Castle than to leave it, even for Nightshade.

“I know you don’t like the chain line,” she began.

Teela waved her, imperiously, to silence. “I’ll accept it. You think you can take us to where we have to go?”

“Yes. I should warn you that if I can, it’s a one way journey; we get back the long way. Severn?”

He was already winding links of chain around Teela’s waist. Kaylin was surprised: she’d meant to use the chain as a rope line. It didn’t look like he could fight while they were bound together.

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