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BuddyPress For Dummies – Lisa Sabin-Wilson

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Use BuddyPress to create the ultimate site experience BuddyPress is a suite of free WordPress plugins and themes, each adding a distinct new feature. It contains all the features you would expect from WordPress, but it aims to let members socially interact. With this fun and friendly guide, you'll learn how to customize BuddyPress so that it matches the style of your Web site. You'll walk through the necessary steps for modifying and customizing BuddyPress themes and you'll discover how to extend BuddyPress through the use of addons and plugins. With BuddyPress, you'll be well on your way to creating the ultimate user experience on your site. Shows you how to set up the WordPress foundation required to run BuddyPress Walks you through installing BuddyPress on a WordPress-powered site Explains the different BuddyPress components, including extended profiles, private messaging, friends, groups, the wire, activity streams, blog tracking, status updates, and more Details ways to troubleshoot BuddyPress once it is up and running Demonstrates how to extend BuddyPress through the use of addons and plugins Bring all your social community subscriptions together in BuddyPress!

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470625453

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